
英語と中国語を同時に学ぶ! 潘吉Jenny告诉你とCCTV Growing up with Chineseで聞き取り書き取り

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1074 美国人最爱发哪些表情符号?




英语有句谚语:"A big picture is worth a thousand words." 现在,用这句谚语来形容“表情符号”似乎再贴切不过了。今天,Jenny和Adam就要告诉你哪些表情符号在北美最常用、如何用英语称呼它们、以及它们所表达的情绪。

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Jenny: Hello大家好,我是Jenny。你正在收听由开言英语带来的潘吉Jenny告诉你。
Adam: Hey guys this is smiley face 🤗 Adam.
Jenny: 点赞。给你的smiley face。
Adam: All the emojis.
Jenny: Thumbs up 👍 for you. 对那我们今天的节目呢,就是要跟大家分享一下,我们非常常用的一些表情符号,而且是在中国和在美国同样常用的这些common表情符号,英语你要怎么形容它们?
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Adam: Exactly exactly. Because in both languages these things have names.
Jenny: Right, right. 但我觉得也蛮讽刺的就是,我们之所以有表情符号就是因为我们不想打那个字或者有的时候很难形容那些feelings,right?
Adam: Right but there was a case here in Canada not long ago, an actual legal case where they had to decide the meaning of “👍” in a legal context.
Jenny: Really!?
Adam: Right. I agree to this contract.
Jenny: 所以就是去,呃,上法庭,然后他争论的那个点是关于thumbs up,thumbs up不就是大拇指向上点赞吗。
Adam: Exactly or according to this court, it means ”I agree.”
Jenny: 啊但是有些人可能会理解成我同意我赞同,是吧。Yeah because 点赞和赞同 not always the same.
Adam: Not always the same exactly.
Jenny: 对。比如我给外卖小哥*1点赞,和我赞同要花多少钱买你这个产品 not the same, right?
Adam: Right right or I heard another couple arguing about this the other day, someone said something like “I’m going to make breakfast, thumbs up 👍.” The person making breakfast thought that the thumbs up meant “I would like to eat breakfast with you.” But it was just like “good for you, you’re making breakfast.”
Jenny: 好好好我们这个发挥有点多了。好 let’s bring it back to all these 表情符号. 表情符号英语怎么说呢?
Adam: Emoji.
Jenny: Emoji. e-m-o-j-i 啊. 然后它是一个可数名词是吧。Because we have a lot of different emojis.
Adam: Exactly.
Jenny: 好,那我们前面讲了很多这个点赞thumbs up啊,就从这个来,so enough about thumbs up, because there is also?
Adam: Thumbs down 👎.
Jenny: Oh that’s the opposite. 就是不好,*2一个东西是吧。
Adam: That’s right that’s right, thumbs down.
Jenny: 诶,这里,其实我们真的发那个表情符号的时候只有一个大拇指吗 it’s one thumb.
Adam: Umm, right right right, but we still will often add s, thumbs up, thumbs down. I think it’s because it’s easier to say.
Jenny: 啊,OK。那continue延续我们要用到手的表情符号。This one I really love using 就是,拍手鼓掌。
Adam: Applaud.
Jenny: 啊英语里面呢,这个就叫to applaud,是吧。
Adam: Right so we can call this emoji applaud, applauding, we can even say clapping 👏.
Jenny: Oh yeah clapping 哈. Clapping是更加口语的一个说法是吧就拍手。
Jenny: All right speaking of 常用的 emoji 啊,我觉得很多时候呢,我们也会收到一颗心,一颗红心,一颗爱心。
Adam: Right all the hearts.
Jenny: All the hearts. Speaking of hearts,和hearts相关的emoji非常多。有专门的一颗红的心,也有一颗碎掉的心,是吧。
Adam: Right broken heart 💔.
Jenny: Broken heart. 然后还有一个是我觉得在亚洲很常用的是比心*3。You know用手来比那个心然后上面有一颗小红心。
Adam: Jenny spent about an hour and a half trying to explain this to me a moment ago, and then she just showed it to me like “oh that one!”
Jenny: I should have used my hands. So这个比心的emoji应该怎么说呢?
Adam: Well, we don’t have a great name for it sadly, but we can use the word “gesture” here?
Jenny: Oh gesture就是手势,是吧。
Adam: Right. So we can say a heart gesture 🫰,
Jenny: Oh, I like it, that’s pretty cute. Heart gesture.
Jenny: 好。This next one I know you like using.
Adam: This is basically the only way I communicate at work, fist bump 👊.
Jenny: You’re very manly. 很男人 fist bump.
Adam: Yeah that’s right. So this is a great way to greet people in real life, but it’s also a great emoji to use at work. Your fists are your hands of course,
Jenny: 对但是fists是要把那个手就是握成一个拳头。
Adam: Exactly and when you’re bumping it, you’re basically hitting someone else’s fist 🤜🤛.
Jenny: 对,就是两个击拳哈。我觉得这个是一个特别好的like加油打气,motivational一个chan emoji。
Adam: Yes exactly exactly.
Jenny: 好我们讲了很多和手有关的表情符号。接下来let’s move on to“脸”有关的。
Adam: OK but this first one also has a hand.
Jenny: 脸和手。There’s a lot of those. 而且脸和手的通常都是, I, I feel like they really express feelings that are very hard to say.
Adam: They’re very exaggerated feelings,
Jenny: 夸张而且是very mixed。比如,哭笑不得啊,或者是什么就是我要把手*4到我的脸上啊之类的,right?
Adam: Right, so the first one we have here this is a very old idea it’s much older than emojis the face palm 🤦.
Jenny: OK. Face是脸,palm是什么呢?
Adam: That is your hand.
Jenny: 但是你的手掌,right?
Adam: Right the middle of your hand.
Jenny: Yeah. So what is the face palm?
Adam: Well, you’re putting your hand on your face because you think “oh my goodness, this is so ridiculous,” or “so silly” or “so dumb.”
Jenny: 对反正大家肯定你脑子里能浮现出来我们说的。就是一个黄颜色的脸,然后一个黄颜色的手然后放在那就是“oh my god”,“我不能”,“I can’t believe this”,是吧。
Adam: “I cannot believe you just said that” or “I can’t believe how ridiculous this is,”
Jenny: Yeah, yeah. 好,那和脸相关的表情符号呢,接下来我们来看一个,应该大家都很喜欢收到这个吧。
Adam: Umm, right the kissy face 😘.
Jenny: OK so这里的kissy就是从kiss来的。
Adam: Right so the kissy face is basically the face you make when you are kissing or pretending to kiss.
Jenny: 噢,对。然后我觉得有各种各样不太一样的kissy face emoji。有就是一张脸上面几个kiss的,也有那个一张脸就是它的嘴是一个red heart you know like that kiss. The main point is it’s a kiss.
Adam: It’s a kiss, that’s right. And then there are other ones that have no heart and the cheeks are red like “I’m kind of embarrassed” 😚,
Jenny: 啊,就有点不好意思那种吗。
Adam: But I’m still kissy.
Jenny: 好,那么要亲呢当然要嘴哈。所以我觉得还有一个emoji,就是它也是表示这种反正很亲密很nice一种feeling,就光是一个嘴。红色的嘴唇或者是粉红色的。
Adam: Right. So no face, just lips.
Jenny: Lips. Kissy lips 💋 maybe, right?
Adam: Yes.
Jenny: OK. 好。那,看完了这些很nice的或者有点肉麻*5的emoji以后呢,我们来看看,人生是很无奈*6的嘛,对吧。很多事情很无奈,所以这个时候what can you do? 🤷🏻‍♀️
Adam: OK I wish you guys could see Jenny right now, because she just shrugged her shoulders. Meaning that she puts her shoulders up what can you do.
Jenny: Yeah. 我觉得这些真的是很形象的哈。Because in real life, 你要表达这种自己的感觉的时候what can you do就是耸个肩*7? So in English that’s called?
Adam: That’s called shrugging your shoulders 🤷.
Jenny: To shrug就是耸耸肩的意思啊。
Jenny: 好。那,诶,另外一个emoji。This one, Adam and I spent quite a lot of time searching然后也自己thinking想,要怎么来形容它?
Adam: Right, so the word we’re going to use now is sympathetic or sympathy?
Jenny: 嗯。就是,很理解你很同情你,是吧。
Adam: Right, right. Now when I look at this emoji, I just see someone who’s kind of moved.
Jenny: 很感动哈。对,因为它又是那个小黄脸,然后呢,眼睛很大,但是眼泪汪汪very teary eyes 🥹。
Adam: Right so maybe you just did something that was very beautiful,
Jenny: 噢你觉得是感动。我觉得是可怜。我看到比如我经常发这个emoji的时候,就是说“哎呀又要加班”。然后“哦你好可怜”啊,you know? 然后 it’s the face with the big teary eyes and then not only that 就是快要哭出来了但又要眼住哭 so I’m covering my mouth with my hands.
Adam: Right right I can’t let it out.
Jenny: 对所以这个emoji真的很难形容。That’s why we simplified it to the sympathetic face emoji.
Adam: Right. Now the next one does actually have a name it’s a pretty long name fortunately it’s a very descriptive name.
Jenny: 是什么呢?
Adam: Crying laughing hand on face*8.
Jenny: 就是真的碰到很好笑的事情还是那种哭笑不得的事情。
Adam: Right so I do use this one a lot.
Jenny: 就是非常好笑的事情吗。
Adam: It’s funny again, I tend to use it for ridiculous things too, kind of like even more exaggerated than just the face palm,
Jenny: 啊,就是碰到那种很无厘头*9的事情,特别滑稽或者特别“哎让你哭笑不得的你怎么办呢”,就crying,laughing。
Adam: Exactly exactly. Because face palm let’s face it can be just like “oh man, my kids” or “my boss” or “my ...”
Jenny: 就烦死了 right so annoying.
Adam: Right but with the crying laughing maybe your kid just did something,
Jenny: Ah right right right 小朋友经常会做这些让你哭笑不得的事情,对。比如有一次,我孩子他说「妈妈我画得特别好看的一幅画」我说是吗,然后他给我看结果画在枕头上。You know, drew it on the pillow. 所以, you know, you want to encourage his drawing but also you know you just destroyed a very nice pillow cover.
Adam: Right that wasn’t cheap kid.
Jenny: 对所以哭笑不得。Crying laughing hand on face.
Jenny: 诶,我想到一个稍微有点像的emoji,就是也是那一张脸然后它是在哭,然后头是就那个脸是歪的。
Adam: Right right right it’s crooked.
Jenny: Yeah yeah yeah 歪的 crooked 啊. 这个叫什么the crooked face吗?
Adam: It’s not crooked face; this one is actually going back to a very old acronym people used on the Internet: rolling on the floor laughing 🤣.
Jenny: 啊。我还记得我们很早以前的节目教过大家什么网络语言就讲过这个什么RO什么LO什么的,是吧。
Adam: Yeah, LoL.
Jenny: Yeah, rolling on the floor laughing. 就好笑到在地上打滚。
Adam: Right so I do use this one a lot too. I just realized today Jenny I laugh a lot through emojis.
Jenny: 对因为表情符号很多就是特别精彩特别幽默哈。而且呢,我觉得它也经常就是表达那种。我们用语言很难形容,很难表达。但是,人都能互相get互相理解的那种feeling对吧,比如说,一滴冷汗。
Adam: Oh uh the grinning face with sweat 😅,
Jenny: Sweat yeah yeah yeah. 因为很早以前中国互联网有一个说法就是,啊,汗,出汗。就也是唉有点怎么办呢,怎么用就是 the grinning face with sweat。
Jenny: 诶,其实讲到faces啊,还有一个我蛮喜欢的是一个装可怜的脸。然后就是也是大眼睛和刚刚那个teary big eyes不太一样的就是它那个眼泪好像没流出来,但是是一个就好像小朋友经常求情,比如我孩子在枕头上乱画了以后,我想生气he’s like “mommy no,”
Adam: “No mommy, please mommy,”
Jenny: “Pretty please,”
Adam: Pretty please with sugar on top*10, mommy,”
Jenny: 对对对求情那个脸,you know那个表情。
Adam: OK so he’s pleading and we can call that emoji the pleading face 🥺.
Jenny: 啊,就情求饶的对吧。比如说得罪了对方或者情侣之间吵架,什么的然后你原谅我吧,forgive me。
Adam: Right you’re pleading for forgiveness.
Jenny: OK. All right, so we’ve talked about a lot of different emojis. 然后有一个呢,咱们的Adam非常喜欢用的就是也很代表他平时的一个个人style:the cool guy很酷的一个人。它不仅很酷它打扮的也很酷,特别是今天它戴了一副很酷的太阳眼镜。
Adam: Right. Yes, so the cool guy emoji of course wears sunglasses 😎.
Jenny: 你知道吗,我到今天才知道这个emoji叫cool guy。而且它是这样的一个意思。我之前,你给我发这个我不太知道你什么意思? I didn’t get it.
Adam: Well that’s what’s so funny is some of these are so straightforward, and other ones are really open to interpretation. And actually, maybe that’s a great place to stop today, because there is one that we both use a lot.
Jenny: Right. 就是拜托吗。双手合十那个吗。
Adam: Well what’s so funny is they just call it: person with folded hands 🙏.
Jenny: 都没有person啊,just folded hands, OK?
Adam: Right, right. Yeah maybe there’s no person involved. But yeah, just folded hands but of course folded hands can mean so many things, we just talked about pleading.
Jenny: 对。求情,对吧。求求你就是双手合十那样。但是,it can also mean like “I’m praying for you” or “hope all is well,” 之类的.
Adam: Exactly or very simply “thank you.”
Jenny: 对,或者谢谢。也是这个双手合十求情这样,是吧。所以我觉得这也就是为什么我们喜欢这些表情符号的原因。因为一个表情符号可以真的代表和覆盖传递好多好多不同的意思。
Adam: That’s right some of them can cover all the bases.
Jenny: 好。那我们今天的节目就到这儿哈。太可惜了我们是一个audio,是一个音频的节目。不然你可以看到我在跟大家比心,the heart gesture 🫰。
Adam: She did it guys, she just did it now. 😎
Jenny: And Adam just put on his sunglasses he’s the cool guy.
Adam: That’s right so if you wouldn’t mind, please leave the cool guy a comment.
Jenny: 对。And we’re both doing the folded hands emoji 拜托拜托 leave us a comment, right? 🙏 🙏
Adam: Exactly OK guys thank you so much for listening, we’ll see you next time.
Jenny: 下次再见 👋。


*1:外卖小哥/wài mài xiǎo gē/ 宅配便の配達人

*2:[拉]踩/[lā] cǎi/ 蔑む

*3:比心/bǐ xīn/ 指ハート。🫶とは別物

*4:捂/wǔ/ 覆う、手で隠す

*5:肉麻/ròu má/ 感じ悪い

*6:无奈/wú nài/ しょうがない、やるせない

*7:耸肩/sǒng jiān/ 肩をすくめる


*9:无厘头/wú lí tóu/ わけがわからない

*10:pretty please with sugar on top ほんとおぉ〜におねがい