
英語と中国語を同時に学ぶ! 潘吉Jenny告诉你とCCTV Growing up with Chineseで聞き取り書き取り

Introduction | Episodes |


48 Farewell 送别

一週間の休暇を終え、王叔叔が上海へ帰ります。 なおこのFarewell 送别というタイトルはせっかくの最終回episode 100と丸かぶりです。 Hi there everyone, 你们好吗? Thanks for tuning into today’s episode of Growing up with Chinese. 欢迎大家收看成长…

47 Booking tickets 订票

今回と次回のSpotlightはcricket*1の話です。 Hello everyone, 大家好. Thanks for joining us for today’s episode of Growing up with Chinese. 欢迎大家收看今天的成长汉语. If you were able to join us last time, you know that 小明’s uncle 王叔叔 w…

46 Antique market 2 古玩城 2

大家好, hi everybody, 欢迎收看成长汉语. Thanks for tuning into today’s episode of Growing up with Chinese. Now we designed our show to help all of you learn some basic Chinese, through the adventures of 小明, a local 北京 high school stude…

45 Antique market 1 古玩城 1

大家好, 欢迎收看今天的成长汉语. Thanks for joining us today for Growing up with Chinese. Now thank goodness 小明’s uncle 王叔叔 managed to get his camera back after leaving it in the taxi last show, lucky guy. So he still in town and outin…

44 Lost and found 丢东西

Hello everybody, thanks for joining us today on Growing up with Chinese. 欢迎大家收看今天的成长汉语. Have any of you ever left something in a restaurant or a taxi? It’s a horrible feeling to know that you might have lost something. But the…

43 Entertaining visitors 做客请吃饭

大家好, 欢迎收看成长汉语. It’s great to see all of you here for another episode of Growing up with Chinese. We’re really moving a long aren’t we? I feel like it was just yesterday that Mike and 小明 met each other. But time files when you …

42 Uncle calls 叔叔来电话

北京の小明一家のところに、上海から小明のおじ・王楠叔叔が訪れます。 Hello everyone, thanks for joining us today and Growing up with Chinese. 你们好吗? 欢迎收看成长汉语. We designed our show to help all of you learn some basic Chinese, throu…

41 Beijing snacks 北京小吃 (2)

かつて皇帝のみが食べることを許されたという、豌豆黄の製法が明かされます。 大家好, 欢迎收看今天的成长汉语节目. Welcome back to another episode of Growing up with Chinese. Now I made sure to eat snack before you from today’s show because our …

40 Beijing snacks 北京小吃

Hi everyone, it’s great to have you all hear for today’s episode of Growing up with Chinese. 很高兴在成长汉语中看到大家. 今天我们的三位朋友在干什么? 是不是要去什么地方玩儿了? I’m not exactly sure what Mike, 小明 and 兰兰 are up to, but my …

39 Nan Luo Gu Xiang street 南锣鼓巷

大家好, thanks for joining us today on Growing up with Chinese 欢迎大家收看今天的成长汉语. We’ve got some fun stuff to talk about today thanks to Mike and 兰兰’s little excursion*1 to 南锣鼓巷. Now like I said last time, it’s not a very bi…

38 Planned outings 约会

大家好, 欢迎收看成长汉语. Hi there everyone, welcome back to another episode of Growing up with Chinese. Our show is designed to help all of you learn some basic Chinese, through the adventures of 小明, a local 北京 high school student, an…