
英語と中国語を同時に学ぶ! 潘吉Jenny告诉你とCCTV Growing up with Chineseで聞き取り書き取り

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89 Hotel check-in 酒店入住


Hi everybody, 大家好, 欢迎收看今天的成长汉语. Thanks for joining us for today’s episode of Growing up with Chinese.

Now someone important arrives today. And that means some sightseeing will be in Mike, 小明 and 兰兰’s future. But for now, our important person needs to arrive first. So who might it be? Well for those of you who tuned in last time, I’d say, you know. But for those of you who didn’t, you’ll just half to watch today’s skit to find out.

Mike:Hi. Mom… OK. OK. alright. OK. 小明,你能告诉我妈妈从机场到酒店的路线吗? 她能听得懂中文。
小明:好的。阿姨,您好,我是小明。要不您把电话给司机师傅吧,我直接跟他说。师傅,梅地亚酒店您听说过吗? 您可以直接开到长安街,梅地亚酒店就在世纪坛附近。好的,好的。找不到您再给我打电话。
Mike:怎么样? 说清楚了吗?


小明:好的,谢谢! 对了,还有一个问题,房间里可以上网吗?

小明:对不起,我是否可以换一个朝南的房间? 现在的房间临街,有点儿吵。

小明:真的? 阿姨您太厉害了! 麦克,我先走了,你再陪妈妈聊聊天吧。

All right Mike certainly seemed excited to see his mom and I would be excited too, if I hadn’t seen my mom and so long. So today we got a great look at how one checks into a hotel? Now let’s take a few minutes to go over some of what was said.

In this day and age*1 it’s always, always nice to have access to the internet wherever you are. And the hotel we saws today even has wireless 无线网络. 无 means lack of, without, or not have. 线 can mean a lot of thing like line, or cord, so 无线 is lack of line or wireless. Now 网络 we’ve covered before although it’s been a while. Yes, it means internet. Now the lady at the front desk said 每个房门都开通了无线网络. 开通 when talking about communication lines or routes, means to be put into use*2 or open to traffic*3.

小明:好的,谢谢! 对了,还有一个问题,房间里可以上网吗?

现在的房间临街. My current room is facing or overlooking the street. 临 is to face or overlook. And 街 means street.

有点儿吵. It’s a little noisy. 吵 is how you say noisy in Chinese.

小明:对不起,我是否可以换一个朝南的房间? 现在的房间临街有点儿吵

So we should all know that 茶 is how you say tea in Chinese. But have you ever heard the expression 功夫茶?

Mike said today 我妈妈在美国还喝过功夫茶. Yes, 功夫 is kung-fu the sport. But it can also refer to workmanship, skill or art. So, 功夫茶 refers to any kind of Chinese tea, oftentimes 乌龙, that requires some skills to brew, skills and the proper utensils.

A typical tea set for brewing 功夫茶 includes two tea pots: one for brewing tea, and one for pouring the brewed tea into, and two cups. You pour the tea into the first cup, and then you pour into the second cup. Then the first cup is used to smell the fragrance of the tea, and the second cup is the one you actually drink from.

Now, all of this is done on top of a 茶船 or a tea boat which is like a glorified tray with a catch*4 below, so that any overflow of tea, or hot water doesn’t spill onto the table. Complicated no? It’s a lot of fun.

小明:真的? 阿姨您太厉害了! 麦克,我先走了,你再陪妈妈聊聊天吧。

All right let’s take a few minutes to go over today’s vocabulary words.

  • 路线 in today’s context, 路线 means route. lù xiàn
  • 清楚 clear, distinct, lucid. qīng chǔ
  • 护照 passport. hù zhào
  • 入住手续 check-in procedure. rù zhù shǒu xù
  • 预订 reserve, reservation. yù dìng


So next show we will be visiting a Chinese tea house and today we’re going to give you all a basic rundown*5 of tea for as you all know. China is famous for its tea.

Now depending on where you might come from tea may or may not be a big part of your daily diet.

In a nutshell though, tea can be broken down into four main categories: white tea, green tea, oolong, and black tea.

And really what separates these four categories isn’t the tea plant. Essentially all tea, white, green, oolong and black comes from the same plant. But its the oxidization process that turns the tea leaves into their respective types. So here’s how it works.

Green tea is unwilted and unoxidized. White tea is wilted*6 but not oxidized. Oolong tea is wilted, bruised and partially oxidized, and black tea is wilted sometimes crushed and completely oxidized. Cool no?

Now I’ve actually been to a tea plantation in China before and picked tea leaves which are typically the top section of leaves on the plant. Then we took the leaves to what looked like a huge cast iron wok*7 and heated them up. Now the woman helping me used her hands to repeatedly turned the leaves over and over and over in the wok almost like we were toasting them. It’s really fascinating.


OK it’s time to take a look at our three language points of the day, and first off we’ve got 凭.

Now 凭 is a preposition that means go by, base on, or act according to. It typically follows a noun, a phrase or a sentence fragment and can be used before the subject.

So today the hotel employee said 每天早上7点到10点, 可以凭房卡到一层的餐厅吃早餐. Every morning from seven to ten you can have breakfast on the first floor by showing your room card.

Now in spoken Chinese, if what follows 凭, isn’t a single syllable noun, you commonly hear 着 added after 凭. 凭着. So the meaning doesn’t change, it’s the same. So the hotel employee could have said 可以凭着房卡到一层的餐厅吃早餐. You can have breakfast on the first floor by showing your room card. See, meaning doesn’t change. All right, let’s take a look at some more examples.

  • 兰兰她会喜欢这件礼物吗?/我对她的了解,她肯定喜欢。
  • 演讲马上开始了,我们进去吧。/等等,要票入场。

是否. 否 is like saying 不是 or not. So 是否 is like saying 是不是 or whether or not, whether, or if. Now you can use 是否 to directly create a question. So you don’t need 吗, our verbal question mark.

小明 used 是否 this way today when he said 我是否可以换一个朝南的房间? Would it be possible to change to a room that’s facing south? Now you could also say 这个活动是否他也来参加. Will he be participating in this event as well?

Now if you use 是否 in front of an object clause, the sentence doesn’t become a question. It becomes a statement. For example. 我不知道他是否来参加这个活动. I’m not sure whether he will be participating in this event or not.

  • 不知道演唱会的票是否还能买到?/我们打个电话问问?
  • 李老师,不知道您这个周末是否有时间?/我们想请您参加兴趣小组的活动。

And finally, let’s take a look at 暂时. 暂时 denotes a short period of time like temporarily or for now. Our hotel employee said today 我们暂时没有朝南的空房. For now, we don’t have any empty south facing rooms. So you could also say 我暂时还没决定是否要去. For now, I haven’t decided if I want to go or not. Not too complicated right? Let’s look at some more examples.

  • 我出去一下,书包暂时放你这儿。/好的,没问题。
  • 兰兰,你能看出这两幅画有什么不同吗?/暂时还没看出来。

好了, 我们今天剩的时间不多了. We’ve just about run out of time for today, but don’t forget to visit our website if you want to review anything or watch today’s episode again. And while you are at it, please feel free to leave us some comments or send in any questions you might have. It’s always good to hear from you. OK, I will see you all next time. 大家, 加油, 下次见.

*1:in this day and age 今の時代

*2:put ~ into use 〜を実際に使う

*3:open to traffic 開通する

*4:catch 落とし穴

*5:rundown 要約

*6:wilt しおれさせる

*7:wok 中華鍋