
英語と中国語を同時に学ぶ! 潘吉Jenny告诉你とCCTV Growing up with Chineseで聞き取り書き取り

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78 Packing for a trip 准备出游物品

Hi everyone 大家好. 欢迎收看今天的成长汉语. This is Growing up with Chinese thanks for joining us today.

Now preparations for the 王 household’s trip to 上海 are almost complete. 小明 and Mike seem like they’re beginning to catch some travel fever if I do say so. But they’re really excited and understandably 上海 is great. So let’s check in with the two of them and see just how ready they are to leave.

妈妈:小明,眼看就要去上海了,你怎么还想着玩? 你收拾好行李了吗? 看你的箱子,乱七八糟。
小明:妈,咱们年年都去奶奶家。有什么好收拾的? 我们先去打会儿球,回来再收拾。
Mike:百宝箱? 我这里边可没有那么多宝贝!
Mike:我的护照呢? 我放哪儿了?

I think we all know the feeling of being essentially pack for a trip but not quite. And the last thing you wanna do is pack some more. All you want to is a break. OK well at least they’ll be in 上海 soon. Let’s take a look at some of today’s key sentences.

你收拾好行李了吗? 看你的箱子, 乱七八糟. Have you finished packing your luggage yet? Look at how messy your suitcase is. 收拾 in this context means get things ready or pack. And 乱七八糟 is a fabulous expression that means at sixes and sevens*1 or in a mess. 你的箱子乱七八糟. Your suitcase is in a complete mess.

妈妈:小明,眼看就要去上海了,你怎么还想着玩? 你收拾好行李了吗? 看你的箱子,乱七八糟
小明:妈,咱们年年都去奶奶家。有什么好收拾的? 我们先去打会儿球,回来再收拾。

我一会儿来检查, 把该带的都带上, 特别是身份证. I’m going to come inspect in a bit make sure to bring everything you’ll need especially your ID card. 检查 means inspect. 该带的 refers to the things you should bring, the essentials. 把该带的都带上. Make sure to bring everything you’ll need. 特别是 is like saying especially. So 特别是身份证 means especially your ID card.


其实他都收拾得差不多了, 就是有点乱. Actually he’s pretty much packed it’s just a bit messy. 其实 means actually and 差不多, for anyone who doesn’t remember, means almost, pretty much or nearly. Now the 乱 in this sentence is the same as the 乱 from 乱七八糟. And yes, 乱 on its own also means messy, or untidy.


All right now that we’ve covered some of today’s dialogue basics, let’s watch our clip one more time.

妈妈:小明,眼看就要去上海了,你怎么还想着玩? 你收拾好行李了吗? 看你的箱子,乱七八糟。
小明:妈,咱们年年都去奶奶家。有什么好收拾的? 我们先去打会儿球,回来再收拾。
Mike:百宝箱? 我这里边可没有那么多宝贝!
Mike:我的护照呢? 我放哪儿了?

All right everyone it’s time to take a look at today’s vocabulary and then move into our pinyin highlight.

First off, let’s look at our specific vocabulary words.

  • 箱子 suitcase. xiāng zi
  • 趁 take advantage of, avail oneself of. chèn
  • 药 medicine. yào
  • 宝贝 treasure, valuables, riches. bǎo bèi

OK for today’s pinyin highlight let’s take a look at 宝贝.

All right so let’s get it up on the board 宝 bao bao b-a-o bao. Now because we have an a in bao, our a takes the tone, which is a third tone, bǎo bǎo.

And 贝. Now, b-e-i bei. Uh you can think of the English word bay like the San Francisco Bay and that’s pretty much the pronunciation of 贝. Now it’s fourth tone we have an e so our tone marker goes above the e and not the i, which is the final vowel. bèi fourth tone, bǎo bèi.


马大哈. Like we said earlier 马大哈 means careless, absent minded or forgetful. And can also mean scatterbrain or a careless person. Now this term became popular from a famous Chinese comic dialogue or crosstalk*2 entitled “Buying Monkeys.” And the story goes like this.

There was a manager of a store named 马大哈 and yes, he is known for being careless and slightly scatterbrained. Now he intended to write out a shopping list for one of his purchasers that said “go to the north east corner of 天津 and buy fifty boxes of monkey brand soap.” 到天津市的东北交, 买猴牌肥皂五十箱.

But instead he wrote “go to the north east and buy fifty monkeys.” 到东北买猴五十只.

And yes, the man or the purchaser went off and was actually able to find the fifty monkeys his boss, 马大哈, asked for. So he brought the monkeys back to the department store. And they all escaped from their cages and raised a ruckus*3. And so, this is where the saying 马大哈 originated a careless or scatterbrained person. Pretty funny, no?


All right it’s language point time everyone, let’s start off by taking a look at 眼看.

眼看 means soon or in no time. If your eyes 眼 can see 看 something, it’s not far off, right? OK, so 小明’s mom said today 眼看就要去上海了, 你怎么还想着玩? We’re leaving for 上海 so soon, how are you still thinking about playing? Now you could also say 这场比赛, 我们眼看就要赢了. We’re going to win this competition in no time. Let’s look at some more examples.

  • 眼看就要下雨了,我们得快点儿走。/好的。
  • 眼看就快放寒假了,你们有什么打算?/我们想一起去上海叔叔家。

We’ve got a pattern next. 没有…不. Now this is the double negative acting as a positive pattern kind of like there isn’t anything we can’t do. So, we can do everything right? All right so 小明’s mom was talking to Mike about how scatterbrained 小明 is. And she said 他没有出门不落东西的时候. He doesn’t ever leave the house without forgetting something. You could also say 没有什么事不好的. There isn’t anything that is bad. It’s all good. 都是好的.

  • 你说我将来能成为一个摄影家吗?/没有什么是可能的,只要你肯努力。
  • 电影好看吗?/太感人了,电影院里没有一个哭的。

And finally we have 免得. Now please note the 得 is a neutral tone. Now 免得 is a conjunction that means “so as not to” or “so as to avoid.” It’s commonly used at the begging of a short clause. So Mike said today 这个是常用的药, 免得到时候晕机. This is some commonly used medicines so as to avoid getting air sick. Now you could also say 有事情最好尽量自己做, 免得麻烦别人. It’s best if you try to do things yourself so as not to bother other people. 免得 can be exchanged for 省得. OK, let’s take a look at some examples.

  • 小明,把你的身份证和机票放在一起,免得忘了。/好的,我知道了。
  • 我们明天早上五点出发,免得堵车。/这也太早了吧。

And that’s all we have time for today. 时间过的真快. Now if you haven’t already, don’t forget to visit our website and check out everything that’s there. And while you are at it, send us an email, it’s always great to hear from you. OK, until next time, good luck with your Chinese studies everyone, 大家, 加油, thanks for watching, 下次见.

*1:at sixes and sevens めちゃくちゃな

*2:crosstalk 掛け合い

*3:ruckus 大騒ぎ