
英語と中国語を同時に学ぶ! 潘吉Jenny告诉你とCCTV Growing up with Chineseで聞き取り書き取り

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1043 你担心被抢饭碗吗?




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Jenny: Hello大家好,我是Jenny。你正在收听有开言语带来的潘吉Jenny告诉你。
Jenny: 人家ChatGPT现在很非常自然好不好,听起来不像一个机器人。
Jenny: 对,那我们今天的节目呢,其实就是要来说一下哈,新的技术总会给我们的生活带来很多的革新也会带来一些挑战。那我们最近做过一期和ChatGPT相关的节目,后来也有朋友就问我们一些后续的问题,以及,其实最近我在网上也看到好多的讨论啊,就是说,哎呀,我,这个,天天担心自己是不是会丢饭碗。天天担心新的技术会不会抢自己的饭碗。And to be honest, this is something that we, we worry about or at least we talk about as well, 是吧.
Adam: That’s right, I don’t want anybody taking my rice bowl.
Jenny: 抢饭碗*1抢你的饭碗哈。所以呢今天就来聊聊这个话题。你担心被新技术抢饭碗吗?
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Jenny: OK那first of all,可能大家都在想“抢饭碗”英语要怎么说?
Adam: Well I just translated it very literally a moment ago, “steal my rice bowl,” or “take my rice bowl away,” unfortunately that’s not really a phrase that a lot of English native speakers are going to use.
Jenny: 所以你那个take my rice bowl away就是ChatGPT给你的答案是吧。然后这个时候就需要一个对中国文化了解的对中文了解的外国人再来看一遍说 umm... that actually doesn’t really make sense.
Adam: I mean if you’re talking to a foreigner and you use the expression, oh I’m afraid this thing is going to steal my rice bowl, they’ll probably be able to figure out what you mean, it just might take a second. You could save a lot of time if you just said it’s going to take my job, or take my livelihood.
Jenny: 对,这个就是native speakers一看就懂的哈,take my job away which is very very direct,或者你说那个livelihood。这个词其实也是不断有朋友问我们这个和live有什么区别? So what is livelihood?
Adam: Well your livelihood is what supports you.
Jenny: 噢。所以,它就是像饭碗是吧。
Adam: Yeah, exactly exactly. So this is a little bit deeper than just a job, obviously we have jobs, we even have careers but this could be for example, a few shows ago we were talking about lumberjacks. Remember, lumberjacks were really happy people?
Jenny: 啊呀呀呀,那个职业job gratification特别好哈。
Adam: Exactly so that lumberjack his or her livelihood is cutting down trees.
Jenny: Ah OK so it’s your skill that supports you.
Adam: Yeah that’s a pretty good way to look at it.
Jenny: 嗯。其实,那个饭碗啊,我会想到英语你们不是也用吃的东西形容你的,这个生计啊livelihood就是bread and butter。
Adam: That’s my bread and butter, yes you read my mind.
Jenny: OK so 抢饭碗英语可以说 you know new technology might take my bread and butter away吗?
Adam: It’s not a super common phrase, but people have said it before.
Jenny: Yeah bread and butter更多的是用在你说这个东西是你的,呃是是你的skill你的竞争力。That’s my bread and butter.
Adam: Right you can’t take somebody’s skill away from them they’re always going to have that skill what you can take from them is the ability to use that skill to support themselves.
Jenny: 哎对其实你讲这个 take their ability to use their skills away. 就是很多时候我们会讲到取代,是吧。新技术会不会取代我。
Adam: OK, so here we can talk about two words, they’re pretty similar you can be replaced.
Jenny: OK to replace or to be replaced by someone else or something else.
Adam: Exactly. So this one should be pretty straightforward, pretty easy to understand “I was replaced by Jim.”
Jenny: Or I was replaced by a new piece of software, 之类的.
Adam: Right right, Jim.com.
Jenny: 对。So to be replaced or Jim replaced me.
Adam: Exactly exactly, so I hate him.
Jenny: 不要讲这样了。哎,但你刚刚不是说有two words吗? 除了replace还有什么词呢?
Adam: The other word is “displace“.
Jenny: Oh, OK. 其实经常啊有这种similar looking的词的时候我们就会接到马上的follow up question就是what’s the difference。
Adam: What’s the difference exactly. So place here obviously we can think about as a job, or a role, or a position. Displaced here really just means that your job disappears.
Jenny: 哦这还蛮好记得两个都是d-i-s dis。
Adam: Exactly exactly like one of my friends today was talking about the phone book. Did you guys ever have phone books in China?
Jenny: 黄业yellow page啊,那些。
Adam: Yes, yes exactly. It used to be somebody’s job to make that. But the Internet took that job away it displaced those workers.
Jenny: 嗯 right. 或者我爸爸以前的他的那个工作嘛。就是they made cassette tapes and CDs就是听音乐的,现在大家都是网上啊on the cloud。So nobody actually buys the actual cassette tapes磁带,或者CD-ROMs那些。
Adam: That’s right, that’s right. So, displace of course is a verb we can use it in the passive voice, you can be displaced by technology, and the noun is displacement.
Jenny: 呃其实讲这么多好像听起来very uh,叫什么doom and gloom*2是吧,英语说。好像,前途一片灰暗啊。But not necessarily. And that is our focus today actually. How do you navigate new technologies. How do you protect yourself against being replaced or displaced by new technologies.
Adam: Right well, my strategy has been whenever I use ChatGPT, I am very polite to it.
Jenny: 对它好一点吗。
Adam: Please. Please, Mr. ChatGPT,
Jenny: 对对对,我没有我又觉得新的技术了,当然很多一个程度it’s making things more efficient, scaling up规模化,automating a lot of stuff from labor work to 现在很多的automation自动化,都发生在white collar jobs是吧,brain work。
Adam: Umm yeah that’s right, that’s right.
Jenny: 嗯。所以其实也挺有意思我们今天准备节目的时候Adam问了ChatGPT说有哪些工种,就是最容易哪些这种white collar工种是最容易被新技术取代的。
Adam: Right and you know what its response was Jenny? Its first response?
Jenny: Podcast hosts.
Adam: Yeah English teacher, podcasters.
Adam: Actually we have had some comments recently about people some of our users who do use ChatGPT to learn English and actually, it’s pretty neat it’s pretty good at language. So it could probably displace a few translators out there.
Jenny: 哦对,其实我自己经常就是会用机翻嘛。呃就先先过一遍,先过一遍,然后我自己再去refine它。So actually I think machine translation has gotten really really sophisticated, gotten really good. 那,诶,其实还有一些很多这个content有关的哈内容相关的工作。If you’re just doing like the kind of very bottom level repetitive the content jobs, 那种 content work, 现在很多也都是机器生成的内容。
Adam: Yeah, for sure. And we’ve all seen those websites they are a dime a dozen*3 they just got ads on them,
Jenny: 对对对,
Adam: Generic content,
Jenny: 哎对对对。呃其实啊,我让我有点surprise的一些工种就是什么lawyer啊,accountant啊之前我们都觉得像比较金饭碗you know golden rice bowl其实这几年被技术的这个冲击也是很大的。
Adam: Well, actually there was a big story in America, this week about the ChatGPT being able to pass the law school entrance exam. And you need good reasoning skills to do that. But the job that ChatGPT is suggesting will go away or disappear is not lawyer but legal assistant or in other words paralegals.
Jenny: 对对对。所以其实就是很多我觉得我们刚刚讲到的很多工作他有一个共性就是,呃,kind of highly standardized, repetitive input based type of work? 重复性,对吧。嗯很多然后你就是往里就天天在做一样的不断的这样输入啊,输入这样的啊。
Jenny: OK那重点就来了。How do we protect ourselves against 这种 new technology, new wave of 革新?
Adam: Well, like you said earlier when we were talking about the translators. You actually sometimes do need a human around to refine the end product of these chatbots, so obviously we need to lean into that. Need to lean into our creative human sides.
Jenny: Right. 所以我们今天节目的一个重点就是分享一些很好的建议哈advice。For all of us, to be more competitive在这种新技术的面前。
Adam: Right exactly now we should say that this advice did actually come from ChatGPT,
Jenny: 天呐。
Adam: Ha ha ha...
Jenny: 但是我读了一下我觉得还是挺make sense的。我有一些怀疑啦我等一下会分享but most of these are pretty solid.
Adam: Right so for example, we just talked about creativity. So ChatGPT is pretty interesting, it’s actually quite amazing in my opinion, but it does lack human creativity.
Jenny: 嗯,就是除了创意然后还有一些可能比较就情商相关的emotional intelligence。
Adam: Yeah, but wasn’t there a joke about this last week too about ChatGPT having more emotional intelligence than people’s husbands,
Jenny: 比老公情商高哈。所以这时候就force我们啊,要we need to upgrade our skills whether it’s our creativity or our emotional intelligence our EQ哈。所以,我觉得这个点啦就是说我们要升级我们的能力图谱upgrade our skills or skill sets,或者这几年其实你会听到一个词叫做upskilling。
Adam: Umm, yes exactly exactly moving up that value chain.
Jenny: Yeah,那个value chain让我想到food chain食物链,其实我们工作也就是呃和常不是如此嘛,so moving up on that chain, right?
Adam: Exactly exactly. Now, when we’re talking about moving up or moving down or moving over, we’re really talking about being adaptable.
Jenny: 嗯这个很重要哈。Adaptable就是容易,呃,能够快速适应的是吧,适应新环境适应新挑战。
Adam: Yeah learn new things, take on new challenges,
Jenny: 对对就是how you face uncertainties, or how you face a big wave of change啊。You need to be adaptable. 因为,其实,有的时候我们会说OK I know where my skills lie, 然后呢, I’m very confident about my skills. 我觉得这是特别特别好but at the same time, you also really need to be open to learning new skills。就像我们前面说you need to always upskill.
Adam: Yes exactly so this is really all about attitude, isn’t it?
Jenny: 对对be adaptable, be nimble*4。就是很敏捷的哈be flexible。
Jenny: 好了。那接下来,哎,这一条建议呢,我我自己其实还挺认同的to embrace technology。
Adam: Yes exactly. Instead of fearing it or resenting it, embrace it, learn how to use it.
Jenny: 对。How to use it to your own benefit. 就是你怎么样一些新技术,我能够用它来让我的工作或者让我的能力更加的提升更加的彰显。
Adam: Right right. I gotta say guys to be honest with you, I love using this thing for my job. I was telling Jenny before we got started today that. I’m just loving my job lately and yeah, you know, it ChatGPT so is you know he’s played a part in that.
Jenny: 对,其实对我来说我也觉得这种新的技术啊,very often in my work, it frees up my time doing 很多 repetitive work. Or it helps inspire me kind of gets the ball rolling 比如我们要写一届新课之类的,嗯你自己花时间research很重要。但是呢,比如像ChatGPT,你可以让它先来帮你啊深沉一些。然后我自己去看了以后,it makes my research more productive, 然后也会对它其实还给我挺多inspiration。
Adam: Absolutely, absolutely. The inspiration factor is huge.
Jenny: 对能给你一些新的创意和灵感啊。不过很多时候I find myself有点站着说话不要疼。就ChatGPT给我灵感会说嗯这不好doesn’t make sense 我去想想更好的。Which I guess is useful, right?
Adam: In my humble opinion, it sounds pretty useful to me.
Jenny: 嗯。对其实我们讲很多这些advice哈。怎么来让自己的能力哈,更加的有竞争力。A lot of these have to do with just our humanity, right? Just leaning to the fact that we’re humans.
Adam: Yes exactly we are creative creatures. And we’re also social creatures. So get out there and network and build relationships.
Jenny: 啊。所以这真的很重要了so the工作just most of the jobs, most types of work都是你要和别人一起来搭配的。And you know just having that face-to-face connection that real life connections, 真的很重要。不光是对工作很重要啊。我其实觉得我在工作中认识了很多特别好的朋友。Even after we leave our jobs. You get to keep that relationship that friendship, right?
Adam: Exactly so the phrase that we used here was build relationships. Actually, we should really be using a word like “nurture” relationships.
Jenny: 嗯,对对对nurture就是去呃培养它,养育它。
Adam: Right so it’s not just about building it and then “I’m done” I now have this relationship I can finish, no, it is an ongoing process.
Jenny: 是,是。好,那我们今天最后要分享的一条建议。This one I have some doubts about? 我不知道Adam的想法but let’s let’s share this.
Adam: OK so number five is consider entrepreneurship.
Jenny: 自己去创业。我觉得这是ChatGPT有点我们。因为创业很risky风险*5很大,好不好?
Adam: Yeah yeah exactly in this conversation there is exactly one person who has started their own business who has actually taken that risk and made something.
Jenny: 对对对。我觉得创业是一个upside很有可能很大,upside就是好的东西说benefits。但是呢, it also has huge downsides. 就是失败几率也很高啦。
Adam: Yeah, yeah exactly exactly. And a lot of people who do go into business for themselves or start their own business, they actually can’t really identify that. They can only think of the upside.
Jenny: 对,其实我也能理解哈。因为我们看到的就更多的都是成功的案例嘛然后很inspirational给我们很多的灵感。而且有时候,其实真的好多朋友创业哈,start their own businesses,其实也不是说最driven by钱,而说对那个事情很有passion。真的很爱那个事情。
Adam: Yes, yes.
Jenny: 对。但我们之前不是也分享过一个like having passion is really really important but just realizing it’s a starting point。就是你还是需要有很多的比如说,all the necessary research, all the necessary流程啊这些team、resources这些也都很重要。Passion alone就it’s not enough,对吧。
Adam: Rights right exactly.
Jenny: 嗯。好,那我们今天的节目就到这哈。当然了 entrepreneurship starting your own business if you can make it work, it’s really really great.
Adam: Yeah, do it. But like with most things, do it “with your eyes wide open.”
Jenny: 哦,这什么意思啊?
Adam: Meaning that you should rewind this show a couple minutes and listen to everything that Jenny just said one more time: there are risks, people don’t see the risks. You could still do it, you could still be amazing, but there are risks.
Jenny: 啊对。就是要考虑周全啦。You need to consider from all sides.
Adam: Exactly.
Jenny: 好的。那我们今天的节目就到这儿哈。不知道大家对于新技术的这个what is your take on it。Are you the embracing type? Or are you the I don’t know suspicious type and decided,
Adam: Right or are you the translator who right now is going, ahhhh.
Jenny: 啊对,都希望大家在留言专区跟我们分享。其实我一直特别感激哈 really really appreciate how open, honest and really really friendly and supportive our comment section is.
Adam: Absolutely checking those comments is my favorite time of the day.
Jenny: 好,那我们今天的节目就到这儿。谢谢大家的收听,我们下次再见。
Adam: All right, bye for now.

*1:抢饭碗/qiǎng fàn wǎn/ 茶碗(⇒飯の種)を奪う

*2:doom and gloom 暗い見通し

*3:dime a dozen 凡百の

*4:nimble 機敏な

*5:风险/fēng xiǎn/ 危険、リスク