
英語と中国語を同時に学ぶ! 潘吉Jenny告诉你とCCTV Growing up with Chineseで聞き取り書き取り

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72 Revision 3 复习3

Hello everybody 你们今天好吗? 欢迎收看成长汉语. Thanks for joining us for today’s episode of Growing up with Chinese.

Now 兰兰 and 小明 have spent the past two shows reviewing for their upcoming exams. And today is the very last day to get things done. But unfortunately, Mike has some other ideas about how to spend their time. So let’s check in with all three of them and see what’s going on today.

兰兰:真的? 比打篮球还有意思?
小明:这简直就是俩回事嘛。你说,冰淇淋和牛排那个更好吃? 没法比呀!

兰兰:麦克,怎么啦? 有事儿吗?
Mike:啊,这么多卷子啊? 那得做到什么时候啊? 小明,求你了,哪怕陪我打十分钟也行。

Well it’s never a good idea to do too much of one thing without taking a break or least letting your mind or body have a change of pace. So thank goodness Mike showed up to get 兰兰 and 小明 out of the house. OK, let’s now take a look at some of our dialogue’s main sentences.

这简直就是俩回事嘛? 你说, 冰淇淋和牛排那个更好吃? 没法比! These are two completely different things, it’s like asking which is better ice cream or steak. They can’t be compared. 俩回事 means two different things. Similarly, 一回事 means the same thing. 冰淇淋 we know means ice cream and 牛排 is how you say steak as in beef steak. Indeed, ice cream and steak can’t really be compared 没法比.

兰兰:真的? 比打篮球还有意思?
小明这简直就是俩回事嘛。你说,冰淇淋和牛排那个更好吃? 没法比呀!

兰兰:麦克,怎么啦? 有事儿吗?

房间里静悄悄的, 我以为没有人呢. The room was so quiet I thought no one was here. 静悄悄 is a set expression meaning very quiet. And 以为 means think or belief. 我以为没有人. I thought no one was here.

算了吧, 我还有一堆卷子没做呢. Forget it. I still have a pile of exam papers I haven’t finished. 算了 is a great expression meaning forget it or don’t worry about it. 卷子 means examination paper. So when you take a test, you’re also given a 卷子. However, when you review for your exams in China, your teachers will give you 卷子 to complete as review tools. So, 一堆卷子 is a pile of exam papers or a pile of mock exams*1 to be completed as homework.


兰兰:麦克,怎么啦? 有事儿吗?
Mike:啊,这么多卷子啊? 那得做到什么时候啊? 小明,求你了,哪怕陪我打十分钟也行。

我们做作业也要一张一弛, 这样效率才高嘛. When we do homework we still need to relax every once in a while*2. This way will be most efficient. 一张一弛 is a set saying meaning tension alternating with relaxation. So, 做作业也要一张一弛 is like saying when you do homework, you need to take a break now and then.

Mike:啊,这么多卷子啊? 那得做到什么时候啊? 小明,求你了,哪怕陪我打十分钟也行。

All right everyone it’s time to go over today’s vocabulary and take a look at our pinyin highlight.

And so first off let’s take a look at our specific vocabulary words.

  • 已然 since, as, now that. jì rán
  • 原来 so, turn out to be. yuán lái
  • 哪怕 even though, even if, no matter. nǎ pà
  • 效率 efficiency. xiào lǜ
  • 保护 protect. bǎo hù

All right we’ve got some fun pinyin to go over today 效率. Now, 效 is pretty straightforward. Let’s get it up xiao x-i-a-o. And it’s fourth tone we have an a so our tone marker goes above the a, xiào.

Now, 率 has the umlaut so in order to differentiate between lu and lü we need our umlaut marker. So this is how it goes l-u with the two dots on top of the u.

Now, just you all know, when you don’t have the capability to make an umlaut marker, you can also write lü as l-v. Oftentimes when we’re typing pinyin on a computer, we’ll write a lü as lv. So 率 is fourth tone, our tone marker goes above the u and there it is xiào lǜ.

OK everyone it’s language point time and we’ll begin with the pattern 既然 … 就.

Now this pattern connects two clauses and it’s very similar to “seeing as … then” or “now that” in English. So 兰兰 said today 既然你那么喜欢学习, 就踏踏实实地跟我一起复习吧. Seeing as you like studying so much then why don’t you settle down and review with me. Now you could also say 既然你这么累, 今天就早点睡吧. Seeing as you’re so tired, why don’t you go to bed early. Now just so you all know 既然…就 can also be 既然…还 or 既然…也. Let’s look at some examples.

  • Mike,你每天花这么多时间学汉语,累不累?/当然很累,不过我觉得既然学了,要把它学好!
  • 小明,我想回去了。/既然来了,你看完再走吧。

哪怕 is a conjunction that means even though, even if or no matter how. And frequently we see 都, 也 or 还 following it. So Mike said today 小明, 求你了, 哪怕陪我打十分钟也行. 小明 I beg you even if you only play for ten minutes. That’s OK too. 哪怕在忙, 他每天都会花一个小时锻炼身体. No matter how busy he gets, he always exercises for an hour everyday.

  • 和你说英语的时候,我老担心自己说错。/没事儿,哪怕说错了也没关系。
  • 你打算看所有的世界杯比赛吗?/当然,哪怕是在半夜比赛,我也要看。

话又说回来了. This is what is technically called a parenthesis*3. Now it kind of functions like “now that you mentioned it” or “now that I think about it.” 小明 said 不过话又说回来了, 兰兰, 我们做作业也要一张一弛. But now that you mention it 兰兰, when we do homework, we also need to take breaks.

  • 妈妈,咱家有这么多水果了,还买?/是啊,不过话又说回来了,这西瓜太便宜了。

OK everyone, 我们今天的成长汉语马上找个你说再见了. We’ve covered quite a bit of ground today so don’t forget to visit our website if you need to review anything, we might have gone over too quickly. And if you can’t find what you’re looking for, feel free to send us an email, it’s always good to hear from you.

好了, good luck with your Chinese studies everybody, 加油, I’ll see you next time. Bye.

*1:mock exam 模擬試験

*2:every once in a while たまには

*3:parenthesis 挿入語句