
英語と中国語を同時に学ぶ! 潘吉Jenny告诉你とCCTV Growing up with Chineseで聞き取り書き取り

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98 Fruit-picking 郊外采摘


Hi everybody 大家好, 欢迎收看今天的成长汉语. Thanks for joining us for today’s episode of Growing up with Chinese.

Now Mike, 兰兰 and 小明 are off to the suburbs of 北京 for a day outdoors sound like fun doesn’t it? It’s always nice to get out of the city every now and then*1. And today, we’re getting the chance. So let’s check in with our gang and see how their trip’s going.

小明:你们怎么决定今天去采摘呀? 天这么热。我还没进樱桃园呢,就汗流浃背了。

小明:你真神了,麦克。一会儿就摘了这么一大筐。你是不是雇人摘的呀? 哈哈。
Mike:小明,你怎么搞的呀? 摘了半天,筐里空空如也。

OK our trio certainly looked like they were having a fun time picking cherries although from the look of it 小明 did more eating than anything else. OK let’s take a few minutes to go over some of what was said.

Now it certainly looked like it was a hot day. And 小明 used a fabulous expression regarding sweat. He said 天这么热. 我还没进樱桃园呢, 就汗流浃背了. 汗流浃背 is a set expression meaning streaming with sweat or soaked with sweat, be it from heat, physical exercise or even fear. Now 浃 is a word you don’t hear too often as it is mostly used in written Chinese and it means soak through, or spread all over. 汗流浃背.

小明:你们怎么决定今天去采摘呀? 天这么热。我还没进樱桃园呢,就汗流浃背了

Now you’d think that all the cherry trees in one orchard would pretty much taste the same. But no, our trio discovered one tree in particular that grew sweeter cherries than all the rest. So, Mike guessed it was because this specific tree got the most fertilizer. 我猜, 是这棵树施肥最多? 施肥 means to fertilize and yes, the 肥 here is the word for fat. But it is also the word for fertilizer 肥料.

And Mike was indeed correct with his guess, but more importantly, as 小明 pointed out, 这棵树没被遮挡, 光照时间最长. The tree isn’t blocked by anything 没被遮挡. So it gets the longest amount of sunlight. Now 光 means light, right? And 照 here means to shine upon. So together, 光照 means illumination. 光照时间最长.

小明:你真神了,麦克。一会儿就摘了这么一大筐。你是不是雇人摘的呀? 哈哈。
Mike:小明,你怎么搞的呀? 摘了半天,筐里空空如也。

兰兰 got quite poetic towards the end of the dialogue; she said 你们看那棵樱桃树, 红红的樱桃挂在树上, 那么好看. 我都不忍心摘. 不忍心摘 means she doesn’t have the heart to pick them.

And 小明’s reply to her was 你别抒情了. Now if someone is 抒情, it means that they’re expressing or conveying their emotion. So it can be used in a positive or kind of negative way. If you’re going a bit of overboard*2 or being a little over the top*3, you can say exactly what 小明 said 你别抒情了. But, you could also compliment someone’s speech by saying 真抒情. That would be positive.


All right, let’s take a few minutes to go over some of today’s vocabulary.

  • 采摘 pluck, pick. cǎi zhāi
  • 樱桃 cherry. yīng táo
  • 抱怨 complain. bào yuàn
  • 雇 hire, employ, engage. gù
  • 遮挡 shelter from, keep out. zhē dǎng
  • 野餐 picnic, food prepared for a picnic. yě cān

All right everyone it’s time to go over our three language points of the day, and to begin with we have a pattern: 该 A 还得 A.

Now typically the A in this pattern is a word or phrase expressing an action. And the pattern sets up that whatever it is you need to do, you should do it. It doesn’t matter what has come before or what’s coming after, you just need to do it. So today in response to 兰兰’s saying 小明 shouldn’t just stand there eating cherries instead of picking them, he said 别光顾着摘, 该吃还得吃啊. You shouldn’t just focus on picking, when you need to eat, you need to eat. Now, you could also say 虽然工作很多, 但该休息还得休息. Even though you have a lot of work, when you need to rest, you should rest.

  • 阿姨,我得去参加篮球训练。/你现在生病了,该休息还得休息
  • 你虽然放暑假了,但是该按时起床还得按时起床。/啊,就睡一天也不行吗?

OK here is a fun one. 怎么搞的*4. Now, this is a Chinese colloquialism equivalent to “what’s going on,” or “what’s wrong with you” in English. So 怎么搞的 expresses that the speaker is not satisfied with this situation or circumstance. So Mike said today 小明, 你怎么搞的呀? 摘了半天, 筐里空空如也. 小明 what’s wrong with you? Your container is completely empty. Now if a teacher, for example, were to walk into a classroom and the students were running all over the place, she or he could say 这是怎么搞的? 为什么你们不坐下? What’s going on here? Why aren’t you all sitting down?

  • 小明,你怎么搞的?/刚才突然下大雨,我没带伞。
  • 你的自行车又坏了? 怎么搞的?/我也不知道啊。

And finally we have another expression. 三句话不离 or 三句话离不开. In every three sentences X is mentioned or brought up. So 三句话不离 is used to emphasize something that is mentioned with extreme frequency. The 三 or three isn’t really literal here it just serves to express frequency. So, 兰兰 said today 你就是三句话离不开吃. You can go for one minute without mentioning eating or you bring up eating all the time.

  • Mike现在变成“上海迷”了,三句话不离上海。/是吗?
  • 你们俩怎么三句话不离足球啊? 太无聊了。/哈哈,现在有“世界杯”比赛嘛。

好了, 我们今天剩的时间不多了. We’ve just about run out of time for today. But before we end, I want to encourage all of you to go online and search for cartoons or TV content in Chinese.

Now many of you have written in asking if I have anything specific I would recommend. And to be honest, I can’t really think of anything specific although in my own experience watching cartoons are a great way to practice your listening skills. The language is never too difficult and the cartoons themselves are a lot of fun.

Um there are a bunch of Monkey King cartoons from the eighties that are fabulous. But really, I think I’d say any cartoon works.

When my family first arrived in China in nineteen eighty-eight, we used to watch a Portuguese soap opera on TV that had been dubbed into Chinese just for practice and we’ve never missed an episode. In any case, introducing some fun ways to practice your language skills never hurts.

And on that note, don’t forget to visit our website if you want to review anything or watch today’s episode again, and while you are there please leave us some comments or send in any questions you have. It’s always good to hear from you. OK, I will see you all next time. 大家, 加油, 下次见.

*1:every now and then 時折

*2:go overboard やり過ぎる

*3:over the top 過度に
