
英語と中国語を同時に学ぶ! 潘吉Jenny告诉你とCCTV Growing up with Chineseで聞き取り書き取り

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703 再也不用纠结女士是Miss还是Mrs了!叫这个准没错



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Spencer: Hey guys welcome back to another 《潘吉Jenny告诉你》 it’s me Spencer.
Jenny: 大家好我是Jenny。Mr. Spencer Ball.
Spencer: Mr. Spencer Ball. And Mrs. Jenny, uh 朱琦.
Jenny: 哎哟你叫Mrs啊,我觉得好老啊太太,天呢。
Spencer: 不老了,不老了。
Jenny: 对,其实也getting older。
Jenny: 好。那今天呢,我们就跟大家说说英语里的这些尊称:先生、太太、小姐。然后,我学英语的时候啊这问题还困扰了我很久就是Mister我们写出来英语是大写的M,然后r,在一个句号。XX这里没有没有I又没有S又没有T,为什么要念Mr不是念mer。
Spencer: Hi, mer.
Jenny: 今天我们就来完大家揭晓答案。
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Spencer: 好嘞。Uh yeah so it’s because basically this m-r or m-r-s or even m-s these are 缩写.
Jenny: 哦都是abbreviations。
Spencer: That’s right and they are the 缩写 of full titles, terms of address.
Jenny: 哦,对。那,缩写啊,英文就once again叫做?
Spencer: Uh abbreviation.
Jenny: Abbreviation. 然而你刚刚说这些呢是titles,对吧。
Spencer: Yeah that’s right so it’s a title.
Jenny: A title就是一种称呼。
Spencer: Yeah, it is. But we also have other kinds of titles, like you know what like…
Jenny: Knight吗。你说啊,然后Dame*1?
Spencer: I know, well I was thinking more light, like work titles,
Jenny: 其实,啊,噢…
Spencer: I was saying like work titles like a,
Jenny: CEO?
Spencer: Yeah you know stuff like that. Yeah basically the name of your position. But yeah, so these here though are also uh titles their types of I guess that 称呼 right so Mr, Mrs, Ms.
Jenny: 噢,对对对。向英语说填表格when you’re filling out a form, 上面就一些title。然后dot dot两点你是Mister还是Mrs还是Miss。
Spencer: Or other.
Jenny: Or other. 哦对因为现在美国就是有很多,呃很多人说不要用男生女生或者先生小姐来称呼。
Spencer: Yeah they they don’t want like this, they don’t want like uh…
Jenny: 他们不想用传统性别的,
Spencer: 性别相关什么title basically you know like, yeah.
Jenny: 对,他们说就是用他们来用得来称呼对吧。
Spencer: Yeah it’s it’s pretty uh, but anyway we will 我们cheyuan了 that’s tough big…
Jenny: Cheyuan了。下次再说那件事儿。
Jenny: 好。那现在呢,Spencer就跟我们说一下吧为什么M-r要念Mister呢?
Spencer: Because it’s, well, it’s short for “Mister”, which is m-i-s-t-e-r.
Jenny: Oh. M-r这个bensheng就是一个abbreviation,对不对。It’s full version就是“Mister”。老老师拼出来m-i-s-t-e-r。
Spencer: Mister.
Jenny: OK. 好,那说到先生Mister。这个后面是要加完整的,比如full name,还是surname姓,还是first name还是名,都可以。
Spencer: I mean, 要看是什么称呼. But, usually you just say the last name. The surname.
Jenny: OK比如你,你姓Ball。球。
Spencer: Tilts right, that’s me. Mr. Ball.
Jenny: 所以叫Mr. Ball。
Spencer: You know it’s funny though saying yeah Mister I don’t feel, I don’t feel old enough to be a Mister. “Mr. Ball.”
Jenny: 那叫什么boy吗。
Spencer: I don’t know I I’m a I’m a young guy, young guy hard anyway. 人老心不老*2.
Jenny: 诶,或者你说加full name也可以Mr. Spencer Ball.
Spencer: Yeah you could, uh you know like or even all three names actually to you guys who don’t know my first name is really Harris. So Mr. Harris Spencer Ball.
Spencer: And guys out there, there’s a little quiz what is the nick, what is the short name for Harris, leave a comment below, and then do the math.
Jenny: Harry.
Spencer: And my last name is?
Jenny: Ball.
Spencer: Hey there you go Jenny, does that make you laugh? It should make some of you out there laugh. You could say…
Jenny: 其实一个小毛熊*3吗?
Spencer: My father’s name is Harris, and his father’s name is Harris, and his father’s name is Harris, and my dad sure got teased as a kid because his name is Harry Ball. But not me, my mom called me Spencer my whole life, so I never really got teased.
Jenny: 其实,这也没有办法比如我姓朱,然后一个小的时候,我天天说我要跟我妈妈姓因为小朋友们说“你姓zhū大肥zhū”。Pig, piggy.
Jenny: 好好,我们还是回到这个Mister。
Spencer: Miss Piggy whole I just made me think of Kermit the Frog and …
Jenny: Yeah, I know I know.
Jenny: 所以找到叫称呼一个人Mister说就跟中文一样嘛你叫一个人“某某先生”都是很formal很正式的称呼。
Spencer: That’s right.
Jenny: 或者这是服务行业,对吧。到酒店checking他拿了你的证件以后they might call you …
Spencer: Yeah, it makes me think of they’re going to the hotel, well you come on 在机场,在办证登机牌的时候…
Jenny: Right, 对.
Spencer: Yeah, you know just “hello Mister,” you know Adams last name is Richards, “hello Mr. Richards,” you know.
Jenny: 但是英语里面还有一个叫Mister的称呼就是叫“老师”。这个和中文不太。我们就是说比如陈老师、刘老师但你们是叫Mister不是teacher陈teacher…
Spencer: Exactly yeah we don’t say teacher blah blah blah. But uh when you’re in college, 你上大学的时候, you could say like professor,
Jenny: Oh professor.
Spencer: Professor Thomas.
Jenny: 对,professor是是是。
Spencer: But you could also still to say Mr. and Mrs.
Jenny: 嗯,对。可以直接叫? 因为中文你可以直接若不知道你姓什么韵“诶先生,先生”,英文可以直接叫“Mister, Mister”吗?
Spencer: So you could, you could, one you could say “Sir.”
Jenny: 啊,对。用Sir比Mister呀好很多。
Spencer: Yeah Sir is a bit more formal or Mr is not it’s not that it’s not polite, but it’s when I, when I think of calling someone Mister, and you don’t know their last name, it makes me think of like a young person, like a kid, talking to an older guy, any, “Mister, Mister, could you, I’m lost. Could you help me?”
Spencer: I don’t know it’s it’s it’s kind of different, so, if you think uh the age, you know 如果你的年龄给给 you know 谁谁谁 you know 差不多的 you don’t know their name, you could just call them “Sir,”
Jenny: Sir 对.
Spencer: Or “Madam”.
Jenny: 噢女生,对。
Jenny: 好。那讲到女生我们现在就来看看女生的这些titles啊。先从“Miss”开始吧。
Spencer: OK so Miss, uh this is m-i-s-s and.
Jenny: 简写的时候呢通常会被简写成,
Spencer: Well there’s M-s. But that’s “Ms“.
Jenny: 噢对,jiehong的一下再说有点搞,有点搞,yeah。
Spencer: 我们先说一下这个Miss。I guess technically Miss doesn’t have a 缩写.
Jenny: 哦对,这倒是。因为和那个m-s那个Ms还不太一样。
Spencer: Yeah, yeah. So Miss is for someone 未结婚的. 一个未结婚的女生 like,
Jenny: An unmarried woman.
Spencer: Yeah unmarried woman like she hasn’t been married so you call her Miss.
Jenny: 然后这个公式和Mister一样,就是Miss后面加她的surname,或者她的full name。
Spencer: Exactly, yes. So,
Jenny: 全名或者姓氏,对不对。
Spencer: Yeah so, you know, Miss Cruz, you know or Miss you know Richards, there is Richards again uh Adam‘s on my mind today. Hahaha.
Spencer: So you don’t always need to use the last name too, you could just call someone Miss.
Jenny: 诶对,这个是和前Mister不一样的。我们说不能直接用Mister称呼一个人;你应该用Sir。但是如果要叫小姐的话,英文就可以单独地用Miss。
Spencer: “Excuse me Miss,” “Miss, hi hello, you drop this,”
Jenny: OK when you’re trying to get someone’s attention, you don’t know their names, right?
Spencer: You know it’s kind of funny here though I just thought of because Miss we use this for it like I said 未结婚 like someone hasn’t been married. But if you don’t know the person, and you call them Miss, and you don’t know them, how do you know they’re not married.
Jenny: 年纪我们觉得看起来年轻, maybe that’s the thing, right? 看起来年轻。
Jenny: 或者Miss也有一种cheeky*4,比如有一些小女生她非常得什么都懂,然后嘴巴很会说“噢,Miss…”
Spencer: Miss know-it-all*5.
Jenny: 对。什么都知道,对不对。Miss know-it-all.
Spencer: There was xxx xxx movie Miss Congeniality*6*7.
Jenny: 哦,选美。亲善小姐因为选美比如美国小姐Miss America。
Spencer: That’s right Miss America.
Jenny: 环球小姐Miss Universe
Spencer: Miss Universe.
Jenny: 好的。那,接下来呢,我们要看地这个就是和Miss,又一点像,但又很不一样的一个称呼。
Spencer: And that would be “Ms.”
Jenny: Ms.
Spencer: Yeah almost like a m-i-z sound.
Jenny: 对。但这个abbreviation写出来缩写是m-s-点。
Spencer: That’s right.
Jenny: 那,Ms什么时候用呢和那个Miss又有什么区别呢?
Spencer: So this can be used for women who are or aren’t married.
Jenny: 这basically你不确定她有没有结婚。
Spencer: Or even if you know she’s married, you could call her Ms, if you want.
Jenny: 啊,对。因为,比如我吧,人家叫我Mrs我就觉得很奇怪,而且Mrs什么什么夫人,好像严格意义上来说应该后面跟那个老公的姓,对不对。担你就向我I didn’t legally change my last name.
Spencer: OK.
Jenny: 对我还是自己的姓嘛就英文叫maiden name。结婚前的这个姓。对所以我就感觉好像叫Ms会比较Mrs我更prefer一个。
Spencer: 好,可以啊。反正这个Ms比较flexible, you know, it’s like you can use it …
Jenny: 嗯,不出错。对对对。然最主要呢是它的发音啊。呃大家要Z sound. It’s Ms.
Spencer: One more time Ms.
Jenny: Ms. OK.
Jenny: 好。那接下来我们就看看刚刚说到那个“Mrs”吧。
Spencer: Right so this would be m-r-s.
Jenny: 点。
Spencer: That’s right.
Jenny: 这个的缩写,因为它是说一个已经结婚的人嘛,所以我们就把那个Mr后人加一个s,对不对。夫人。
Spencer: That’s right. That’s right so, so basically you just you know Mrs and then the surname usually. But you could do a full name too.
Jenny: 嗯。这个我觉得就是在美国比较传统的观念里面啊。一个女生结婚了以后,她们就要用夫姓。
Spencer: Yeah, yeah if you’re like you said if you’re like from a more traditional background, then yeah you probably would take them last, the name of your husband.
Jenny: 啊英文用take,you take your husband’s last name。
Spencer: Right take your husband’s name.
Jenny: 哎,但现在的女生就是年轻人millenials,你只叫她们是…
Spencer: Well you know it it depends if you’re more like uh you know if we’re talking about like uh political beliefs here like 左翼或者右翼的, like if you’re more like left-leaning*8, there is a bigger chance 比较大的可能性 you won’t take your husband because you’re more liberal, basically more liberal people,
Jenny: 新时代的女性就是 you know “I have my own name,” 对不对 “my own surname, I don’t need to change.”
Spencer: But if you’re more right-leaning*9 if you’re more conservative,
Jenny: 比较保守的啊。
Spencer: Exactly. You would obviously get it you’re you’re definitely going to take that your husband’s name like that’s a nine out of ten.
Jenny: 嗯。但是也有一些她就是baijiaxiangqu。They still keep their maiden name, right? 但她就后面再加一个…
Spencer: Well there’s there’s different so like for example my grandmother; she took my grandfather’s last name but she made her maiden name her middle name, yeah yeah yeah.
Jenny: 你们好搞啊。
Spencer: Well so people do. But, but also with other people do is they combine this the two surnames to make that their surname.
Jenny: 你说combine的意思是把这两个姓放在一起danlun加一个那个hyphen破折号是吧。
Spencer: Yeah exactly.
Jenny: 啊,怪不得我们要说这有些外国人名字那么长。First name, middle name, maiden name, 然还有一种破折号的name. 天呢。
Spencer: Yeah.
Spencer: But typically if a woman takes her husband’s name, um, her maiden name will probably become her middle name.
Jenny: 反正我我真是觉得吧, if you take your husband’s name, 很麻烦了你先说你要到多的地方需update. 都得改。
Spencer: Yeah. Yeah, it does sound like a pain in the ass, and I I don’t think I’d want to do it. And what if your husband’s last name sucks, well this is a really you know,
Jenny: Ball.
Spencer: Yeah Ball, I, you know I wouldn’t blame you!
Jenny: I’m sorry.
Spencer: No it’s OK! I wouldn’t really blame anyone of anyone my last name. You know what I mean, especially like, I don’t know if you have like is really like I don’t know cool, exotic, like sexy last name or something, and then you know you marry me, so yeah you just keep your last name, it’s OK, it’s not a big deal.
Jenny: 好。哎,我记得我刚结婚的时候,my mother-in-law she asked me 我婆婆说 “so well, would you consider taking uh Hank’s last name?” 对然后我说“哎呀, I’ve never considered,” 我还真的没有想过。She’s like “oh, so you don’t do it, in China?” 我说对我们现在中国的误会。她说“啊,好的好的”。
Spencer: 累一个误会。You got out of*10 our own scot-free*11*12, Jenny. Got off easy*13 there.
Jenny: 好。今天节目最后还有一个title有一个称呼我想问Spencer的就是“mam”。
Spencer: OK mam, not man.
Jenny: 不是man,不是男人,是m-a-m,mam。
Spencer: Mam so this is, um, this is kind of like madam,
Jenny: Madam就是夫人是吧。英,诶,法语里面madame,嗯。
Spencer: That’s right. Uh but madam is like a little more, it’s really formal,
Jenny: 年纪大一点。Right. 而且,
Spencer: Ah also年纪大一点, right.
Jenny: Mam我觉得我在美国听得最多的是服务行业。
Spencer: Yeah exactly so if you’re like in America or Canada or something you’re at a restaurant, and you’re a woman, there is a good chance that the waiter, right the server, will call you mam or maybe Miss.
Jenny: 是的是的,嗯。
Spencer: “Excuse me ma’am, would you like another drink?” “Miss, would you like another drink?”
Jenny: 发念叫他没有叫你mam不是叫你男人,
Spencer: Exactly. Yeah no don’t so, if you go there and you think a guy calls you “man”, uh, listen again, maybe he calls you “ma’am”.
Jenny: 对,对。
Jenny: 好,今天跟大家分享了一个很基本但是也非常重要的话题。那关于称呼啊,关于titles,还有哪一些疑问呢,大家都可以在节目留言里问我们,我们会非常热意地解答。
Jenny: OK thank you for listening guys, guys是一个很casual的称呼吧。
Spencer: Thanks guys.
Jenny: Thanks everyone.
Spencer: Thank you ladies and gentlemen, thank you. And that we will see you next time.
Jenny: 对,我们下次再见。
Spencer: Bye bye.

*1:Dame 女爵士

*2:人老心不老/rén lǎo xīn bù lǎo/ 歳をとっても気は若い

*3:Harry BallがHariboに聞こえるためと解釈しました

*4:cheeky 生意気な

*5:know-it-all 知ったかぶり

*6:congeniality 適合性

*7:Miss Congeniality 邦題『デンジャラス・ビューティー

*8:left-leaning 左派傾向の

*9:right-leaning 右派傾向の

*10:get out of 〜を失う

*11:scot 年貢、税金

*12:scot-free 支払いを免れて

*13:get off easy 軽い罰で済む