
英語と中国語を同時に学ぶ! 潘吉Jenny告诉你とCCTV Growing up with Chineseで聞き取り書き取り

Introduction | Episodes |

3 Names 名字


大家好, hello everyone. Thanks for joining us today for another episode of Growing up with Chinese 成长汉语.

We covered the decent bit of ground last class between learning various ways to say thank you like 谢谢, 谢谢你, 谢谢您, and you’re welcome 不客气, 不用谢, 不谢.

Today we are going to be focusing on introductions specifically how to ask for someone’s name. And how to respond when someone asks you what’s your name is.

Now so far, Mike and 小明 have yet to meet each other. We left off last show with 小明 and his teacher going upstairs in the elevator. Now let’s check out what happens when the two of them, come face to face.


2 Thanks 致谢


Hi everyone 你们好. Welcome back to another episode of Growing up with Chinese 成长汉语. First off*1, I’d like to thank all of you who wrote in after watching our first show. It really is great to hear from you. And very helpful to all of us working on the show. So keep your comments and questions coming our way.

After today’s show, I’ll be able to thank all of you in Chinese because our topic for today is, that’s right, thank yous. Now last time we met 小明 and saw how he greeted different people using the phrases 你好 hello, 你们好 hello everyone, 爷爷早上好 good morning grand father, and 您好 hello using a formal you. Today we are going to meet Mike, as he makes his way to 小明’s apartment accompanied by his teacher. And yes, he has a lot of thank yous to be handing out today. Let’s take a look.

*1:first off まずははじめに


1 Greetings 问候


Hi everyone 大家好 welcome to the first episode of Growing up with Chinese 成长汉语. My name is Charlotte MacInnis and in this show I’ll be helping all of you learn some very basic and useful Chinese.

Now I realize that some of you might be thinking right now, “why should I learn Chinese,” “what does China have to do with me?” Well different people will give you different answers. And I’ll give you my answers today.

China is a country with over five thousand years of history. Exploring the various facets of Chinese culture, Chinese life, Chinese inventions, and tradition and you can’t forget Chinese language. All these aspects that have developed over these five thousand years is fascinating, exciting and really quite unique. Think of 功夫 or kung-fu as some of you might know it or even Chinese food, which is delicious, or can’t forget, traditional Chinese medicine. This is one of the founders of traditional Chinese medicine.

By learning how to speak Chinese all of these wells of incredible information become more accessible to you. If you visit a foreign country and can speak the language of the country, you are going to have a completely different experience than if you don’t speak a word.

So, why should you learn Chinese with us? Here, and Growing up with Chinese. Well, a team of professionals have put their heads together*1 to design our shows specifically for teenagers but of course, everyone is welcome to watch.

And don’t worry, it’s not all going to be work. We also have clips of Mike, 小明 and their teachers and friends to help demonstrate what we will be learning and we will also be covering various facets of Chinese culture, history and everyday life in the show’s cultural spotlight segment. So I dare say you won’t get bored.

And finally just so you all know a little bit more about me, as I will be seeing you every show, I was born in the United States and moved to China with my family in nineteen eighty-eight, I was seven at the time. And yes, if you do the math, you can figure out how old I am, tut. And I spent ten years here before returning to America for university. So I grew up in China, learning Chinese and going to Chinese school and I’m thrilled to be hosting a show that will help all of you learn Chinese as you grow up. And yes, no matter what your age, we never stop growing up.

So this program really is for people of all ages who want to learn Chinese. So there we are!

That was quite the long introduction but I hope that now you are all more excited about learning Chinese and learning about China. OK, .

Our topic for today is greetings. Very important phrases to know in any foreign language. 小明, a Chinese boy, is center stage here in 北京 today as he prepares for Mike, a high school exchange student, to arrive. So let’s take a look right now and see what 小明 is up to.

*1:put one’s head together 額を寄せて協議する




Growing up with Chinese 成长汉语は、CCTV中国中央電視台)が2010年8月から数ヶ月間にわたり放映していた(らしい)教育番組です。在中アメリカ人のCharlotte MacInnisがプレゼンターとなって、ティーンエイジャーをメインターゲットに英語で中国語を基礎から解説します。北京の少年・王小明と、アメリカからの交換留学生Mikeの高校生活を主軸とした各回15分、全部で100のエピソードがあり、今では公式サイト上にて全て公開されています。

各エピソードのドラマパート(中国語)の内容は公式サイトにアップロードされていますが、解説パート(英語)はありません。そこで本サイトは、英語の学習を主目的とし、Growing up with Chinese全100エピソードの英文を聴き取り、書き起こし、ついでに中国語の勉強もしてしまおうというあぶはち一石二鳥の試みです。というかすでに7割がた書き起こした*1ので、もはや挫折することもないでしょう。

またGrowing up with Chineseについて日本語の情報はほとんどないようですし、近い将来Google先生YouTube自動字幕起こしが完璧になりそうなので、今のうちなら公開する価値があるだろうと思った次第です。

