
英語と中国語を同時に学ぶ! 潘吉Jenny告诉你とCCTV Growing up with Chineseで聞き取り書き取り

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693 如何通过全英面试?这5个问题是关键

非英語ネイティブにとって、英語面接をいかに突破するか? 5種類の質問への対応が鍵だといいます。(2019/10/21配信)


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Jenny: 嗨大家好,我是Jenny。今天开言英语的《潘吉Jenny告诉你》呢,要帮你准备英语面试。
Adam: Hey guys, this is interviewing Adam, interviewer Adam I suppose, who will be helping you get ready for that interview.
Jenny: 诶对。因为说到英语面试啊很多人就会很紧张,对不对。Because it is hard, 中文面试我觉得会紧张更别说是要用与非母语。
Adam: Right right exactly. So if you are doing a job interview we are going through a job interview in another language, my goodness that can be challenging.
Jenny: 对但我绝对不用怕,就是事先做好一些准备呢。It really goes a long way. 对你会非常的有帮助啊。所以还收到过好几次用户的留言说“诶Jenny,我要用,我要做面试官用英语全面试一个外国的候选人”。这也反映了现在中国经济在全球的地位改变了对不对。所以,除了我们当interviewee被人家面试的我们现在也当interviewer当面试官。
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Adam: Yeah that’s right that’s actually a really good thing to mention right here is that. We do have those two words interviewer, interviewee.
Adam: But of course interview can also be a noun and a verb it is an interview, but it’s something that you also do you can interview someone or give someone an interview.
Jenny: 哦是的。那,比如我要参加面试我可以说I’m interviewing for a job吗。我参加面试。
Adam: You can say that, you can say I’m interviewing, although that’s a little bit unclear what your role is. Are you the interviewer or are the are you the interviewee. Usually if we if we are the interviewee, someone is giving us an interview, we just say “I’ve got an interview.”
Jenny: Ah I’ve got an interview. 呢如果你是面试官呢?
Adam: You would say “I have to give an interview.”
Jenny: To give an interview.
Adam: Right.
Jenny: OK. 那不管怎么样,我们都希望你可以ace*1这个interview啊。
Adam: Oh yeah, you kill it.
Jenny: 对, I love this phrase to ace an interviewer to kill it?
Adam: Crush it.
Jenny: 对,意思就是表现非常非常的好。对,不在话下。好,那我们今天呢,我觉得非常好的一个准备方法就是看一下这个,面试里会出现哪些很common很常见的问题啊,这些问题的类型。But before we get into that, 我想先问问Adam,interviewee开始你们两个就face to face坐在那儿,你这么时候,要怎么开场不尴尬,但是又还是显得比较专业的。
Adam: Well, you you know you’re going to have to play this by ear*2 guys because a lot of interviewers have a different style, I would suggest talking about something very simple: “nice day we‘re having.”
Jenny: 啊就是你还是会说点这个小的small talk.
Adam: Yeah, I just got a little small talk in there and most people are going to respond well to that, of course there are going to be people that do not respond well to that. But you will probably be able to tell you can look at their face.
Jenny: 对,这是可能一方面取决于这个interviewer面试官的personality。他的类型一方面取决于这个role这个工作班上,或者the type of company。
Adam: Right.
Jenny: 公司是什么样的,对吗。呃但我觉得to peace就是keep it professional很专业,就不要太过随意。
Adam: Right “oh man I drunk so much beer last night, I almost didn’t come to the interview.”
Jenny: 当然没有人会呢,但是呢,I think it’s also good to keep it personable?
Adam: Yes, remember you are both people you are both human beings. So you want to make it as comfortable and as smooth as possible.
Jenny: 对,personable的意思就是这自然一点,对吧。这是是两个人在面试所以不用太紧崩太紧张的载能力啊。
Jenny: 好。那,现在我们就开始跟大家说说what are some very common types of interview questions。
Adam: Well, remember that the interviewer is probably going to have a copy of your résumé or your CV in front of them? So they’re going to be looking at your credentials.
Jenny: 噢,对。好呢我们今天其实给大家分的这些问题类型呢,呃我们会举一些这个specific具体问题的例子啊。但我觉得就是分类法总是更有用一点。那第一类要说的这个问题呢,就是verification or credential verification questions。好。那,credential其实就是你有什么资历对么。
Adam: Right so it’s probably going to be degree,
Jenny: 嗯。
Adam: Maybe some other sort of course that you’ve taken.
Jenny: 学历的或者其实你之前的工作经历professional的这个也对也是你的credential。然后你用了一个词叫他们要verify一下。Verify经常是什么信用卡”oh we need to verify it’s you”。
Adam: Right it’s just it’s a very official word that just means check to see if it’s true.
Jenny: 啊对验证一下,对吧。好。那,在这个阶段we all to answer this type of questions? 你不用说很长。你的credentials可能很多啊。或者我们刚大学毕业出来工作的朋友,但你不必把自己去上学学的东西很讲了太想系。
Adam: Would it be a good idea to suggest them to remind the interviewer that they have the résumé right there? So you could say something like “well, as you can see in my résumé,” or “as you’ve probably learned from my résumé, I graduated from blah blah blah school, and I’ve worked in blah blah blah for…”
Jenny: 对,对。这是必concise。这个说你在give一个summary overview of your credentials.
Adam: Right.
Jenny: 对吗,这不要每一个item都说出来。
Adam: Right all my third year, I took a course on African drumming,
Jenny: 你学过吗。
Adam: I didn’t take it.
Jenny: 非洲大鼓。
Adam: It’s it’s my regret. Biggest regret.
Jenny: 好。Concise就是要简明扼要to the point。像这个我觉得就是特别好的一个方法嘛就自己写下来可能就是三、四句话。但是你可以很熟得把它背下来。因为我觉得it’s really important to get off on the good start。
Adam: Right right. This and this is a great chance for you to do that because this one is kind of a no-brainer*3.
Jenny: 对对对因为这个是很容易准备的啊。好。那,接下来我们要看看这一类问题呢,我就就比较tricky就是属于也很有挑战性的问题。
Adam: Right, with these ones are called “behavioral questions.”
Jenny: Behavioral就是行为的对吗。行为问题。那到底什么是behavioral questions呢?
Adam: Well, this type of question usually includes something like “can you give me a specific example of how you did that?”
Jenny: Oh.
Adam: Right, so in or on your résumé it’s going to say like “I am very very uh… proactive.” Well they’re going to want to know what that means in your own words in your own experiences.
Jenny: 对,这是行为类的问题,基本上是在看你past behavior过往的行为你做了什么是和你简历上写的“哎,我取得了这样的results这样的performance,那你这个业绩你现在来讲一讲”。对,所以这一类的问题最主要就是你回答的时候就要给他一个specific example。
Adam: Right exactly so I just use the word “proactive,” you could say “oh, one time you know, I was very proactive was,“ blah blah blah.
Jenny: 对,所以这个其实也是要准备因为基本上,面试里面都会有讲的问题啊。好呢其实有一个特别好用的四维框架*4可以准备这类问题的就是叫STAR framework
Adam: Ah yes the STAR framework. Situation, Task, Action, Result.
Jenny: Well in corporate America, people love to coin these like acronyms.
Adam: Oh yeah oh just say they always talk about thinking outside-the-box*5, actually they love to think inside-the-box*6. And right now the box is the STAR framework.
Jenny: OK. 那STAR就stands for光光的。呃具体是什么适应那个situation,然后,你要做的这个任务是什么你的task是什么。然后呢,你具体采用什么途径啊what action you took。
Adam: Right.
Jenny: 最后 achieve what results.
Adam: What results.
Jenny: 嗯。好呢除了这个behavioral questions呢,另外一大类也是challenging的问题就是…
Adam: The situational or hypothetical question.
Jenny: 啊,场景性的或者hypothetical就是假设性的问题。
Adam: Right. So here, the situation isn’t a real situation. It’s it’s an imaginary situation, but you can still kind of use the exact same framework here, right? So whatever the situation is, I always remember when I was younger applying for retail jobs, it would always be the same hypothetical question. “What would you do if you caught your coworker stealing?”
Jenny: 哦,是吗。
Adam: Always this question.
Jenny: So what would you do?
Adam: Oh you just you know, so the situation is you catch somebody stealing, you know at the task here is basically ratting out*7 your coworker to the boss. The action is sort of the same thing you know “hey boss, I just saw Jenny stealing a bag,” and the result is…
Jenny: Jenny getting fired.
Adam: Jenny gets fired.
Jenny: Or arrested.
Adam: Or arrested.
Jenny: 好。对那situational或hypothetical假设性的问题,哦这里的重点其实你要show your logic your thinking,因为面试官会问“啊,如果对你遇到这样的一个通常是个挑战吧”。对吧,你会怎么样,你会怎么来解决,这里重要的是你要show这个approach the step by step“我为什么将做为什么这么想”。因为有的时候这些问题没有一个standard answer。
Adam: Right, right right.
Jenny: 对吧,就不是right or wrong。最重要的就是你可以解释自己的做事逻辑。
Adam: Right. Now just one language point here, just one grammar point; when we are talking about hypothetical situations, we always use this ”would.“
Jenny: Ah.
Adam: Right? “I would do this.”
Jenny: 对对对, “what would you do.”
Adam: Right. Well in that case I would do this, I would do that, if you say “will,” it’s not wrong, but it will just sound better if you say “would.”
Jenny: OK. 好那么接下来的一类问题呢第四类的问题。就是更直接地问你有什么样的技能。然后有一些工作是特别至这种highly skill-based。
Adam: Uh-uh, right. So in some ways this should be kind of a break, from those hard questions two and three, because you should be able to talk about your skills or your experience with tools or different technologies or specific industry knowledge.
Jenny: 对对对和你这个行业或这个工种特别相关的一些技能啊。哎,你,你觉得作为一个开言英语的主播,你的技能你的skill是什么。
Adam: 啊…拍马屁*8
Adam: 拍老板的嘛。
Jenny: 你应该说太,太听众kan lun… Now pleasing the xxx
Adam: I think my what the skills that I have here I I have a lot of audio skills that brings to the table*9 here.
Jenny: 对,对,音频经验。
Adam: Right so that I had those skills before long before I started this job.
Jenny: Right. Recording into by using your voice or vocals and also with software and hardware, 对.
Jenny: Fifth type of interview questions 我觉得这个很重要.
Adam: Yeah, really important and for some people this one this one can be tough for other people I’m sure this one might be the easiest. It’s your career-based questions. “So what’s your career plan for the next couple of years?”
Adam: “What area do you want to develop in?” The tricky part about this one though is to you know accurately and honestly express your goals, but to do it in such a way that it sort of alliance with the company goals.
Jenny: 对。还需要和这个职位和这个公司的目标是结合的。对,所以我觉得这样的问题,就可能也要看the candidate or the interviewee候选人是处在what career stage他事业在什么阶段啊。比如很junior的我们大学刚毕业出来。哦,就不一定所有人都会问你,因为你很junior吗。但是有的时候也会问, anyway, whenever I get an answer for this type of questions, 我都觉得挺开心了 because it shows the candidate 他就是很有自我的认知,他非常有意识的在 you know carve out*10 a career path for themselves.
Adam: Right.
Jenny: 就他他的其实思维高度时有的。
Adam: Right. Do you remember when when you gave me an interview all those years ago, what I said my my goal was?
Jenny: 我觉那时候不是很好的一个面试官我好像都没问你这个…
Jenny: That’s the thing because you also 不是说面试官就是 not at all. 我自己就感觉,比如我面试Adam的时候我的interview skill很差呀,作为一个面试官。But I, I was so lucky I got such a good… employee…
Jenny: 好我也很会拍你马屁好不好。
Jenny: 好今天跟大家分享了很多的tips啊。There is any more?
Adam: There’s a good one and this really applies to so many different situations. You’re looking for a new apartment, you’re basically any kind of interview.
Adam: You really should prepare at least one or two questions for them. Even if they’re just fake questions, just have one ready.
Jenny: 对我也非常同意。准备好不要太多了一两个问题。来问这个面试官,呃可以适合这个role这个岗位*11相关的。或者可能公司啊行业相关的。但我觉得it really shows your interest and engagement, 对而且就是觉得你是很主动的嘛。
Adam: Exactly exactly because that person is probably going to say “do you have any questions for me?” And if you’d kind of sit there and go, “well… uh… I don’t know… where… where is the… where is the cafeteria?”
Jenny: 而且,我发现啊,在那种if you have a few rounds of interviews几轮的面试,俄我就面过候选人他说“我没有问题”。但他说噢因为前一个面试官未经问过了。You know which is better than nothing, right? 但我觉得其实同样的问题你也可以问另外一个面试官。因为他不知道你已经问过了吗。Right? You really want to show that you’re engaging you really want this job and that you’re intellectually curious.
Adam: Yes but don’t be too intellectually curious you know don’t give them a really abstract, you know, “what is the meaning of life,” kind of question.
Jenny: 或者和这个岗位特别不相关的我觉得也不要问。因为这样可能觉得你逻辑性不是那么强啊。分析能力prior test的能力好像没有那么强。
Jenny: 好,那我们今天的节目就到这儿。希望对所有要参加英语面试的朋友有用。我们今天准备这几节目的首期就是看我们开言的英语面试课程系列。因为我们这套课程是我们课我们非常专业的HR同事们一起开发的。Because a lot of the times when I look at those interview English lessons 你就觉得是,就没有行业经验的老师写的就不是那么现实。
Adam: Right like every single English interview lesson that has ever been prepared in the history of the world contains: “what are your strengths? And what are your weaknesses.”
Jenny: 对,然后自己真的做业务以后就会发现,绝对没有人会问这种问题,对。
Jenny: 好的。那,希望我们今天的节目对你非常有用。然后如果你想提高自己的职场英语能力呢也可以看一下我们开言的会员课程。因为他是很好的结合,真是职场场景和英语口语的一套课程。OK thank you for listening we’ll see you next time.
Adam: Yeah all right bye guys.

  1. verification or credential verification questions
  2. behavioral questions
  3. situational or hypothetical questions
  4. highly skill-based questions
  5. career-based questions


*1:ace 楽々と合格する

*2:play 〜 by ear ぶっつけ本番で〜をする

*3:no-brainer 頭を使うまでもないこと(文字どおりのほうの意味もあり)

*4:框架/kuàng jià/ framework

*5:outside-the-box 型にはまらずに

*6:inside-the-box 型にはまって

*7:rat out チクる

*8:拍马屁/pāi mǎ pì/ ごまをする

*9:bring 〜 to the table 〜を提供する

*10:carve out 努力して築き上げる

*11:岗位/gǎng wèi/ 部署、持ち場、担当