
英語と中国語を同時に学ぶ! 潘吉Jenny告诉你とCCTV Growing up with Chineseで聞き取り書き取り

Introduction | Episodes |

26 Asking for directions 问路


Now have any of you started making plans to come visit China yet? You might feel more comfortable to do so after today’s show. And that’s because our topic is asking for directions. Indeed, Mike, 小明 and 兰兰 are out and about today and in dire need of*2 some good directions.

So where are they going and what exactly are they up to? Let’s take a look at today’s dialogue and find out.


*2:in dire need of 〜を非常に欲して


25 Shopping 2 买衣服 (下)

Shopping is still in our line up for today. And I have to say we’ll be seeing a lot of what we covered in our previous episode today, so it should be a good review.

Now last time we left off with Mike and 小明’s mom shopping for clothes in their local department store. They aren’t ready to head at home just yet, so let’s check in with them and see what they found and how it works.



最近は少し更新ペースを落として、書き取りのほうを進めています*1。現在episode 93まできました。あと少し。しかしあえて紙に手書きでやっているので、PCに打ち込むのが手間なのです。打ち込み自体は語学の勉強になりませんしね。

さて先日、1年以上前にすでに自分と同じことをやっている人を見つけました(episode 01だけですが)。VoiceTubeというサイトも初めて知りました。台湾発のサービスなのですね。文字と音声のタイミングはどうやって合わせているのですかねこれ。



参考にさせていただき、こちらのepisode 01も更新しました。


24 Shopping 1 买衣服(一)

Hi everyone, 你们好吗? 欢迎收看今天的成长汉语. Thanks for tuning into another episode of Growing up with Chinese.

Now having completed our discussion of weather last time, today we’re going to be talking about something a little bit more dynamic. Well, I guess weather can be dynamic at times but shopping, especially shopping for clothes, now there’s something that people of all ages love to do wherever they might be. Now shopping for clothes in China can be a lot of fun, there is always plenty to buy and purchasing itself can be quite an adventure.

Now today 小明’s mom is taking Mike shopping. So, let’s check in with them and see what they are up to.


23 Weather 2 谈天气(二)

大家好, thanks for joining us for another episode of Growing up with Chinese 成长汉语.

Our show is designed to help all of you learn some basic Chinese, through the adventures of 小明, a local 北京 high school student, and Mike, an exchange student who is living with 小明. And apart from language study, Our show aims to introduce various aspects of Chinese culture, history and everyday life to those of you who might not be otherwise familiar with China.

So I mentioned last time that we would continue our discussion of weather today. And I have a good news to report, the sun is still shining on me where I am in 北京. And seeing as the weekend hasn’t yet arrived for 小明, Mike and 兰兰, I think the sun is still shining on them as well. Let’s check in with them and see what’s going on.


22 Weather 1 谈天气(一)

大家好, 欢迎收看成长汉语. Thanks for joining us for another episode of Growing up with Chinese.

Now I know you can tell from looking at me in the studio but outside the weather today is absolutely gorgeous. 我今天想请假, 出去玩儿. I’d love to ask for some time off today and go somewhere to play. But, that’s not possible because I have a date with all of you.

So the next best thing I can think of is to actually talk about the weather. And Mike and 小明 are in total agreement with me. So let’s check in with them right now and see just what kind of weather talk we have lined up for today.


21 Parent-teacher conference 家长会

Hi everyone 欢迎大家收看成长汉语. Welcome back to another episode of Growing up with Chinese. We hope that through the eyes of Mike and 小明, our favorite high school students, you all are getting a good foundation in basic Chinese, and having fun in the process.

Now last time we heard a good recap*1 of Mike and 小明’s day at school, they certainly seemed to be happy that was finally over. So what does the rest of their day have in store*2 for them? Well, let’s check in with them, and find out.

*1:recap/recapitulate 要約

*2:have in store 待ち構える


20 Homework and courses 作业和课程

Hi everybody, welcome back to another episode of 成长汉语, Growing up with Chinese.

Now seen as a lot of you’re still in school, and for those of you who want, life is one big school, isn’t it? Anyway, it seems appropriate to have one of our shows focus on school, as well as all the vocabulary that comes with this territory.

Now the last time we saw Mike and 小明, they had just arrived late to class. Last show, 兰兰 was deep in discussion with her classmates on the topic of pets. So how did their day end up? Did their bad luck streak*1 finally come to an end? Let’s go check it out.

*1:streak 続けざまに経験する


19 Talking about pets 谈宠物

Hi, 你们好. It’s great to see all of you for another episode of Growing up with Chinese 成长汉语. In this show, you all get the chance to learn simple but very useful Chinese through the adventures of Mike, 小明 and their friends.

Now have you all recovered from our discussion of 把 from last show? 你们是不是把它给忘了? Did you take it and forget it? If you did, don’t worry about it. We aren’t going to bring it up again today though, it’s blissfully*1 absent from today’s dialogue. In fact we thought it might be fun to go easy on*2 all of you this time.

Our topic is pets. I love animals. And apparently, so do 兰兰 and her classmates. So, let’s check it out the dialogue for today and I promise what we’re going to be covering will be very easy. Let’s check it out.

*1:blissfully ありがたいことに

*2:go easy on 優しくあたる


18 Apologizing 致歉


Hello everyone. 欢迎收看成长汉语. Thanks for tuning into today’s Growing up with Chinese. We’ve got a great show lined up for you today.

First though I have a question. Take a minute to think of all the ways we apologize in English. There is a lot isn’t there. I’m sorry, my fault, I apologize, excuse me, forgive me, my bad, the list goes on and on which implies that we apologize a lot in English don’t we. Well in China there are a couple ways to communicate an apology. However, there are nearly as many forms of I’m sorry as there are in English, interesting isn’t it. It’s not that Chinese speakers don’t feel remorse as much as English speakers, after all, we all are human beings.

Now I’ll leave it is food for thought for now because we need to get into today’s dialogue clip. Now unfortunately, 小明 has a lot of apologizing to do the day. Let’s check out just exactly what’s going on.


17 Transportation


大家好, it’s time for another episode of Growing up with Chinese. 欢迎收看今天的成长汉语. Thanks for joining us today.

Last time we talked about making phone calls in Chinese. Today we are going to be focusing on transportation.

Now in the United States along with many other countries, when kids live too far away from school, they have the options of taking a school bus. And most public schools in China do not offer this service. But that’s mostly because China has quite a developed public transportation system.

Take 北京 for example. There’s the subway, public buses, taxis there’re even bike lanes on most every road so that people can bike virtually anywhere.

So today, 小明 and Mike are making their way to school. Let’s see how that evolves.


16 Making a phone call


Hello everyone, 欢迎收看成长汉语. Welcome to today’s episode of Growing up with Chinese.

Now I have a question to ask all of you before we get into today’s material.

In your native language, what is the first thing you typically say when you answer the phone? In English, we might say “hello?” Or we might say “Charlotte speaking?” or “this is Charlotte,” depending on the circumstance. But most of the time “hello” is the first thing we say.

Now Chinese uses the word specific to answer in the phone and that is “喂?” People might say 喂 or 喂你好 but at the very least 喂 is always used. And sometimes the person making the phone call will respond with 喂 something something something. Cool no?

Now I bring this up because the topic of today’s show is making a phone call. So let’s head over to 小明’s apartment and see who is calling who and just exactly what’s going on. Shall we?


15 Buying fruits 买水果

大家好, 欢迎收看成长汉语. Hi everyone, it’s time for another episode of Growing up with Chinese.

Now I was seven when I started learning Chinese so there was a lot about the process that I don’t remember very well. But one thing I do remember is setting up a little food shop at home for Chinese class one day, at the vocabulary for buying things. My sister and I took turns running the shop buying and selling bananas and apples all kinds of fruits. It was a lot of fun. And all this buying and selling vocabulary and phrases are very useful to know. After all, China is a shopper’s paradise.

Now I bring this up now because today we are following Mike and 小明 to the neighborhood fruit vendor. Now if you all remember, 小明’s mom last time told 小明 to buy some fruits while he was out. So, let’s take a look and see how buying and selling is done in Chinese.
