
英語と中国語を同時に学ぶ! 潘吉Jenny告诉你とCCTV Growing up with Chineseで聞き取り書き取り

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1049 不认识英语单词不怪你,有可能碰上了拉丁语

英文を読んでいるとしばしばラテン語(拉丁语/Lā dīng yǔ/)に出くわすのは、ここを読んでいる皆様の知るところと思います。それらについてJennyとAdamが解説します。(2023年5月19日配信)


前不久,我们在节目中提到了alma mater你还记得吗?英语中,一些和拉丁语有亲属关系的词,的确看起来有点难记。今天Jenny和Adam就帮你盘点最常用的拉丁词。

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Jenny: 大家好,我是Jenny。你正在收听由开言英语带来的潘吉Jenny告诉你。
Adam: Hey guys, this is Adam.
Jenny: 欢迎大家来到开言的拉丁语课。今天觉得非常高大上*1哈。
Adam: Oh yes exactly, I should do that intro again. Hey guys, this is Adamus,
Jenny: 对啊,就是你把任何英语的换成它那个, a lot of English comes from Latin, right? 它真的就听起来very prestigious很高大上,Adamus,Roman,Romulus。
Adam: Exactly, so even two thousand years after Rome’s peak, we still use so much Latin in professional English, like science, but it’s also something that everyday people use in their daily speech.
Jenny: 对就是讲到拉丁啊,你不要被那个啊,很高大上很长,很陌生吓倒。因为真的在口语里面呢,它还是常常会出现。我们其实今天节目的灵感就是来自于我们最近一期母亲节的节目,就讲到母校嘛。
Adam: Right, do you guys remember how to say that? Alma mater.
Jenny: 对。然后讲到校友,对吧。We don’t call ourselves as friends of the school. 我们说我们是这个学校的alumnus, or we’re alumni of a school. 所以你看这个就是拉丁语在日常口语里面还是常常出现的。
Adam: Exactly, so today we have collected a few of the most common phrases, and we are very happy, happius, happy hey, to share them with you.
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Jenny: 对。其实我们今天是十个,sometimes when we come up with these top ten, 有时候有点凑数*2。But today, I’m really really happy with these ten, 因为我真的感觉, yeah, they are the most commonly used in daily speech.
Adam: Exactly, exactly. So, the first one we are going to start with is often written as three letters: e-t-c.
Jenny: 诶其实我们comments里面常常有朋友问我们这什么意思呀e-t-c。
Adam: Yes, that’s true, so e-t-c is short for et cetera.
Jenny: 这个et cetera意思就是等等等等,是吧。不是那个wait的等,不是wait,it’s like the 省略号的等等.
Adam: Right, right, I like this and that and this and those other things, etc, etc.
Jenny: 啊,比如说if you’re going on a trip, right, you need to pack a lot of stuff, your clothes, your shoes, your jewelry, your skincare products, etc.
Adam: Etc etc etc, exactly,
Jenny: Yeah, do you pack your jewelry, 你的首饰?
Adam: Well, I have my travel jewelry of course,
Jenny: 对。诶,那这个就写出来经常是看到e-t-c。但是我们在口语里面我们不说e-t-c。我们是讲它完整的是吧。
Adam: Exactly, exactly. So we will almost never write the full two words, et cetera, we will always just write e-t-c, but we will never actually say e-t-c; it’s always et cetera, etc, etc.
Jenny: 就是when you speak,口语要说出来的话,etc哈。
Jenny: 好,那接下来的这一个呢,this next one我觉得口语里面其实也常听到它的缩写。
Adam: Yes, so this one we have talked about a few times before, someone’s MO*3.
Jenny: MO. What does it stand for?
Adam: It stands for modus operandi.
Jenny: 噢这听起来你觉得很复杂哈。但是你仔细的看一下,你是不是觉得you know, the two words remind you of two English words, like mode, 模式. 然后operate,操作。
Adam: Exactly, so it’s like a Mode or a Method of Operation.
Jenny: 对,你的操作或者运行的方式和模式哈。但是它不仅限于什么machine呀,什么device呀,设备。XX人,我们每个人都有我们的modus operandi。
Adam: Right, exactly. We all have our own ways of doing things.
Jenny: Yeah, it basically means your way. 比如说我和Adam我们这个做节目的时候,our modus operandi or our MO就是我们写一个大纲。So we’ll write an outline. But we never write a word by word script.
Adam: Nope, that’s right.
Jenny: 就不会写那个逐字稿。
Adam: Right, that is not our MO.
Jenny: 嗯嗯。因为我们想要更自然嘛, spontaneous, and also 写逐字稿,花很多时间。
Adam: It’s kind of a pain in the butt.
Jenny: 然后最后,对对对,我们以前也试过,然后最后就逐字稿,我们俩都不用。因为有的时候when you’re in the moment, you have something better, right? 那最后我们发现, oh no no no, let’s just have an outline.
Adam: Exactly, exactly.
Jenny: 好,那不知道大家的MO是什么哈。你工作或者你生活里面你习惯的这个操作模式你觉得最you的这个MO是什么,都希望稍后在留言专区跟我们分享。
Jenny: 好,我们接下来的这一个呢,它是很短的一个拉丁语。Of course说一个什么小短语啊,但我觉得有点难解释。
Adam: It’s true, and in the past a lot of our users have used this in our comment section, and it always makes me think, aah darn, I didn’t explain that very well.
Jenny: Yeah, yeah, it’s hard to use, and a lot of native speakers actually use it incorrectly,
Adam: Right, right, exactly. So the phrase we’re talking about here is per se, p-e-r s-e.
Jenny: 对,它不是那个s-a-y英语的说话那个say哈,但是发音是一样的。
Adam: Exactly, so what do we mean by per se?
Jenny: 我觉得不要先解释意思 maybe let’s give some examples, 然后就,这更容易体会。
Adam: OK, OK, good idea. So here’s one, just because somebody is rich doesn’t mean that they are happy per se.
Jenny: Oh, does it mean not necessarily?
Adam: It means not necessarily, basically.
Jenny: 噢,好吧。就是严格意义上说,是吧。
Adam: Exactly, so we could also say something like, “the movie wasn’t bad per se, but it just didn’t live up to my expectations.”
Jenny: Alright. 就是严格意义上讲strictly speaking。
Adam: Yes, and one suggestion I would make to you guys is, if you are going to use this, try to keep it in negative sentences; it’s very easy to use in negative sentences.
Jenny: 否定句,嗯。
Adam: Right, “they’re not happy per se,” “the movie wasn’t bad per se.”
Jenny: 对,你这个点非常好,真的很少听到什么 *the movie was good per se, but I didn’t enjoy it.
Adam: Right, right, right. It sounds very very strange. So, guys just try to keep this for negative sentences only.
Jenny: 嗯。好,那刚刚是per se哈,接下来的这个也是以P打头的。
Adam: Right, and this one reminds me of you Jenny, because you’re such a pro.
Jenny: Oh, thank you, 但我们这里不光是说的pro哈,我们后面还有一个很重要的bono, U2 singer。我们这个,我们接下来的这个拉丁句子是pro bono*4,拉丁说法哈。But pro bono, 我最早学的时候都是在看一些和法律有关的电影啊电视,然后就一个律师他会说,oh, I’m doing the work pro bono.
Adam: Exactly, which is a fancy way to say it’s free, they’re not getting paid for it.
Jenny: 嗯,对。所以这里的pro就是说你是一个专业的人,对吧,一个professional在帮你做专业的事情,but they’re volunteering and they’re not collecting any payment.
Adam: Exactly, so like Jenny said a moment ago, many lawyers do pro bono work to build their reputations and to give back to society.
Jenny: 嗯,嗯。对,然后不一定是lawyers,然后你任何有这个技能的人你都可以do work pro bono, right?
Adam: Yeah, totally.
Jenny: 对,然后这个pro bono的意思呢,它其实是说为大家好,为大众好。
Adam: Yep, that’s right, it’s for the public good.
Jenny: 嗯。好呢然后用在句子里面就是我们刚刚给大家说的那些句型。I’m doing some pro bono work, or I’m doing this work pro bono.
Adam: Exactly, exactly.
Jenny: OK, our next expression 我觉得 this needs no explanation.
Adam: I hope not, I hope not, because we have done so many lessons in the past on résumés and CVs.
Jenny: Curriculum vitae,是吧。
Adam: Exactly.
Jenny: 诶,这个CV和résumé有什么区别吗? 都是简历的意思。
Adam: Well, I think that might be the clue there, usually a résumé is fairly simple and straightforward, whereas a CV is much more detailed.
Jenny: 噢,CV更加的就是包括更多细节哈。Because it means like course of life, vitae比如为他命,对吧。Life,生命。
Adam: Yes, exactly. So on a résumé you just want to say things like; I worked for this company, I increased sales by fifteen percent, bam. But keep in mind, people who have CVs are often looking for academic positions. So they want to list things like; I published this paper and then I organized a conference. And then I published another paper.
Jenny: 对。就是Adam说在学术领域。比如在大学找工作啊,或者一些学术性的工作。他们的简历更多是叫一个CV。因为里面需要你很详尽的列出,比如说你出版过什么样的文献啊,你做过什么样的research,是吧。
Adam: Um, right, exactly.
Jenny: 嗯。那我觉得在很多日常口语里面啊。You really hear both of them used to mean the same thing就是简历。虽然从严格意义上来说,它是不一样的。
Adam: Yeah, I wouldn’t worry about it too much guys, in any case, if you are applying for a job, your employer will probably choose the word they want to use.
Jenny: 嗯,没错。
Jenny: OK, 那我们已经这个list过半了哈。看了五个,接下来还有五个。This one, yeah, I use this a lot the status quo.
Adam: Yes, the status quo. So, basically the existing state of affairs, the current situation, the way things are.
Jenny: 现状,对吧。我刚刚说我常用这个词啊。因为你要push团队要push自己啊,就是we can’t always just keep the status quo, we can’t be happy with the status quo. 即使你现在觉得status quo已经挺好了,if you are not improving, then other people are always progressing, 是吧. 人家都在进步, then you will be left behind.
Adam: Right, well, in another recording Jenny and I were talking about cash cows. I think if your company has a very big cash cow meaning that they can very easily make money, they won’t need to change the status quo, why would you want to change the status quo?
Jenny: 对,其实我觉得这个事情都有 you know, both sides, right? Every coin has both sides. 有的时候你是觉得everything is good, why change the status quo? 或者Adam喜欢why rock the boat*5? 但是你经常那样, if it keeps going for too long, it’s very dangerous. 你已经被人家超越和赶上了。
Adam: Right, exactly.
Jenny: Yeah, so maybe, you know keep the status quo for a while, but, you know, don’t keep it for too long.
Adam: Sure, absolutely. Now, of course, we keep talking about businesses here and teams, one other secret, I suppose we can let out here is that I’m almost forty years old, so when I was twenty years old, even thirty years old, we’ve got to change the status quo, the status quo is so terrible. But now, ah you know, that’s not so bad. It is what it is.
Jenny: 对,所以跟动词搭配最常用的就是either keep or change the status quo.
Jenny: 好,那我们刚刚看完status quo,接下来的这个说法里面也有quo。
Adam: Yes, and it also has pro as well.
Jenny: Oh, and this is?
Adam: Quid pro quo*6.
Jenny: 它是一种交换的意思是吗。
Adam: Yeah, it’s definitely an exchange or at least the keyword here I think is actually expectation. There is an expectation of exchange.
Jenny: 哦,有一种希望。就是说这次我帮了你,然后下次我希望你能帮帮我这样。
Adam: Exactly. Or there’s another phrase in English; I scratch your back, you scratch mine.
Jenny: 让我想到猴子很形象。猴子A帮猴子B挠了背,然后猴子B背痒了时候,猴子A要帮他挠一挠。
Adam: That’s right. So this is something that comes up in the law all the time, lawyers will use this phrase,
Jenny: 他们会怎么说呢?
Adam: You need to watch out for quid pro quos at work,
Jenny: Oh, OK. 好像很多拉丁就像你说的lawyers legal because你要在国外学法律的话你这拉丁语也得挺好的。
Adam: Yes yes, exactly exactly.
Jenny: 嗯。好,our next one, 这个在口语里面非常常用:vice versa
Adam: Vice versa, right. So vice versa here really means the other way around or in reverse order too.
Jenny: 就是换言之也一样,或者反过来也一样。
Adam: Exactly. So for example, we are teachers. We hope that you guys are learning from us. But actually, we often learn a lot from you guys. So we could say, students learn from teachers and often vice versa.
Jenny: 嗯,对。但有的时候呢,它是否定的。就not vice versa
Adam: Umm, right. So like for example, she is attracted to him, but not vice versa.
Jenny: 对,对,这个very sad。
Adam: That’s right, that’s right.
Jenny: 但没关系,carpe diem*7, do something you enjoy他不喜欢你无所谓。Life is short.
Adam: Yeah, girl, get out there, seize the day.
Jenny: Yeah, so carpe diem, c-a-r-p-e d-i-e-m.
Adam: Yes, exactly. So the most common translation I just gave you guys. Seize the day, if you’re wondering what seize means here it really means take it, use it.
Jenny: 抓住今天*8,抓住当下是吧。
Adam: Absolutely. So don’t waste any time. Just go do it now!
Jenny: 对,所以这一句它是不是经常就用在这种什么说life is short。You’re not gonna live forever. 然后carpe diem就这样。
Adam: Right, so we could just use carpe diem by itself like that, now I have noticed over the years that people have been using it more and more as a verb, for example, after retirement they decided to carpe diem, and travel the world.
Jenny: Yeah, sounds pretty nice as a verb, too.
Adam: Yeah, you gotta carpe that diem guys?
Jenny: 好,那我们今天最后要跟大家分享的一个拉丁说法呢,这个你看到以后有没有觉得,oh, it’s part of my name.
Adam: Yes, Adam, Adam Hoc.
Jenny: 没有,不是Adam Hoc,而是ad hoc
Adam: That’s right. So ad hoc is something that you might hear at work if you work for a big organization.
Jenny: 然后他们通常什么special project之类的。就是会hire或者抽调人力 to put together an ad hoc team, just to work on this project,
Adam: Right, so we often use this to mean for a specific purpose, an ad hoc team, an ad hoc committee.
Jenny: Yeah, because it’s for this purpose. 然后这个事情做完了以后他们就解散了。
Adam: Exactly.
Jenny: 嗯。然后其实个人生活当中我们也经常就是,比如说一个什么突发的问题,突发的状况出现了。We need to come up with ad hoc solutions. 比如说我录音的这间房间,它那个插座和我这个桌子,我也不知道为什么设计的那么远。所以我就要接线板*9,一个接线板不够两个接线板。So that’s my ad hoc solution to this poorly designed apartment.
Adam: Not bad.
Jenny: 对啊,你叫灵机一动*10, right? Whatever works, the show must go on.
Adam: That’s right, that’s right.
Jenny: 好,那我们今天的节目就到这儿啊。不知道我们今天分享的这些说法Latin expressions。大家知道几个? 然后, have you ever used them? In your daily speech?
Adam: Yeah, that’s right guys and let us know if there’s any other language you want us to cover here, things like French or German, English is full of expressions from literally every other language.
Jenny: Yeah,其实我觉得French蛮有用的因为就是food、eating、menu,有蛮多是法语的哈。
Adam: OK, I think we’ve got a plan for next week.
Jenny: 好,那我们今天的节目就到这儿。大家下次再见。
Adam: Alright bye guys, carpe diem.

*1:高大上/gāo dà shàng/ 高端(高級)・大气(上品)・上档次(最上等)の頭文字。「三高」みたいな?

*2:凑数/còu shù/ 頭数を揃える

*3:MO(modus operandi) やり方

*4:pro bono 無料で

*5:rock the boat 船を揺らす → 事を荒立てる

*6:quid pro quo お返し

*7:carpe diem = seize the day 今日を掴め → 今を大切に

*8:抓住今天 seize the day

*9:接线板/jiē xiàn bǎn/ テーブルタップ

*10:灵机一动/líng jī yī dòng/ とっさの機転