
英語と中国語を同時に学ぶ! 潘吉Jenny告诉你とCCTV Growing up with Chineseで聞き取り書き取り

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71 Revision 2 复习2

大家好, hello everyone, 欢迎收看今天的成长汉语. This is Growing up with Chinese thanks for joining us today.

Now last show 小明 and 兰兰 were reviewing for their upcoming exams. And today nothing too much has changed, their exams are just around the corner and 小明 is still desperately trying to prove to 兰兰 that he is not as bad a student as she thinks he is. So let’s check in with the two of them and see how their reviewing is going.

小明:成! 成! 成! 我遵命,伟大的学习委员! 兰兰,你怎么什么题都会做啊? 有没有什么秘密武器啊?
兰兰:我有什么秘密武器呀? 你看看,这是我的课堂笔记。咱们以前做过类似的题。我只不过是举一反三而已。
小明:我怎么没有做过这种题啊? 奇怪。
小明:这……这道题呀? 兰兰,你可别小看我,我非把这道题做出来不可。

小明:哈哈,怎么样? 我没骗你吧? 我的学习成绩也就比你差那么一点儿。

Well for once 小明 managed to surprise 兰兰 that was definitely a first. All right everyone it’s time to take a look at some of our main sentences in today’s dialogue.

成! 成! 成! 我遵命, 伟大的学习委员! All right OK I will obey your command or great study committee member. OK, 小明 is trying to be a good underlying here, 成 is like saying 好 or OK. 遵命 means comply with your wished or obey your command. 伟大 means great or mighty and 委员 specifically refers to someone on a committee. 学习委员 a member of the studying committee.

小明成! 成! 成! 我遵命,伟大的学习委员! 兰兰,你怎么什么题都会做啊? 有没有什么秘密武器啊?

这是我的课堂笔记, 咱们以前做过类似的题. 我只不过是举一反三而已. These are my notes from class, we’ve done similar problems before. I was just taking my cues from the ones we’ve done before. 课堂 means classroom. So 课堂笔记 are notes that were taken in class or notes from class. 类似 means similar, 类似的题 similar problems. Now 举一反三 is a set saying that means draw inferences*1 about other cases from one instance. So in other words, 兰兰 knew how to do this specific problems because she had done similar ones in class.

我保证没有抄过作业. I promise I have never copied someone’s homework. 保证 means promise and 抄 is the verb copy. 抄作业 copy homework.

小明:兰兰,你怎么什么题都会做啊? 有没有什么秘密武器啊?
兰兰:我有什么秘密武器呀? 你看看,这是我的课堂笔记。咱们以前做过类似的题。我只不过是举一反三而已
小明:我怎么没有做过这种题啊? 奇怪。

我没骗你吧? 我的学习成绩也就比你差那么一点儿. I wasn’t kidding, was I. My grades are only a little bit worse than yours. 骗 means to cheat, trick or fool.

又来了, 你这个吹牛大王! Here we go again you’re a king of bragging. 又来了 is the Chinese “here we go again” equivalent. And 吹牛 means brag. So 吹牛大王 is the king of bragging.

小明:哈哈,怎么样? 我没骗你吧? 我的学习成绩也就比你差那么一点儿

All right everyone it’s time to look at today’s vocabulary and we also have our pinyin highlight.

First off though, let’s take a look at our specific vocabulary words.

  • 思考 think deeply, ponder, consider. sī kǎo
  • 举一反三 mention one side and think out the other three sides. 举 inferences about other cases from one instance. jǔ yī fǎn sān
  • 奇怪 strange, weird. qí guài
  • 冤枉 wrong, treat unjustly or unfairly. yuān wang
  • trick, cheat, fool. piàn
  • 成绩 result, achievement, success. chéng jì
  • 明白 understand. míng bai

OK now for our pinyin highlight let’s take a look at 思考 to think deeply.

So we’ve got 思, pretty straightforward, not too hard, s-i, it’s first tone so our marker goes above the i, our tone marker sī.

And 考, kao kao, k-a-o third tone. Now, kao is the ao in kao is quite similar to the ow*2 sound in English it’s just a slightly softer pronunciation kao. Now, kao’s third tone like I just said and because we have an a, our marker goes above the a instead of the o, which is the final vowel.

So, there we are, sī kǎo.


Have any of you ever thought about how often your entire school gets together to do something? Now perhaps for some of you you might have a daily assembly, or maybe once a week the principal gives a talk. Or perhaps if you go to a boarding school*3, you might have a dorm meeting every night. It really depends, doesn’t it. Where I come from in the United States there isn’t usually a set of formula for how often the entire student body of a school gets together to do something.

Well in China it’s completely opposite. Every morning or afternoon at a Chinese school and I’m talking elementary school, middle school and high school. The entire school comes together and does exercises, indeed.

When I was in Chinese elementary school, every class’s students would line up at a specific time in the morning. And we would all march down to the school courtyard, all one thousand of us really. And music would be broadcast over huge loud speaker and we would all do a set routine of exercises. Now one very lucky and very cool kid would be in front of everyone else standing on a box or a platform of some sort leading everyone just in case you got lost or you forget what came next.

Now what was always a very important part of everyday. How well could be do the exercises, how straight was our line or how quickly could be collapse our line in an orderly*4 fashion.

We learned teamwork, some light aerobics and how to move in unison as a group simply from doing our exercises every morning. I had a lot of fun doing them as a kid, and there are even variations of the exercise routines that quite a few Chinese companies have their employees do. But when all is said and done*5, I’d say it’s always nice to get some exercise.


It’s language point time everybody, 好, 下面我们一起来看一下今天的语言点. 首先呢, 我们要说一下: 仅仅. Let’s first take a look at 仅仅.

仅仅 is an adverb that means only, nearly, barely or just. And it is similar to 只. But 仅仅 is more emphatic. Now 兰兰 was teasing 小明 today regarding copying homework. And she said 你仅仅是参考了一下. You are simply consulting it. Now you could also say 这么厚的书, 他仅仅用了半天就看完了. He only took half a day to read through a book this thick.

  • MIKE投得太准了。/哼,这仅仅是运气。
  • 我今天背了50个单词,不错吧。/嗯。不过你不能仅仅会背,还要会用。

We’ve got a pattern up next: 非 something 不可. Now it’s essentially a double negative makes a positive pattern and it means must. 小明 said today 兰兰, 你可别小看我, 我非把这道题做出来不可. 兰兰 don’t you underestimate me, I’m going to solve this problem no matter what. Now you could say 这件事儿, 我非告诉他不可. I must tell him about this matter. And just you all know 不可 can be replaced with 不行. So you could say 这件事儿, 我非告诉他不行. Let’s check out some more examples.

  • 小明,这么晚了,你不可吗?/是啊,妈妈,这对我很重要。
  • 你为什么在考试的时候,要穿一件红色的衣服不可?/我觉得这样可以给我带来好运气!

看不出. 看不出 has two meanings. The first is similar to can’t tell. For example, 这个东西是什么, 我可看不出. I certainly can’t tell what this thing is. Now the second meaning of 看不出 is more like never have guessed. 看不出你唱歌唱得这么好. I would have never guessed you had such a wonderful voice. And it’s this meaning of 看不出 that we saw in today’s dialogue. 小明, 看不出你还真有两下子. 小明, I wouldn’t have guessed you were capable of that.

  • 两只蝴蝶》/妈,真看不出你也这么喜欢流行歌曲!
  • 小明看不出你足球踢得这么好!/呵呵,过奖过奖!

OK everyone it’s time to look at the solution of the word problem or word game I gave you all last show. So shall we look at the answer?

OK these were our characters remember? We’ve got 堵车 今天 好在 and 不. So let’s see the proper order. 好在, 今天, 不, 堵车. All right, 好在今天不堵车. Did you get it right?

All right everyone that brings us to the end of today’s show 希望大家看得开心. Now don’t forget to visit our website if you have any questions or if you need to review anything we covered. And, I shall see you all next time. 好了, 大家, 加油, 再见.

*1:inference 推定

*2:ow /au/ 突然の痛みを表す間投詞

*3:boarding school 全寮制の学校

*4:orderly 秩序だった

*5:when all is said and done なんだかんだ言っても