
英語と中国語を同時に学ぶ! 潘吉Jenny告诉你とCCTV Growing up with Chineseで聞き取り書き取り

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695 EZ、CUL8R...啥意思?不懂缩写就没法和老外聊天!


EZだのLOLだのは知ってる、でもGGって何よ… 今回のエピソードはオチまでついてて完成度が高いです。(2019/10/23配信)


a b
Jenny: 嗨,大家好,我是Jenny。你正在收听要开言英语带来的《潘吉Jenny告诉你》。
Adam: Hey guys, this is Adam and BTW we have a great topic today.
Jenny: IMHO, I couldn’t agree more. 那我们今天呢就像跟大家说说英语里非常常用的缩写。而且这些缩写呢,就是它们不是工作当中会用的是日常跟朋友聊天开心很fun的时候用的。
Adam: That’s right this is the chatspeaks*1. So this is stuff that you could be using in emails probably more likely you’re using it on WeChat or or any other messages do people still use QQ?
Jenny: 啊,现在年轻人又回去又用QQ。
Adam: Well that’s great.
Jenny: 今天我们要分享的这些缩写呢,都属于英文里的chatspeak。那chat就是聊天对吗。这里这里的speak说的就是讲一种说话的形式。
Adam: Right, exactly.
Jenny: 好,那这些之下Adam说的是大家发微信啊会美国人就是FB啊这些经常会用的啊缩写。哎,那缩写英文怎么说啊。
Adam: Ah there’s a couple different words we could use, the most technical or formal is “abbreviation,” or to abbreviate something, but often we just use the word “short form.”
Jenny: 哦,短的,short form。
Adam: Right.
Jenny: 好呢今天我们要分享这一串呢,就为大家从A to Z以alphabetic order整理出来了字母顺序。好呢我们就先从A开始吧?
a b
Adam: OK, AFAIK. This is the first one on our list.
Jenny: 就很长。AFAIK.
Adam: Um.
Jenny: What does it stand for?
Adam: Well as far as I know, it stands for “As Far As I Know.
Jenny: 好。那,as far as I know是英文里面常用的一个短语啊。意思就是,“反正我知道的就是这样”。
Adam: Right, right right.
Jenny: Right. To the best of my knowledge.
Adam: Uh-huh.
Jenny: 好,那接下来的这个缩写呢,可能大家比较熟悉。
Adam: Ah yes, ASAP.
Jenny: “As Soon As Possible.”
Adam: Right and this is one of the few examples on today’s list that people actually say. They use their mouths and say this.
Jenny: 这它会说I need this asap是吗。
Adam: They say asap you can also say ASAP.
Jenny: OK.
Adam: Both are fine; the point is that we use our mouths to say it whereas AFAIK people don’t say that.
Jenny: Because it’s hard to say.
Adam: Yeah yes, easier to say as far as I know.
Jenny: 但是你聊天这是type的时候打字啊很常有。
Jenny: 好,那接下来我们来看B的。
Adam: OK, BBL. That sounds like a character from Star Wars.
Jenny: 就听起来很可爱啊。它是…
Adam: “Be Back Later.”
Jenny: 哦一会儿回来啊。可能聊天聊到yiba“哎哟,老板来了,BBL”。一会儿再回来。
Jenny: 好,那接下来的一个意思差不多?
Adam: Um, BRB.
Jenny: “Be Right Back.”
Adam: Be right back. So this one has been around*2 for ever.
Jenny: 对和那个asap差不多啊。
Adam: Right.
Jenny: 好的,然后接下来的这一个呢也是have been around for ever?
Adam: Yes but still very very very useful BTW.
Jenny: “By The Way.”
Adam: Yeah.
Jenny: 哎,这个BTW我觉得…工作就不要太正式的工作邮件了里面倒也可以用。
Adam: Yeah, for sure.
Jenny: 是吗,你想一个,真你突然想起一件事儿“啊,BTW”。
Adam: Uh-huh. Although if you’re putting it in like a business email, for example like to some clients, it might come across as like too direct almost,
Jenny: 对,就是和熟悉的同事是OK的啊。
Adam: Right.
Jenny: All right, 那接下来我们来看C开头的缩写。
Adam: OK. C, C, the letter C sounds a lot like the word “see.”
Jenny: S-e-e.
Adam: Right as in ICU or I’ll CUL8R.
Jenny: OK. 所以这个缩写就是C和U这两个字母吗。
Adam: Right. CU.
Jenny: 哦就是see you的意思。
Adam: Right.
Jenny: 那我们后面呢还可以给他加几个字母和一个数字。
Adam: Um OK. So we got C-U-L-8-R.
Jenny: 这是see you later。
Adam: Later. Yeah because “8” also sounds like eight.
Jenny: 哦,对。See you later. 这也挺可爱的写出来。
Jenny: 好,那接下来D的今天list没有直接跳的E。
Adam: OK, E. E-Z.
Jenny: 这是什么啊。
Adam: “Easy.”
Jenny: Oh easy, OK. 比如“考试怎么样?” “How was the test?”
Adam: EZ.
Jenny: 你就打E和Z这两个字母
Adam: Right. Doesn’t work in England or Canada or Australia I think though because E-Z/zed/ doesn’t really sound like a word.
Jenny: 是的是的。OK那接下来的这个…
Adam: OK next is F2F.
Jenny: 这也有一个数字“2”对吗。
Adam: That’s right, two. So we have F2F, which is “Face To Face.”
Jenny: 啊,比如,要谈分手。然后你要发短信说“we need to talk F2F”。
Adam: Right, yeah that’s not something you want to talk about online.
Jenny: 嗯。好的,那接下来这个F的FWIW
Adam: Wow Gee, this is fun. Some of these look really hard on my eyes because these are all capital letters, I don’t have to be capital letters but they’re often capital letters so FWIW “For What It’s Worth.”
Jenny: What does does this mean…?
Adam: For what it’s worth uh…
Adam: …Well, it’s just a way of showing that you know this is my opinion,
Jenny: 哦,就像just my two cents.*3
Adam: Just my two cents.
Jenny: 我的拙见或者后面有的那个什么IMHO in my humble opinion。
Adam: In my humble opinion exactly.
Jenny: 嗯,好。那,F里面呢也有一个存在很久的缩写,就是FYI。
Adam: Oh yeah OK so this is another one that you can use your mouth to say “oh FYI, the boss is going to…”
Jenny: The boss is coming,
Adam: The boss is, wow yeah, you might just say “the boss is coming,” but “hey FYI, the boss is going to be leaving early tomorrow, do you want to go to happy hour.”
Jenny: OK “For Your Information.” 诶,FYI和前面那个BTW有什么区别。
Adam: Ah well, BTW is kind of a change right you’re talking about one thing and that “oh BTW, by the way,”
Jenny: 啊,对对对。
Adam: Something else whereas FYI like this is often the subject line of an email meaning “FYI, I have this information to tell you.”
Jenny: OK, got it.
Jenny: 好,那接下来的这一个缩写啊,你对爱打电玩的朋友很有用。
Adam: Um, GG.
Jenny: 什么是GG。
Adam: “Good Game.”
Jenny: 这是玩好一直以后你可以与呃给队友发GG good game是吗。
Adam: Good game yeah. So if you’re playing Fortnite with your friends, afterwards “GG.”
Jenny: qiewen还在想CS Counter-Strike因为我jiefen过十分…
Jenny: OK. 那G还有一个GTG
Adam: OK. “Got To Go.”
Jenny: 哎,这个和其上的一个可以顺下来比赛打玩了good game,然后got to go。
Adam: Got to go.
Jenny: 妈叫我睡觉GTG。老婆叫回去。
Adam: Oh no. Got to go.
Jenny: 好。那,我们今天看很多缩写还都是一个一个字母。但,接下来的这一个呢,它是有不同的字母组成了一个单词。
Adam: Umm. So this one the first time I saw it, I was actually a little confused.
Jenny: Oh, why?
Adam: Because this is like Jenny says a word and the word is “HAND.”
Jenny: 手。
Adam: Right, but, oh no what does that mean? That means “Have A Nice Day.”
Jenny: 噢。就取每一个单词的第一个字母确实就变成了HAND啊。
Jenny: 好我们今天的list we go through half a bit,我还有一半。
Adam: Oh yeah we list so many. We we could you part six.
Jenny: 对对对就到是。
Adam: The next one is really good if you are a joker.
Jenny: 小丑吗? 那个电影。
Adam: If you really enjoy making jokes.
Jenny: 啊,kidding那个是吧。开玩笑
Adam: Right, right right. So this one is JK “Just Kidding.”
Jenny: Just kidding.
Adam: Ha ha ha ha ha, just kidding.
Jenny: 哎,你胖了。Oh oh JK, just kidding.
Adam: Just kidding.
Jenny: Or it’s IMO.
Adam: Yeah IMO.
Jenny: “In My Opinion”我认为把你胖了。
Adam: Oh, IMHO,你胖了。你胖了好多。
Jenny: IMHO in my “humble” opinion.
Adam: Right.
Jenny: Humble的意思是,就是很谦虚。
Adam: Right, right right right.
Jenny: 所以你这句话是以我的拙见。
Adam: Right right exactly. So you’re making yourself seem very very very small.
Jenny: 嗯。
Adam: But of course there are people that don’t like to do that. So they have changed in my humble opinion into a different phrase “in my not so humble opinion.”
Jenny: IMNSHO. 他这个态度是很smug*4吗。这是很自大的。
Adam: In my not so humble opinion, 你胖了.
Jenny: 哦这听下来sounds really bad。
Adam: Ah yeah. Yeah, but of course this one is kind of a joke, right. Because in my humble opinion, you don’t actually have to be humble to say that, and it in my not so humble opinion, don’t have to be an arrogant person to say this.
Jenny: 是的是的。
Adam: There’s a joke.
Jenny: 好。那,当你怎么说也说不清的时候呢,你就可以用下面的一个缩写:IOW。
Adam: OK IOW. Wow I just think about IOU.
Jenny: 嗯,欠钱吗。
Adam: Right. But now, “In Other Words,” uh, I need to give you some money.
Jenny: OK so in other words, 就是,英语里很好的用就总结会用另外一件方法来解释一件事,是吧。
Adam: Um, right.
Jenny: 中文期就是换句话说啊in other words。
Jenny: 好那,I的还有一个是IRL.
Adam: OK this one is good too uh going back to the face to face.
Adam: Fairly similar it means “In Real Life.”
Jenny: 现实生活中。诶比如Instagram上面照片都很美。但是,IRL,in real life,不一定。对不对。
Adam: Right. She is, she is, uh, 她很胖.
Jenny: 怎么又来了啊。
Jenny: 好。那,接下来的这个缩写我觉就可能是第一代的这种chatspeak网络流行语。
Adam: Yeah this is like the mother, the mother of all chatspeak: LOL.
Jenny: “Laughing Out Loud.”
Adam: Laughing out loud.
Jenny: 对对。这是,很好笑的事情就可以LOL是吗。
Adam: Right right. But of course this one has graduated to spoken English; we always say either LOL or lol.
Jenny: Lol. 嗯,也可以啊。
Jenny: 好但下面这个我不叫还是什么意思NRN
Adam: “No Reply Necessary.”
Jenny: 哦。为什么啦,我给你发信就像reply啊。
Adam: Yeah well uh, a lot of the times when you’re using this phrase, you actually do want a reply, but you’re just putting it there to to be polite.
Jenny: To power move.
Adam: Right. No reply necessary. “Why hasn’t he replied?”
Jenny: Exactly. 哦,人好难读啊。
Jenny: OK. 接下来的这个诶,this has been around for a long long time.
Adam: OMG.
Jenny: Oh My God.
Adam: “Oh My Goodness.”
Jenny: 哦,对。Oh oh my God.
Adam: Right yeah it depends, it doesn’t really matter these days, I suppose this one is another one that we do say out loud as well.
Jenny: 这直接说那个字母OMG?
Adam: OMG.
Jenny: 好。那,交到今天这个发短信啊发微信时候说的语言。接下来这个真的是,就是这个IM时代微信时代出来的一个。
Adam: Umm. This is PM.
Jenny: PM. Which stands for?
Adam: “Private Message.”
Jenny: 哦,私信。私信我我们私聊。
Adam: Hm hm hm hm right.
Jenny: 经常会看到一个人发了一个什么announcement。最后他会说“if interested, PM me.”
Adam: Right exactly. So PM can be a noun but it can also be a verb. PM me or DM also.
Jenny: 哦,就direct message对吧。
Adam: Yeah. So some systems, some platforms use PM, some use DM.
Jenny: 嗯,好的。那我们今天最后剩下四个缩写。这一个ROFL
Adam: OK so this is kind of connected to laughing. Laughing out loud. You are “Rolling On the Floor Laughing.”
Jenny: OK. 笑了在地上打滚。这么好笑吗。
Adam: But we also put these together quite often. So ROFLOL “I’m rolling on the floor laughing out loud.”
Jenny: 噢,就边发了一个什么键符啊,会好笑的东西你可以打这两个缩写是吗。
Jenny: 好。那,今天我们最后要看的这三个缩写都是以T开始的。
Adam: OK so the first one shows that you are a very grateful person,
Jenny: 嗯,THX。
Adam: Thanks.
Jenny: Thanks. 啊对,因为它的发音就是X的音,对吧。
Adam: Right.
Jenny: THX.
Adam: THX.
Jenny: 好。那what about this TL然后分号semicolon DR。
Adam: OK “Too Long; Didn’t Read.”
Jenny: Oh…
Adam: You know some people they really, uh they don’t understand that “brevity*5 is the soul of wit.“ But sometimes you can you can say a lot by saying a little.
Jenny: OK特别这种chatspeak因为大家都是发很短的东西。说一个人发个很长的,你最后就可以回四个字母TLDR。
Adam: TL;DR.
Jenny: Too long; didn’t read.
Jenny: 哎,然后最好再发一个SRY, sorry。
Adam: Sorry.
Jenny: 是吗。
Jenny: Or TTYL8R.
Adam: OK. So “Talk To You Later.”
Jenny: 哦就跟我们前面有那个CUL8R差不多啊,8R。
Jenny: 好。那我们今天的节目就到这儿。这些短信英语啊chatspeak,大家平时有没有用过呢,都可以在留言里跟我们分享。好那 this is also the time where we say TTYL8R.
Adam: 嗯,对啊,I’ve GG。
Jenny: 什么呢!? I want to say talk to you later.
Adam: Ah OK, see you.
Jenny: CUL8R.
Adam: CUL8R.
Jenny: 好我们下次再见。
Adam: Bye guys.


*1:chatspeak インターネットのチャット用語

*2:have been around 出回っている

*3:one’s two cents 求められていないもの

*4:smug うぬぼれた

*5:brevity 簡潔さ