
英語と中国語を同時に学ぶ! 潘吉Jenny告诉你とCCTV Growing up with Chineseで聞き取り書き取り

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1044 扎堆买新能源车,但它的英语名字你说对了吗?




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Jenny: Hello大家好,我是Jenny。你正在收听由开言英语带来的潘吉Jenny告诉你。
Adam: Hey guys this is Adam, welcome to the show,
Jenny: Actually, today, we have a show about a show, 是吧.
Adam: That’s my favorite kind of show.
Jenny: 对因为我们今天这个节目呢,要说说最近正如火如荼在举行的上海车展, which is also a show, a much much bigger show than our little show of course,
Adam: Right, maybe we can cooperate with that show and make our show even bigger, even greater.
Jenny: Ah yeah但是呢,我们今天这个节目没有得到他们的赞助哈。我们没有被赞助什么免费的车。We didn’t even get sponsored to see that show. 但没有关系没有关系,因为我们comments里面收到很多留言说,诶你们讲讲车,因为现在就好多朋友都买车啊,买新能源的这个电动车,所以就有很多其实非常实用的车,还有驾驶的英语我们今天想分享给大家。
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Adam: That’s right. So today its all about cars, its all about driving,
Jenny: 对。那但是我们还是先说说这个上海车展啊。其实,我前面说today our show is about a show,所以像车展这种展会,我们也可以叫它比如it’s a car show? It’s a 什么 auto show?
Adam: Well, the official word that they would use on their website is “exhibition”. But yes, in daily speech, we would say the car show. However, it sounds like this particular car show has a different nickname.
Jenny: 哦对,我其实因为准备今天的节目嘛,我就查了一下哈,首先上海车展的这个正式的英文名是非常正式的。Which is?
Adam: The Shanghai International Automobile Industry Exhibition.
Jenny: 而且还是行业的啊industry。但是呢, who’s gonna remember that, right? 而且一点都没有网红潜质的名字。So it’s gotta much catchier nickname.
Adam: Absolutely. Auto Shanghai.
Jenny: 哇,好厉害哦。诶,它这个Auto Shanghai都没有跟他说它是一个什么show一个expo。就是Auto Shanghai。But like Adam said in daily speech 我们就会说“I’m going to the Shanghai Auto Show”,对吧。
Adam: Right exactly or again the car show is fine.
Jenny: 哦所以car show也可以啊。好,说完上海车展的名字哈,我们现在要来聚焦车,这个单词,因为在英语里面其实还是有好几个常见的不同的单词来表达车哈。
Adam: Yes, absolutely. So some of the questions that we receive are questions like this: what’s the difference between automobile and car? Or what’s the difference between car and vehicle?
Jenny: 哦对,因为这三个单词其实都是车的意思嘛。然后,首先啦我觉得car最简单,so let’s just learn that and use that. Honestly in daily speech, 你说car就没问题,你不用说I have an automobile,是吧。而且意思有点不一样。
Adam: It’s a little bit complicated because these words can be very subjective. Vehicle is actually the easiest one to explain because so many things count as a vehicle. A car is a vehicle, an airplane is a vehicle, a bicycle is a vehicle. But you would never call an airplane an automobile just like you would never call a bicycle an automobile.
Jenny: 我简单解释一下哈。就是车呢是最口语的一个单词。基本上我们日常就是那种,等一下我们会说不同车型比如,四个门的这种sedan,这个是一个car是吧。
Adam: Um.
Jenny: 那,如果我是一个SUV呢? Is that a car?
Adam: So again here’s where it gets pretty subjective.
Jenny: Yeah, but in daily speech you would just 你也说 I got a new car, right? 也是OK的。
Adam: I’d probably say “I got an SUV.”
Jenny: 哦,这样。所以就是四门的这种是car,然后大一点的那种你只要用它比较特定的名字嘛。
Adam: Right like a truck or a van.
Jenny: Oh got it got it.
Jenny: 好那automobile就是这些的全称是吧。
Adam: You got it.
Jenny: 好。那vehicle,其实vehicle我觉得现在在我们日常生活中用的最多的就是你买混合动力的电动车。We call that an EV, which stands for?
Adam: Electric Vehicle.
Jenny: 对EV我们等一下会说因为现在这个年代真的 it’s all about EVs. 我看上海车展的一些介绍,就是那个车厂啊,最大力推的最大力promote的都是他们的EV。
Adam: Hmm, right right. That’s the future.
Jenny: Yeah that is the future. 而且还有很多现在的practical实际的这个实惠比如车牌*1啊这些的。
Jenny: 好。那除了car、automobile和vehicle以外呢,there are some 非常口语的说法是吧。
Adam: Yes absolutely. So cars of course have wheels if they didn’t have wheels, they wouldn’t get very far, so we can actually use the word “wheels” as a name for our car, “hey check out my new wheels.”
Jenny: 然后他不是说光来看看轮胎。It just means check out the new car this whole thing. Or也可以用ride是吧r-i-d-e oh it’s a new ride, it’s my new ride.
Adam: My new ride or like nice ride, check out that guy’s ride.
Jenny: 啊,是是是。好,车我们已经讲了很多了 but there’s yet one more. 但这个车有点不一样,就是购物车。
Adam: Right this is actually my ride these are my wheels this is the only car I can afford.
Jenny: 诶,但购物车我们不用shopping car。It’s a similar word, right?
Adam: It’s a very similar word; it’s actually a car“t“.
Jenny: 就是在car后面加一个T哈。然后一个shopping cart,它可以是你去超市推的那种购物车。So it can be a physical shopping cart, or我们现在很熟悉的你在网上购物 it’s a virtual shopping cart.
Adam: Yeah exactly. Click on your shopping cart, the items in your shopping cart,
Jenny: 嗯。好,那我们现在呢,就来具体看一下不同的这个车型哈different car or automobile models,英语要怎么说? 呃首先就先从可能最普及的这种四门的小轿车。这个英语要叫什么呢?
Adam: Well, the most common word would be sedan.
Jenny: S-e-d-a-n sedan.
Adam: Right. Now when I think about sedan I think about family car.
Jenny: 对就你一家三口啊四口啊都可以 a sedan will fit all of you, right?
Adam: Hope so. I hope so.
Jenny: 好但是近几年呢,其实,越来越多的人就喜欢做的大一点舒服一点。或者很多人喜欢开车高一点,对吧。Better vision.
Adam: Right better vision, maybe better safety, if you’re looking for that, you might be looking for an SUV.
Jenny: An SUV. Uh which stands for Sports Utility Vehicle啊又来了vehicle那个词。但其实daily speech大家都说SUV。呃Adam因为在那个中国啊我们现在中文都不太说我们就会直接用英文SUV。然后在北美你们也都是这样讲吗SUV。不会说soov,是吧。
Adam: Ha ha ha no, you did not buy a soov; you bought an SUV.
Jenny: 啊? An SUV. 不是a SUV吗? 这S也不是元音又不是aeiou。
Adam: That’s right the letter S is a consonant. But listen to the sound of S. S, it’s actually sounds like an e, e s s.
Jenny: 对,that’s why就是我们口语里面呢要说an SUV
Adam: Right, same as if I did bad at school, I would say “oh man, I got an F*2.”
Jenny: 对,为什么举一个这么悲惨的例子……
Jenny: 好。那我们接下来再往大的车看哈。面包车*3which is not a bread car,那这个英文要怎么讲呢?
Adam: Well, we probably just call it a van or a minivan.
Jenny: 嗯,对就是v-a-n啊。Minivan就是更小一点啦。我觉得那个,诶,你觉得van是多大。是那种大到你像那种成绩快车啊,或什么的those are we call those a coach,是吧。那种很大的。
Adam: You got it.
Jenny: 对反正van啊minivan啊面包车就是基本上最多可以坐八个人吧我感觉哈。
Adam: Yeah yeah exactly.
Jenny: 六到八个人啊。
Jenny: 好。那呃下面的这个车型我觉得中国亚洲不是那么多,但在北美真的非常非常的流行。
Adam: Right. So here we’re talking about the word truck. But we’re not talking about trucks that ship things from city to city.
Jenny: 不是那种大卡车*4哈。
Adam: Right, we’re talking about pickup trucks.
Jenny: 诶然后这pick up就是像I need to pick pick some stuff up嘛? 然后这种车因为它后面有个框,so you can fit quite a lot of stuff in, that’s why it’s called a pickup.
Adam: Exactly exactly.
Jenny: 哦。它其实后面的这个你可以放东西的这一块呢 it’s not covered, right?
Adam: It’s not covered although you can buy covers for them, and it would still be a pickup truck even if the cover was on.
Jenny: 对对对,这个就咱们中文有的时候可以呃会把它翻译成一个小皮卡*5。然后现在哇好多的automaker好多的carmaker,他们做的那种EV pickup。然后反正现在很多电动的这些皮卡就完全不一样。
Adam: They are definitely getting better and better all the time.
Jenny: 对对and more and more expensive哈。但讲到贵我觉得后面,好了,现在我们都说说越来越贵的车。
Adam: OK so for a lot of guys, I’m not sure about girls, when they’re young they dream of having a convertible*6.
Jenny: 啊,这是一个敞篷车*7。那它的篷呢,当然你是可以合起来的哈。Hence we call it a convertible, 因为你可以把它convert,对吧。篷敞开或者关起来。
Adam: Exactly exactly.
Jenny: 嗯。呃or I used to drive a coupe c-o-u-p-e, it’s not a convertible. 但远看有点像。然后这个coupe呢,就是呃它那个篷是不可以敞的。但看起来有点像中跑车而且它只有两个门。
Adam: Right it’s definitely not a family car, right? You’re not gonna put your kids into a coupe.
Jenny: 我小孩他们小的时候都坐在我后排但后来yeah they were complaining因为后面比较矮嘛。所以我就换了一个四门的就换了一个比较boring的车。
Jenny: So coupe c-o-u-p-e. Well, 最后想跟大家说这种车呢这个我就想到Las Vegas。
Adam: Yes that’s right the bright lights and the limousines.
Jenny: limousines or in short limo, 对吧.
Adam: Right right. Have your kids ever been in a limo?
Jenny: 呃还没有,还没有。Limousine就是那种,呃 it doesn’t have to be 其实英文也会说a stretched limo就那种加长的,超长的。A limousine我觉得在美国人everyday speech里面就是他们觉得是一个很fancy的,通常是黑色的。那种很商务很高级的一个车,for very important people。
Adam: Right or for a dozen high school students with twenty dollars each.
Jenny: Right right right 对,美国很多毕业生就是家长会凑钱*8让他们租一个这种stretch limo,然后让他们出去开呃graduation party。
Adam: Right exactly.
Jenny: 嗯。好那这时候你叫有budget啊。所以其实这个车我们也会说有经济车型,对吧。然后有这个奢侈的车哈。所以比较经济的车型,can we call them like budget cars? Or 呃,中文说经济车型。In English can you say they’re like economic models or economy 想做飞机那样?
Adam: Economy, yeah. Economy sounds better for sure.
Jenny: 呃economy。然后 on the other end you have your luxury cars.
Adam: Right right.
Jenny: 啊。好,那我们今天节目最后呢,要看看就是你这个车,靠什么来跑呢你的动力来源哈。
Adam: Right, so one question I get a lot is what’s the difference between gas and petrol.
Jenny: 啊,就是就是讲到油哈。那gas,哎,我最早学的时候我,我真的就以为 gas only means 煤气 that’s gas, right? 但后来,我发现 oh no, it also goes in our car and it’s a different kind of gas.
Adam: Well it’s a liquid when you buy it. But of course when it moves the car when it propels the car, it is turned into a gas.
Jenny: 嗯,嗯。对所以说到的气,对吧气油。在北美呢,口语里面就会用gas。
Adam: That’s right. So we go to the gas station to buy gas to get gas, or to gas up,
Jenny: 啊gas up就是一个动词哈,动词短语。我要去加油I need to gas up。OK那petrol又是什么呢?
Adam: Petrol is what they call gas or gasoline I suppose we should say in England.
Jenny: 啊,the full name is petroleum, 是吧.
Adam: Um right petroleum oh I guess we should also say that our British friends don’t say truck; they say lorry.
Jenny: Lorry, 对对对.
Adam: You put petrol in the lorry.
Jenny: 啊。所以这个petrol p-e-t-r-o-l。在英国呢他们也会说petrol station。
Adam: Yeah that’s right. But that’s not a word that we use over here in North America.
Jenny: 嗯。But in Britain they don’t say “I need to petrol up,“ today. I wonder what what did they say for 加油.
Adam: We’ll do a part two don’t worry.
Jenny: OK, OK. 好但是现在呢,好像整个的趋势就是the shift the move to呃,新能源车to电动车。欸,Adam你知道吗,其实中文啊我们常常说新能源车可是英语里面你们会说new energy car吗?
Adam: Um maybe if we’re talking about these things in general or maybe at the level of public policy, but in daily speech we’re just going to say EV.
Jenny: 啊就是我们前面跟大家说那个vehicle对吧,electric vehicle。但是在口语里面,你就简单的用它的这个字母缩写EV就OK了。
Adam: Exactly exactly. Now you were talking about these big shifts in consumer behavior, I of course am an English teacher so I’m thinking about shifts in verbs, we will no longer have to gas up our cars, or get gas we’re going to need to?
Jenny: Charge.
Adam: Charge the cars, right. So you’re not going to charge them at a gas station, you will charge them at a charging station.
Jenny: 呃,其实现在很多gas station里面有一个charging station对不对。
Adam: Right but let’s look again in five or ten years, will we still call them gas stations?
Jenny: Yeah yeah I wonder是吧,那以后这个加油站是不是名字也要改哈。因为你又能加油又能充电。
Jenny: OK那其实买电动车新能源车呢,除了对环境比较好it’s better for the environment, 当然还有一种车子它就是油电混合混合动力的and we call those?
Adam: Hybrid’s.
Jenny: 呃一个hybrid h-y-b-r-i-d啊。Hybrid意思就是combination对吧。
Adam: Yes, exactly.
Jenny: 好的。那呃其实现在很多买电动车啊刚才说他有很多实际的优惠比如说你的车牌,就比较便宜而且比较快你不需要去拍牌啊在中国,那我们今天节目最后就告诉大家一下,比如驾驶之照然后车牌英文的说法。
Adam: Right, OK. So we have mentioned the 车牌 a couple times today, let’s start with that one that is the license plate.
Jenny: License. 这个license就是一个什么许可证,是吧。然后呢,它这里还是一个plate。Plate,就是你吃饭的时候的碟子但它还有一个意思就是一块硬硬的东西。Because the 车牌就是块硬硬的东西你要放在你的车上吗。
Adam: Yes exactly. But we also use the word license for another very important part of driving.
Jenny: 你要先有这个license你才能去弄那个license plate哈。
Adam: Yes, exactly. So this is the piece of paper or the card that allows you to drive on the roads.
Jenny: 这就是驾照which is?
Adam: Your driver’s license.
Jenny: 或者driving license也可以,是吧。
Adam: Well, not over here not over in North America, we like to use the phrase driver’s license, what we can’t really agree on over here is should there be an apostrophe in the word driver’s.
Jenny: 啊评法哈有没有那个就s前面有没有一批。但我上网查好像英国有一些地方是they call it a driving license. 但我觉得比较可能更common一点 yeah, driver’s license.
Adam: They got to be different over there, right? With their petrol and their lorries and their driving licenses?
Jenny: 而且 they drive on the different side of the road.
Adam: Yes, that’s right, that’s right. Crazy!
Jenny: 好那我们今天的节目就到这啊。不知道我们在上海的朋友,did you go to the Shanghai Auto Show the car show? What cool new car models did you see?
Adam: Yeah well there are lots of cool futuristic cars?
Jenny: 哦对我还想问一下大家,do you drive? Do you drive a gas car or an EV? What is your experience?
Adam: Right or are you like me and you just drive around in a shopping cart? It’s all you can afford.
Jenny: 好,那我们今天的节目就到这儿。We’ll see you in the comments section.
Adam: All right guys happy driving.

*1:车牌/chē pái/ ナンバープレート | license plate


*3:面包车/miàn bāo chē/ (車種の)バン🚐

*4:卡车/kǎ chē/ (車種の)トラック🚚

*5:皮卡/pí kǎ/ ピックアップトラック

*6:convertible オープンカー(和製英語

*7:敞篷车/chǎng péng chē/ オープンカー

*8:凑钱/còu qián/ お金を出し合う