
英語と中国語を同時に学ぶ! 潘吉Jenny告诉你とCCTV Growing up with Chineseで聞き取り書き取り

Introduction | Episodes |


37 Complaints 抱怨

Greetings everyone, welcome back to another episode of Growing up with Chinese. 欢迎大家收看今天的成长汉语. We’ve got a fun line up for today’s show; we’re going to go over some of the ways one complains in Chinese. That’s right. While com…

36 Compliments 赞美

兰兰のダンスが圧巻です。 Hello everybody, 欢迎大家收看今天的成长汉语. It’s great to be here with all of you for another episode of Growing up with Chinese. 上次我跟大家说了可以去听一听中国的音乐. Did any of you manage to find some good Chi…

35 Sending emails 发电子邮件

大家好, hi everyone it’s great to see you all here for today’s episode of Growing up with Chinese. 欢迎收看今天的成长汉语. Now before we get into today’s content, I just want to thank all of you who have left us messages on our website’s c…

34 Listening to music 听音乐

色々と謎の残る回でした。 Good buddy, 大家好, 欢迎收看成长汉语. Welcome back to another episode of Growing up with Chinese. Now did the last show’s computer vocabulary settle into a more permanent spot in your heads? Technical vocabulary ca…

33 Playing computer games 玩电子游戏

Hi everyone, thanks for joining us for another episode of Growing up with Chinese. 欢迎大家收看今天的成长汉语. The aim of our show is to help all of you learn some basic Chinese, through the adventures of 小明, a local 北京 high school stu…

32 Interests 爱好

你们好吗? Hi everyone, 欢迎收看成长汉语. Welcome back to another episode of Growing up with Chinese. 昨天晚上你们睡得好吗? Did you all get a good night’s sleep yesterday? Mike和小明睡得特别好. 小明还做了橄榄球的梦呢. Indeed I have it on go…


本日、episode 100の清書まで終わりました。いや〜長かった。ちょうど去年のGW前くらいから始めたのでまる1年かかりました。 あとはここに粛々とアップロードしてゆきます。

31 Learning to play American football 学打橄榄球

你们好, 欢迎收看今天的成长汉语. Hi there everyone, thanks for joining us for today’s episode of Growing up with Chinese. Now how is your studying going? You know, studying anything is a lot of hard work and you’re all doing a great job so …