
英語と中国語を同時に学ぶ! 潘吉Jenny告诉你とCCTV Growing up with Chineseで聞き取り書き取り

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1079 时事英语:排污入海



今天, 我们要跟大家分享有关日本排污入海的英语表达。除此之外,Jenny和Adam还要教大家与我们的生活、环境息息相关的环保英语表达。快来学习吧!

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Jenny: Hello大家好,我是Jenny。你正在收听由开言英语带来的潘吉Jenny告诉你。
Adam: Hey guys this is Adam.
Jenny: 那今天呢我们的节目要讲讲最近的一个时事话题。
Adam: Yes today we have a very topical, timely topic.
Jenny: 对,那就是说的日本排污入海啊。因为最近真的新闻讲的非常的多,而且在我们的节目留言里面也看到了好几位听众希望我们来教大家一下,这个事情要怎么说,然后呢,也希望我们教大家一些相关的环保英语。
Adam: Yes, exactly. So today we’ve got something that everyone is talking about and something that everyone should be talking about.
Jenny: 嗯,没错。好, let’s go back to this current affair event 就是日本排污入海. 呃,如果你读英语媒体的话,the most likely headlines you will see will probably be something like this.
Adam: It will say something like Japan is releasing wastewater into the ocean.
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Jenny: 噢对,to release啊。就是排放的意思。那其实排放它还有其他的一些常用说法,比如说discharge,是吧。
Adam: Yes, exactly. Now the other thing you might see in the headlines is wastewater is sometimes one really long word and sometimes it’s two words.
Jenny: 啊,对。那总之呢它的意思就是这个污水。然后这里的waste它不是说浪费的意思啊。因为 waste has another meaning of you know being discarded like garbage.
Adam: Right, exactly. Especially at the end of an industrial process.
Jenny: 嗯。诶那这里大家非常concerned就是it’s not only industrial, 它是跟核有关的。核能。
Adam: Right it’s nuclear.
Jenny: Yeah. So it comes from the Fukushima nuclear plant, 是吧.
Adam: Yes exactly.
Jenny: 就是福岛核电站哈。那,核或者核能呢就是nuclear。这里的plant显然不是花花草草植物。
Adam: Right we’re not talking about something in your garden here, we can call Fukushima a nuclear plant or we can call it a nuclear power plant; they’re both fine.
Jenny: OK. 对因为这个plant它有一个意思就是这种非常大的基地,这种站。比如说发电站,对吧。英语我们可以叫做?
Adam: Power plant.
Jenny: Right. 那当然对于核呢,最让人担心最让人恐惧的就是核放射。
Adam: Right. It could be radioactive.
Jenny: OK。所以放射就是radioactive哈。Or I should say 就是放射性的是 radioactive because that’s an adjective. 如果你要说是这个放射,把它作为一个名词,我们可以怎么说呢?
Adam: Radioactivity.
Jenny: OK,明白了。好,那我们还是回到这个动词哈,前面讲的这个排放。因为排放除了这一次with wastewater,它也是环保就这几十年来,大家越来越有意识,然后越来越警惕,越来越注意的一件事情。
Adam: Absolutely so earlier we talked about two verbs you can use, discharge and release. Again, they’re both fine, probably in daily speech, you will hear release more than discharge.
Jenny: Yeah yeah. But because we’re talking about current affairs. 所以最近就看好多这个新闻头条news headlines。That’s why this word discharge it’s on top of our minds.
Adam: Right right. If you have an IELTS test coming up, “discharge” great word to use. For the rest of us, “release” will be fine.
Jenny: 对,就日常真的看到release的搭配更多一点。比如说,各种各样的气体,尾气啊汽车牌尾气。或我们家里的电气。它也会排放这种一般是不太好的比较有害的气体哈。
Adam: Well that’s the thing about release is you can release good things and you can release bad things.
Jenny: 噢对,因为我们也说有些人他就是很positive对不对很积极很乐观,so they release very positive energy.
Adam: Exactly exactly.
Jenny: 嗯,但是当我们说到这个排放一些有害气体的时候,英语要怎么说呢?
Adam: Well again, when we’re talking about industrial processes, we’re usually releasing some kind of exhaust gas.
Jenny: 噢,exhaust就是废气,就不要的而且是不好的。
Adam: Right, even when we drive our cars, our cars release exhaust through the exhaust pipe I might add.
Jenny: 啊对就是汽车会排放尾气啊。那我们经常讲到这个对环境呢然后对人体有害的,气体啊,物质啊,of course you can call them harmful, 但是还有一个常用的就讲到有毒性的有毒害的。And that word is?
Adam: Toxic.
Jenny: Toxic啊。呃,可能大家知道有毒的还有一个说法是poisonous。But I think when we’re talking about the environment, 特别是这种气体啊,或者materials物质,definitely we’ll use toxic a little bit more.
Adam: Absolutely.
Jenny: 嗯。诶其实toxic还能形容人,我记得以前的节目好像也说过就是,呃,有的时候,人的性格或者一些举动态度会比较toxic,是吧。
Adam: Right exactly. So try to avoid those people if you can.
Jenny: 但是很多时候那些人他自己也是精神很痛苦然后心理压力非常大。其实他们自己需要release他们的压力。
Adam: Right exactly. We can hope from a distance that they release their pressure and become better people, but from a distance.
Jenny: 但我想教大家的就是release pressure是可以用的一个说法。如果你最近觉得生活啊,工作压力都比较大。Then you should go and release that pressure.
Adam: Yes, or we can change release from a verb into a noun and say “find a good release like singing or dancing.”
Jenny: Yeah yeah. Whatever works for you ah. 好,那关于排放呢最后我们想再教大家的这个词。它是一个名词,但在这个环保意识非常强的年代哈。You see this word a lot.
Adam: You sure do. So this word also begins with e and it is “emission.”
Jenny: Emission. e-m-i-s-s-i-o-n啊。那说到这个词经常它搭配的就是说什么汽车尾气的排放。然后还有一些就是新的标准,是吧。Governments are getting more and more stringent*1 about these standards.
Adam: Yes, exactly. So of course we’re talking about car emissions. Now when I think about the phrase emission standards, I think about the state of California.
Jenny: 对因为他们好像说二零多少年就outlaw就会ban all gas cars。
Adam: They have had very strict or to reuse Jenny’s word stringent standards, basically my entire life.
Jenny: 对他们是朝着那个零排放的目标去的。
Adam: Yes exactly. So more recently they have been aiming for zero emissions.
Jenny: Yeah that’s also a term you hear a lot in this 环保时代啊. Zero emission. To target for or to hope to achieve zero emission by 什么什么时候.
Adam: That’s right.
Jenny: 好虽然我们今天在说这个排污入海啊。但其实也是在说各种各样的污染就是很肮脏很脏的东西。
Adam: Right dirty.
Jenny: Yeah. 所以其实你看到我看到污哈。在我脑子里跳出来最口语最简单的一个英文单词就是这个dirty。
Adam: Exactly the water is dirty, the air is dirty,
Jenny: 所以如果说最近空气比较污染。You can simply say the air is really dirty, 是吧.
Adam: Exactly.
Jenny: 但是如果你想更加specific。说到污染,这个时候我们可以用polluted,right?
Adam: Yes the air is polluted, or we could use a noun here there is lots of air pollution, water pollution.
Jenny: Right right, pollution 啊. 诶,另外还有一个词contamination也是污染的意思。Is it different than pollution?
Adam: It is a little bit different contamination is usually a little bit more specific, like for example, going back to the nuclear idea, we were talking about earlier, people are often afraid of nuclear contamination.
Jenny: 对,对。所以pollution就是比如说空气污染。但是contamination更多的就是说,一个toxic的东西有毒的,它被release被排放到了一个好的东西里面。然后那个好的东西就变成contaminated被污染了。
Adam: Exactly exactly.
Jenny: 比如在美国,其实这几年都在说,美国好多特别比较穷的那些state一些州,the drinking water is very contaminated. 所以,人家在家里那个自来水,它即使是烧开了都好像说不能喝,就非常非常的脏。
Adam: Right right exactly. So again, we can talk about water pollution, but that’s often a general idea when we’re talking about a specific river in a specific place, we often use the word contaminated; the water has been or the water is contaminated.
Jenny: 好,学会了。那看完了那么多讲到排污污染哈。确实哈污染是全球性的一个问题,也需要一个global effort是吧。要一个全球性的协作和努力来解决哈。让我们变得更加的环保。那我们今天节目的最后呢,就跟大家分享一些非常有用也非常实用的环保英语。So first of all, 当然这个环境英语就是?
Adam: The environment.
Jenny: 嗯,这里要注意哈,我们一般讲到environment的时候,前面都会加t-h-e,对吗。
Adam: Yes exactly, like for example, protect the environment.
Jenny: Yeah. Or the environment is very important. 所以它前面都是有一个特定特质的这个the啊。好,所以环保这个大的概念英语可以怎么说呢?
Adam: Well, like I just said, we can protect the environment.
Jenny: 或者environmental protection,是吧。
Adam: Yes so that idea counts as a noun,
Jenny: 对。然后你有没有发现,当我们用中文说环保的时候呢,经常它是一个形容词。就是说,我们的生活要更环保,我这个人要更环保。
Adam: Right, you read my mind. So, when we’re trying to describe that kind of person or that kind of attitude, we basically have two options. One of those options is super long. Environmentally friendly.
Jenny: 所以可以怎么用呢? 就是说we need to be more environmentally friendly.
Adam: Right but gosh that is long isn’t it, Jenny.
Jenny: Yeah yeah. So instead, you can use this shortened version.
Adam: Eco-friendly.
Jenny: 啊,对,eco哈。所以eco呢,其实大家在很多很多的产品。或者很多很多这种slogan里面都会看到这个词。比如说现在好多disposable一次性的碗筷,它都是说这是一个eco-friendly product made from eco-friendly materials. 而且是可再生可降解的。
Adam: Exactly so it’s better for the environment.
Jenny: Yeah yeah. And consumers in general, 我觉得现在消费者也都是更加environmentally conscious,environmentally minded,对吧。
Adam: Right so a moment ago, I said that we can use people we can use the phrase environmentally friendly to describe people, but you’re right Jenny this is actually a better phrase to describe people environmentally conscious. She is environmentally conscious, we are environmentally minded,
Jenny: 对。而且我特别觉得就现在的孩子,他从小学校的教育然后在自己的生活里面,他天生的就是非常环保。我看到好多年轻人啊,对于塑料袋的那个态度就是no it’s so bad, right? So when they go shopping, 特别买菜啊什么他们都自己带一个环保袋。
Adam: Oh, take a reusable bag.
Jenny: 所以环保袋可以说eco bag吗? 刚刚不是eco-friendly eco说了好多吗?
Adam: Yeah you can call them eco bags, sure.
Jenny: 其实讲到这个reusable哈。可再次可循环使用的,这非常重要。And it really is against this whole idea of 什么东西用一次就丢掉。前面我说disposable对吧。一次性的餐具。Or another term you see a lot is single use.
Adam: Yes. So we need to reduce single use plastics.
Jenny: 对特别是讲到塑料的东西啊。诶,但你有没有发现啊,现在好多disposable plates、forks看起来是塑料的。但是它其实是eco-friendly material。
Adam: Yes, we have a few of those in our office.
Jenny: 对。这个也是一个非常大的产业哈。就是一个sustainability industry。
Adam: Yes, exactly.
Jenny: 所以sustainability或者它的形容词sustainable,意思就是 it can go on for a long time.
Adam: Just like us.
Jenny: Well we’re getting there but yeah it’s been a long time 哈. 所以就是可持续性的意思。可持续性的发展,我们可以叫做sustainable development。
Adam: Yes so again, sustainability is a noun, but the adjective sustainable you will see with words like Jenny just said sustainable development, sustainable practices,
Jenny: 诶其实说到这个sustainable development啊。很多的企业呢,最近十几二十年都是trying to be more sustainable。Even like when you’re booking airline tickets now, 现在那个旁边会写说,这架航班它的排放量是多少。因为大家有这个概念,就是我们希望排放少一点。然后希望hopefully achieve carbon neutral,对吧。
Adam: Right exactly carbon neutral, so before we were talking about zero emissions, now we’re talking about a way to offset emissions.
Jenny: 噢,对。因为这个碳中和,carbon neutral不是说真的零排放zero emission。而是说我排放了,但是我其他也,做了一些环保的事情,to offset就是有这个carbon credits。
Adam: Right so the idea isn’t zero as in none, nothing, nothing ever existed the idea is net zero.
Jenny: 噢,net zero。我想的就是你这个生意终于打平了。Like break even, 是吧. 你有花钱你有投入但是你拿进来收进来的钱,offset your cost。
Adam: Exactly.
Jenny: 好。那我们今天的节目就到这儿。其实今天我们讲了非常多的东西哈。希望大家能够好好看一下也好好保存我们今天的文稿。因为都是非常实用,而且就像Adam说的something we all should know and pay attention to.
Adam: Absolutely guys, protecting the environment is a responsibility, that we all should take really really seriously.
Jenny: 好非常感谢大家的收听,我们下次再见。
Adam: Alright bye for now.


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