
英語と中国語を同時に学ぶ! 潘吉Jenny告诉你とCCTV Growing up with Chineseで聞き取り書き取り

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787 想点一杯周杰伦的Mojito?有些鸡尾酒女生最好别点哦


中華圏で絶大な人気を誇る台湾の歌手Jay Chou(周 杰倫)が先日、新曲Mojitoをリリースしました。それにかこつけて今回の潘吉Jenny告诉你はcock tail 酒——カクテルの話です。なおJay Chouや歌には触れられません。笑(2020年6月17日配信)


今天 Jenny 就和调酒专家 Spencer 来聊鸡尾酒文化〜

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Spencer: Hey guys, welcome back to another 潘吉Jenny告诉你. It’s me Spencer.
Jenny: 大家好,我是Jenny。今天呢,我们的节目就要跟大家讲一讲这个鸡尾酒的文化。还有uh just drinking culture in general饮酒的文化啊。
Spencer: Cocktails in bars, cocktails in bars. Right, Jenny.
Jenny: 对。那我想问一下Spencer啊,就是呃酒吧也有很多种类,对吧。有一些呢,是那种就是跟兄弟去喝酒,然后,就挺便宜的,然后呢,这个地方装修啊什么也是很简单的啊。这样的一种酒吧,英语里面有一个很好的词来形容它。
Spencer: Yeah we uh a lot of times we would describe these uh lower more 比较底层的酒吧, like we call them uh like a, a “dive bar*2.”
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Jenny: Dive. Dive d-i-v-e是跳水的意思。
Spencer: Yeah you say “oh man, this place is such a dive, it’s a hole in the wall*3, a hole in the wall.”
Jenny: 如果你说一个地方很dive的话呢,意思就是就很便宜了,基本上,对不对。Very good value for money.
Spencer: Yeah, and don’t don’t expect it to be extremely clean, or very pretty. But uh usually yeah we say you get the most bang for your buck*4.
Jenny: Bang for your buck. 就是说很有性价比的啊。一般里面用college students啊,或者什么的,基本上都会去这样的dive bar。
Spencer: Yeah I’d say, I’d say most college bars are dive bars or a sports bar kind of feel.
Jenny: 嗯。在dive bar美国的dive bar喝一杯酒大概多少钱。
Spencer: Ah, well you know it really depends on where you are, but when I uh, when I was living in New York, a lot of dive bars across New York uh Brooklyn and Manhattan, they would have the five-dollar shot and a beer deal.
Jenny: Five-dollar shot and a beer. 那beer我们都知道啤酒啊。Shot就是一个,
Spencer: kuaisibei*5,对吧。
Jenny: 啊,我们说了这是很小的一个杯子然一口闷,基本上都是列酒,对吧。一个shots。所以五美金你you get a shot and a beer?
Spencer: Yeah talk about 划算.
Jenny: 对。我觉在中国好像也很少有这样的deal啊。So that’s a dive bar。当你奋斗了几年有钱了以后,你可以去一个比较,高级的酒吧。
Spencer: That’s right, that’s right. That’s where you can go to maybe, so maybe if we’re going to talk in terms of opposites. You know, maybe the opposite of a dive bar would be a “cocktail lounge.”
Jenny: 对。但lounge就我们说那种向酒廊啊,什么的,然后里面装修的decor is usually pretty nice, right?
Spencer: Yeah it’s usually nice place to bring a date.
Jenny: 啊,约会啊。不要带她去dive bar. No second day, it’s right? So go to a cocktail lounge.
Jenny: 好。不同类型的酒吧说完了以后呢,我们来说说就是不一样的鸡尾酒类型啊。Different types of cocktails.
Jenny: 那我最觉得呢这个鸡尾酒类型,呃我们平时出去点酒就可以划分成有一些酒是比较feminine女性是喝喝的。一些酒呢比较macho or masculine是吧男生点的。
Jenny: X呢作为一个男,男生你不要就是点应该“给我一个Cosmopolitan”。
Spencer: Yeah, yeah, that’s,
Jenny: “Give me a Cosmo.”
Spencer: “Hi,” yeah. Uh Cosmo is much more of the it’s it’s it’s it’s a bit of a girly drink, however I will say, it is, it is it can be quite strong, the Cosmopolitans that I usually make are quite strong, in the reason why is um, well, I just put more vodka.
Jenny: 还是讲到vodka。
Spencer: Yeah 都约好.
Jenny: 对cocktail里面真到作为base,这是基调酒对吧,基酒啊。
Spencer: Yeah usually usually, usually you have a base. And the base would be one liquor the proportion of it is more than the other ingredients that you put in the drink.
Jenny: 你刚刚用到一个词啊liquor。因为英语里面酒也有好多的词,对吧。我们可能比较熟悉alcohol。然后有的时候XXX一个drink也是酒的意思。所以问人家“你喝酒吗?”或什么you don’t need to say “do you drink alcohol?” You can just say “do you drink?”
Spencer: Yeah that’s true.
Jenny: 对吧。我不喝酒I don’t drink. 就可以了啊。
Spencer: Do you drink? Uh.
Jenny: 然后liquor l-i-q-u-o-r,对,liquor也是酒精,酒的意思。
Spencer: 烈酒*6啊。
Jenny: 烈酒,对。诶,有很多种类的cocktail都是vodka base,对吧。
Spencer: A lot of, a lot of cocktails are vodka-based but you also have cocktails other, gin-based, whiskey-based, tequila-based, I mean,
Jenny: 那我们来讲讲几种most common ones好了。比如说,what would be the most common vodka-based uh cocktails?
Spencer: Well, oh man, there’s so many. Uh...
Jenny: Vodka martini?
Spencer: I mean yeah there’s you know you have vodka martinis you have uh yeah, definitely vodka martinis you have you know Cosmopolitans if we’re talking girly drinks you have things like Sex on the Beach,
Jenny: 所以Sex on the Beach也是很girly的吧。
Spencer: Yeah it’s quite girly.
Jenny: 男生不要点啊。
Spencer: So would be uh um let’s see, Fuzzy Navel or maybe...
Jenny: 向什么Bloody Mary其实里面也是有vodka,对不对。
Spencer: Yeah that is that is a vodka drink.
Jenny: 那向Bloody Mary这种呢,我是建议大家it’s a brunch drink, really?
Spencer: Yeah I like,
Jenny: Sunday brunch。如果你晚上出去其实不太有人会点一个Bloody Mary
Spencer: Yeah actually when I when I worked in bars, I would be upset if someone tried to order Bloody Mary at night because they should know that I already put away all the ingredients because it’s a daytime drink.
Jenny: OK.
Spencer: I I I truly I I personally I think of a Bloody Mary is an alcoholic’s drink because they’re ready to drink by eleven AM.
Jenny: 你说alcoholic这是一个,啊,酒鬼。
Spencer: Yeah, that’s correct.
Jenny: 好好好。那,诶说到vodka martini我觉得它是most basic but the most classic drink很经典的一个鸡尾酒啊。
Spencer: Ah you could say that um...
Jenny: 是不是有说什么“我要shaken不要stirred”。
Spencer: Well, some people prefer it shaken, other people prefer stirred,
Jenny: What’s the difference?
Spencer: Well, from my experiences when you shake it on ice a lot of times, it kind of creates more volume; the ice breaks down the water in the liquor kind of mix together,
Jenny: 这是你要用一个,what do you call the thing you shake your drinks in?
Spencer: We actually call it just a shaker.
Jenny: 噢就是一个shaker。调酒的就够,不说刚的东西对吧。
Spencer: 摇杯。
Jenny: 摇杯,啊。那stir呢?
Spencer: Uh stir,
Jenny: 把它huòyīhuò。
Spencer: Yeah it usually just take a big long uh mix, mixology*7 spoon and just kind of stir away for a while to the ice begins to break down and it cools the liquor. I personally am much more of a shaker, so maybe James Bond would have liked my martinis.
Jenny: 诶,你讲到零零七James Bond。他最喜欢喝的一种martini叫做。
Spencer: Yeah well actually, in the bartending world, we have a 零零七 martini, we have a double O seven martini.
Jenny: 好像也有一种Vesper*8 martini.
Spencer: Yeah yeah actually, ah you you you know.
Jenny: Yeah I XXX my drinking.
Jenny: 当然martini里面还有一个不可少的ingredients就是olive或者有些人prefer lemon,对吧。Lemon twist,
Spencer: Yeah some people like a twist of lemon, other people want olives, usually olives will come with a dirty martini or possibly a dry martini,
Jenny: 哎,我要问你。当人家点cocktail时候说,我要这个酒很dry, extra dry, what do they mean?
Spencer: Well “dry” actually means just straight liquor.
Jenny: 噢,就是“我要很多酒精”。
Spencer: Yeah, some people even like to say “bone-dry.”
Jenny: Bone-dry这是你里面不要给我mix其他东西。就给我一大杯vodka,
Spencer: Yeah originally when I first started bartending because you you put dry vermouth*9 in martinis.
Jenny: Vermouth也是一种酒啊。
Spencer: Yeah, I thought that they wanted uh more dry vermouth in their martini but I realize that a dry martini actually means no vermouth. So ah, I thought it was a little confusing at first.
Jenny: 那,Spencer,就是我们形容酒精的浓度英文可以怎么说? 在中国比如我们的白酒得很厉害的什么四五十度。
Spencer: Yeah we we there is uh well there’s percentage and there’s “proof.” So if...
Jenny: 一样吗? 百分比和proof。
Spencer: Proof is always double the percentage. So most liquors are about forty percent. We’d say so if you get uh regular bottle of vodka it should be forty percent.
Spencer: 所以你就可以用percent这个字来形容浓度啊。
Spencer: What if it’s forty percent, you’ll, it’ll be eighty proof.
Jenny: 好的。那我们再说说,还有一类鸡尾酒呢,它就是用gin做base的对吧。我觉得gin就是杜松子*10酒吗。有一个很特别的香味儿。
Spencer: Yeah yeah yeah and there’s many different kinds of gins that have different kinds of herbal ingredients.
Jenny: Herbal就是那种,就香料对吧,植物类的啊。那当然可能点地最多的就是向G&T,Gin and Tonic,这样。
Spencer: Yeah yeah, when I was younger, I didn’t really quite understand gin, and I didn’t I didn’t like it that much. And then I realized it has a real complexity to it it is much more,
Jenny: 很复杂的。
Spencer: Yeah, in my opinion it’s much more complex than vodkas. Vodkas are easy to mix you can put them in practically anything, but gin, you need to have a better understanding of it to really make a good gin drink.
Jenny: Gin我觉得也有很多这是很适合女孩子喝的gin-based cocktail。比如我很喜欢的一个叫Gimlet
Spencer: Oh the Gimlet yeah. That’s quite simple it’s it’s gin and gin and lime juice and then you shake it and then you know you you garnish*11 it with a lime wedge.
Jenny: 对,就是很简单,然后很清新的味道。然后向Pink Lady就里面有那个叫什么grenadine?
Spencer: Grenadine.
Jenny: Grenadine.
Spencer: Grenadine it’s kind of, uh,
Jenny: Syrup.
Spencer: Yeah it’s a very sweet syrup. I’m...
Jenny: 芳香。
Spencer: Yeah I don’t like to drink that actually.
Jenny: Because it is a girly drink, OK? 是女生喜欢的。
Jenny: 然后当然很烈的一个了,听名字大家觉得像soft drink, but.
Jenny: It’s a killer. 就是Long Island Ice Tea
Spencer: 长岛冰茶。
Jenny: 长岛冰茶。根本不是茶啊。这个就是,其实是it’s a dive drink,是吧。
Spencer: Yeah I mean usually this is, this is a drink if you, you want to get shit-faced*12. If you’re going to have a lot of,
Jenny: Your fastest route to get...
Spencer: Fastest route to an inebriation*13.
Jenny: 对对对,因为它里面有什么gin、vodka、tequila、rum样样烈酒都有,对不对。
Jenny: 好。那最后我们再来说说whiskey-based cocktails,好了。
Spencer: OK, sure. What we were talking about martinis, I think martinis are usually this is you know vodka origin, those are usually from more experienced drinkers it same thing with whiskey, a lot of people, are more,
Jenny: 就是男人的酒吗。
Spencer: More more experienced drinkers I like to have Manhattans.
Jenny: Manhattan.
Spencer: It’s, it’s if you could think about it like this, it’s like the martini of whiskey-based drinks.
Jenny: 对对对,曼哈顿啊。这种whiskey它里面就是,这个cocktail里面当然有whiskey然后也是有一些vermouth吧。
Spencer: Sweet vermouth.
Jenny: Sweet vermouth.
Spencer: Yeah usually a Manhattan has sweet vermouth whereas some martini will have dry vermouth. But there’s also what we call a “perfect Manhattan,” which has a little bit of sweet and dry vermouth mixed in with the whiskey, so there’s there’s a lot of different possibilities.
Jenny: 对。然后我觉得美国发明了很多这种whiskey-based cocktails,比如还有向Old Fashioned对吧,然后Mint Julep这些。那,但是呢也有一些人,他很喜欢喝纯的威士忌啊。
Spencer: This is true.
Jenny: 诶,如果要和纯的是不是可以说我要什么whiskey straight或者neat。
Spencer: Well OK. So if you get it “neat” is when you neat is the term that you use for just drinking straight whiskey, if you, uh,
Jenny: Neat n-e-a-t啊。我们说一个人比如“Spencer is very neat”,这说他很整洁很整齐。但如果你要whiskey neat,
Spencer: Yeah. It means no ice, no other ingredients, no no soda, no nothing just just whiskey in a glass. And in it, it’ll probably be at room temperature.
Jenny: 啊,OK。室温。
Jenny: 那,whiskey straight呢? 有什么不一样?
Spencer: Straight and neat are pretty much the same thing, we have another terminal uh term called “up.” So if you order a Manhattan up, you’ll have it either shaken or stirred and put into a glass with no ice. But you can also have a Manhattan on the rocks.
Jenny: On the rocks. 在石头上。这里的石头是一个XXX就说冰块,对不对。
Spencer: Yeah exactly.
Jenny: 好。那,你自己比较就最喜欢哪一种cocktail?
Spencer: Oh well, um... If, ah man, sometimes if I want to keep it simple, yeah just a little bit of whiskey and maybe a dark beer, but over the past year so I, I really gained a love for gin and another form of alcohol called Campari it’s uh,
Jenny: 啊,Campari。苦苦的,是吧。
Spencer: Yeah yeah it’s a red colored Italian bitter kind of alcohol. And I did not understand it at first but until I realize what you can do with it and...
Jenny: 你长大啦。
Spencer: Yeah... Mixing with other forms of alcohol it’s actually quite quite tasty.
Jenny: 那我觉得点酒啊。Cocktail除了就是一天中哪个时段比我们刚刚说Bloody Mary还有上种什么Mimosa,都是very daytime drinks, right?
Spencer: Yeah, yeah.
Jenny: 然后,还有会分季节,对不对time of the year。比如有一些酒是非常summer drinks。For example Mojito然后向这种什么Piña ColadaMai Tai这样的。它们都使用rum做base的,对吗。然而这很有这种tropical海岛的风景啊。
Spencer: This is true yeah, a lot of yeah, a lot of those those drinks some but some of them have light rum and dark rum but yeah rum is kind of I guess more of a summer time thing, I I I’m more of a vodka drinker in the summer time really vodka soda,
Jenny: Vodka all year around. 一天三百六十五年*14
Spencer: Well I I think I think winter time is good for whiskey and a summer time is good for vodka.
Jenny: 但我觉得在美国tequila也很好像美国人啊,就是要一口闷bottoms up干杯的这种都会either vodka or tequila, right? Doing tequila shots.
Spencer: I’d say, I’d say tequila shots and whiskey shots are the most are the most common and then the Russians definitely do vodka shots.
Jenny: 因为tequila是墨西哥的酒嘛。然后因为美国和墨西哥接XXX境。讲到tequila当然最可能popular的cocktail就是Margarita
Spencer: Yeah Margarita is a very yeah, that’s that’s the most standard tequila-based cocktail but over the years, you know they’ve they’ve become more and more tequila-based cocktails have been created.
Jenny: 为什么向tequila喝的时候都要弄一点salt一些盐? 比如Margarita on the rum,就是在那个glass杯子边缘都会放一些盐。
Spencer: You know I think it’s it’s more of a it’s kind of a tradition, um...
Jenny: 就是一个习俗,没有什么道理。
Spencer: Yeah yeah I’m I’m actually not quite sure what the point is,
Jenny: That’s what people do.
Spencer: Yeah yeah I’m I’m not a fan of the salt, usually if I if I have a shot of tequila or have a Margarita, I’ll have the lime or the lemon but no no salt.
Jenny: 好。那我们今天节目就到这儿。Hope you’ve enjoyed it? 然后下周呢 we’ll be back with some more and we’ll see you next time 再见.
Spencer: Bye guys.


*2:dive bar 怪しげな酒場

*3:hole in the wall 場末の店

*4:most bang for one’s buck コスパの良い


*6:烈酒/liè jiǔ/ スピリッツ、蒸留酒

*7:mixology カクテル作りの腕前

*8:Vesper Lynd 『007 カジノ・ロワイヤル』のボンドガール

*9:vermouth ベルモット

*10:杜松子/dù sōng zǐ/ ネズの実 | juniper berry

*11:garnish 装飾する

*12:shit-faced ひどく酔っ払った

*13:inebriation アルコール依存症
