
英語と中国語を同時に学ぶ! 潘吉Jenny告诉你とCCTV Growing up with Chineseで聞き取り書き取り

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909 今年美国最火的剧集是一部韩剧!

イカゲーム』という韓国ドラマが流行っていると聞きます(私は観たことがありません)。北米でも大人気のようで、潘吉Jenny告诉你でも取り上げられました。ただドラマ自体は好みの分かれる内容とのこと、そこで語学番組らしくlike / don’t like以外に好き嫌いをどう表現するか、が主眼となっています。(2021年10月25日配信)



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Jenny: Hello大家好,我是Jenny。你正在收听有开言英语带来的潘吉Jenny告诉你。
Adam: Oh hey guys, Jenny, I’m sorry I was late today, I was busy watching this really new popular show Squid Game.
Jenny: 哎这部戏现在真的美国加拿大火到不行。Everyone’s talking about it, 然后最有意思的是,他不是一部美剧,它是一部韩剧。
Adam: That’s right. It is a K-drama, Korean drama.
Jenny: 呃,对那就部韩剧,为什么在美国引起这么大的一股热潮呢what is it about?
Adam: Well, put it this way*1, it is not a very happy show.
Jenny: 我必须说,这部戏,我我就看不进去,it’s not my thing. 我真的没有那么喜欢它,但是我觉得这部戏还是一部出色的电视剧啊。所以我们今天的节目呢,we will talk a little bit about this show, but we are also going to teach you, 这是英语里面你喜欢一个东西,或者你不是太喜欢一个东西,要怎么来表达。
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Adam: Right. I think the the corner the angle that Jenny picked for the show is not only very interesting but will also be very helpful for you guys.
Jenny: 你刚刚讲的K-drama。用来形容韩剧,对吧。
Adam: Right, just like K-pop.
Jenny: 嗯,好现在只代表韩国的东西特别流行文化方面我们经常就用一个字母“K”哈。但戏剧,韩剧不是K-TV,是K-drama.
Adam: Well not yet, maybe maybe that’s their next moves to take over K-TV.
Jenny: 诶,但是这部韩剧Squid Game在美国那么火是因为it’s on Netflix。就是美国最大的这个视频在线观看的频台。So that’s why so many Americans are watching it.
Adam: Yeah that’s right. And it really has become the biggest hit of twenty twenty one, I guess, on Netflix?
Jenny: 对,而且我看报导说它是Netflix有史以来最hit,最火的一部电视剧就一部韩剧。来刷新很多像的记录。
Adam: Right so some people are saying this is a surprise hit, I’m personally not very surprised, but it is definitely a huge hit.
Jenny: 嗯,所以hit h-i-t,我们是可以用它来形容特别火的,不管是电视剧、电影、或者歌曲,对吧。So as long as you say something is a hit, it means it’s very popular it’s very viral.
Adam: Right, that’s right. So just remember here guys, hit can be a noun.
Jenny: 啊对不是打人那个hit I guess,它带来很大的冲击吗so it’s a hit show.
Adam: It’s something that everyone is talking about around the water cooler.
Jenny: 噢对,另外一个说法说一部电视剧或者电影特别的火你也可以说it’s a water cooler show。Water cooler就是引水机,所以这个比喻就是大家在办公室什么在饮水进而倒水的时候都会讲一部电视剧,就来反映它有多么受欢迎多么火哈。
Adam: Exactly it’s the kind of thing we like to talk about when we’re avoiding work.
Jenny: So it’s a water cooler show, yeah. 这个Squid Game真的是今年最火的一部water cooler show。但我觉得你刚刚讲它是一个surprise hit也没错。这所以那么surprising就是因为because it’s a K-drama。所以对于美国人来说它要看字幕,或他要去听那个配音*2,还是有一些barrier也有一些隔阂的。
Adam: Right but don’t forget Jenny that a Korean movie has already made big waves in America it has already taught Americans how to read subtitles.
Jenny: 啊这是Parasite寄生虫*3》哈。
Adam: Right. So that’s why I’m saying I’m not super surprised I know that there is a market for this stuff. Just in the past nobody was serving that market.
Jenny: 我觉得Squid Game它就有点像寄生虫结合《饥饿游戏*4》。
Adam: Right right, The Hunger Games.
Jenny: Yeah so it’s really like Parasite meets Hunger Games, 呃,哎前面我们讲那个字幕和配音啊。字幕用英语怎么说?
Adam: Subtitles.
Jenny: Ah, so you can say I watch Squid Game with subtitles or some people prefer to watch the dubbed version, with dubbing.
Adam: Right so it’s always “with”, with subtitles or with dubbing.
Jenny: 嗯,dubbing就是配音啊。
Jenny: 好,那我们做那么多铺垫*5,let’s uh talk about what Squid Game is about.
Adam: OK. So if you guys have not heard about the show, it is about four hundred and fifty-six contestants who are playing this game. And the game has all really big grand prize.
Jenny: 就它是一部survival drama。我们说的生存的游戏。但在这个戏里它的生存真的就是if you lose in the game, you get shot, which is also why I really can’t get into this show because it is very violent. 这是他们每一集这四百五十六个人,就会组成不同的队,然后他们会玩一个什么韩国传统的儿童游戏。但是不是输掉那一个人因为每次那个对会有很多人嘛输掉的,they’ll get shot. 所以就像那种mass shooting, it’s a yeah, so I find that aspect really hard to watch, it’s a tough watch for me.
Adam: Right. So it’s interesting because we have this phrase “life or death,” which we often use in a very abstract way, whereas this show the creators of the show are saying “well what it we used life or death in a real situation.”
Jenny: 对,那为什么这部戏这么地life and death呢,就是刚刚Adam说的这些四百五十六个参赛者,他们每个人都欠了很多的债。然后,他这个game最后只有一个winner那个人就会赢很多很多的钱I think it’s like four hundred fifty-six billion won*6, 就好像有几百万美金万等于,然后他的生活他可以把所有的债都还掉,然后生活就此,完全就会被改变。但对于其他的人来说you lose and you die。然后看著对这部戏导演监制的这个采访,他就说在韩国很多人是欠债*7it’s a big problem in Korea.
Adam: Well it looks just like Parasite in that sense, right? This is critique of Korean society and the massive wealth disparity there, the wealth inequality, and the fact that if you are a member of the vast majority of society, you have so much personal debt in your lives.
Jenny: 是是。所以刚刚Adam说这部电视剧是对,韩国社会的一个批判哈,批判是critique,我们知道动词是批评批判to criticize。名词就是 it’s a critique of something.
Adam: That’s right.
Jenny: 对,所以我觉得这部电视剧其实它的主题还是很深刻的,而且也很有意义很有价值啊。But for me, yeah it’s such a tough watch. Tough watch就是我很难看下去。其中最大的原因还是里面那个violence。You know, watching people getting shots and also it’s a very dystopic world, right?
Adam: Oh right, that’s a good word dystopic. Dystopia is the noun, opposite of utopia, the happy place, is dystopia the terrible future that nobody wants.
Jenny: 对。Utopia乌托邦*8、理想国,dystopia反乌托邦*9。就是it’s almost like hell像地狱对吧。But you still need to live there. 然后就就很黑暗 it’s super dark.
Adam: Right, right. So Jenny says it’s a tough watch, and because it’s really violent and really gory, it can be pretty hard to stomach*10 as well.
Jenny: 嗯,你可以说it’s something is hard to stomach就是难以下咽啊。我们中文也有同样的比喻嘛。So, I think that’s a perfect segue*11 to our next part of the show 就是教大家如何表达,如果你不是很喜欢一个东西一个东西不是那么和你的胃口你的stomach、你的appetite。
Adam: Right. So once again I need to give Jenny a really big “赞!” here for picking a great angle for the show.
Jenny: 没有,因为我自己感觉就是很多东西不是它不好。而是它对吧,不和你个人的喜好或者口味。It’s not to your personal taste. 就像Squid Game I admire the show, like I admired the courage of the show. But it’s not my cup of tea.
Adam: OK great place to start. So, I know many of you guys have heard this phrase before “not my cup of tea,” “swimming, you know, it’s great, but it’s not my cup of tea.”
Jenny: 这可能是我们最早学的一个俗语如何表达you don’t really like something. Right? 诶,中文其实我们讲不是我的“菜”.
Adam: Right right right right.
Jenny: It’s not my dish.
Adam: Right now we included it here today for one main reason and that is I hear many of my Chinese friends say “this is my cup of tea.” “You know, swimming is my cup of tea,”
Jenny: 嗯,这不对吗? 反过来不就说你喜欢吗?
Adam: We usually just say something is NOT my cup of tea.
Jenny: 啊,所以这个表达在英语里面基本上就是negative否定的就说你不太喜欢一个东西哈。
Adam: Exactly.
Jenny: 比如, Squid Game is not my cup of tea. It’s not my jam*12!
Adam: Not your jam, OK. Jam is a good one here. This is another great phrase.
Jenny: 对,XX怎么表达不喜欢就是很多是not my什么什么哈。那这个jam j-a-m不是果酱吗? 涂在面包上面的果酱?
Adam: Right, you don’t like strawberry jam, you only like raspberry jam.
Jenny: 就跟tea一样是不是也用吃的东西吃喝的东西来形容啊。
Adam: No no actually jam is a word that is used a lot in different musical contexts, and here just basically means “my song” the song that I like.
Jenny: 但是不一定只局限于歌曲是吧。比如这部电视剧, it’s not my jam 你也可以讲说啊 it’s not a song.
Adam: Right right right I mean the meaning of jam here is not the jam that you put on bread.
Jenny: OK. 哎,你可以说比如一个人,你对他不太感冒,你可以说”oh he is not my jam”吗。
Adam: That’s fine, this would,
Jenny: He is not cup of my tea.
Adam: He is not my cup of tea, he is not my jam, those are both fine. I hope you’re not talking about me though.
Jenny: No no no. 但,我可以说you’re not my thing吗?
Adam: This one that sounds a little bit strange; he is not my thing.
Jenny: 对。但,这个表达很好啊,就是你不太喜欢的东西你可以说oh it’s not my thing。那当然thing是东西,对吧。That’s why Adam says 你如果用它来用这个呃表达来形容一个人就会很怪。Because they’re a person, 你不要说 that’s not my thing.
Adam: Yeah he’s not really my thing exactly. Maybe you could say like uh something about him is not really your thing or something that he does or he says is not really your thing.
Jenny: 所以我们今天所有交的这些表达其实是非常简单的。但是它们很实用很地道。Instead of just say “I didn’t really like it,” 你可以用我们刚刚教你所有的这些alternatives。
Adam: Exactly. Now, there is another one too, that we use a lot at Open Language which is something really speaks*13 to me, or something really does not speak to me.
Jenny: 嗯。那这里的speak就是说话的那个speak啊。可是,当我们这样用它的用这个词的时候呢,就是说这个东西能不能引起你的共鸣。
Adam: Right, so another more formal way we could say this is resonate*14 that really resonates with me. But in daily speech we can just say “speak” that really speaks to me.
Jenny: Squid Game我觉得有点奇怪。I think the subject matter, 它的这个主题 does speak to me. But the gore, the violence does not speak to me.
Adam: Fair, that’s fair.
Jenny: 好。那交了大家如何表达不喜欢,不是你的菜,之后呢,let’s move onto 如果你真的很喜欢Squid Game 或者其他的一些东西可以怎么说啊。
Adam: Well, let’s reuse one of our earlier phrases ”Squid Game is totally my jam.“
Jenny: 噢,是你的jam就是那个j-a-m啊。
Adam: That’s the jam.
Jenny: 哎,你刚刚说It’s totally my jam,所以就更加的强调了我真的很喜欢。这个东西是太合我的口味,太和我的品位和喜好啦。
Adam: Right. Spelling is totally my jam.
Jenny: 真的吗,你热爱拼写。It’s right up your alley*15.
Adam: It’s right up my alley, exactly. Now, an alley of course is just a small lane in a city, more importantly when we say right up one’s alley it just means it’s totally suited for them.
Jenny: 嗯,Alley就是小道啊一条很小的路。但是这里说right up my alley是来比喻,这个东西非常的合适你非常的贴合你的喜好。It ticks all the boxes*16*17 for you.
Adam: Ah yes, OK this is a newer phrase and I really really like this one, because you can just think about somebody with a piece of paper that says for example what makes a show good and you could say “oh characters, story, tick,“ so this tick is just writing a little check mark or tick mark in the box.
Jenny: 所以我们也可以说it checks all the boxes for me. Right?
Adam: Both are fine, both are fine. Because you can picture the same action that person sitting there with the list, you know “oh, this also has, oh critique of Korean society, oh I love critiques of Korean society, tick.”
Jenny: 对,所以这里我们用来比喻的就是像你的一个list你的清单,然后里面有很多你的条件对吧。然后方面都有一个小方块。如果这个东西满足你的喜好你就check check,打勾打勾打勾。然后,if something ticks or checks all the boxes for you, 那肯定就是特别符合你的喜好啊。
Adam: Right. So we have another phrase that we can use here which is “tailor made.”
Jenny: 哦,我喜欢之穿衣服最好的衣服就是要tailor made裁缝定制。
Adam: Exactly and so a really good show, a really good novel or movie would follow the same sort of idea. So, we have this phrase tailor made for somebody.
Jenny: 嗯,对tailor就裁缝吗。那if something is tailor made for you, 就是一个人做的呢,他怎么能不适合你能,对吧。
Adam: Right. Now this phrase is one that we do often use with the word like, it’s a like it was tailor made because of course it’s not tailor made. I dxxx the show is tailor made for you unless you are very very very wealthy.
Jenny: 就不完全就物向就好像。It’s like it’s tailor made for me.
Adam: Exactly.
Jenny: 但我们今天所有交的这些说法不管是喜欢还是不喜欢,除了看电视剧电影可以用其他的都可以用啊。很广泛这些用途。
Adam: Seriously yeah. So again books, food, hobbies, anything this show I mean this show that you are listening to right now maybe you love it maybe you hate it. And either way we would really like to know.
Jenny: 但我们希望 you know our show really speaks to you.
Adam: I hope something about our show speaks to you.
Jenny: 好。那我还没问你呢,is Squid Game your jam? Is your thing?
Adam: You know I don’t really like the blood and guts, and violence either Jenny, but I do like the critique. So I think I would rather consume this media in book form, where I don’t need to see bang bang bang bang bang all the time and I can just sort of read the words.
Jenny: 嗯。
Jenny: 好。那我们今天的节目就到这儿。不知道大家有没有听说或者有看过这个Squid Game鱿鱼游戏。What do you think about it?
Adam: Does it tick all the boxes for you?
Jenny: Come and let us know in today’s comments. 希望大家在留言专区跟我们分享。好,那今天的节目就到这儿。We will see you next time, 下次再见.
Adam: All right bye guys.

*1:put it this way あえて言うなら

*2:配音/pèi yīn/ 吹き替え

*3:邦題『パラサイト 半地下の家族』(2019年)


*5:铺垫/pū diàn/ 下地、前置き


*7:欠债/qiàn zhài/ 借金を抱える

*8:乌托邦/wū tuō bāng/ ユートピア

*9:反乌托邦/fǎn wū tuō bāng/ ディストピア

*10:stomach 耐える、我慢する

*11:segue[sɛɡweɪ] スムーズな移行

*12:one’s jam お気に入り

*13:speak 心に響く

*14:resonate 心に響く

*15:right up one’s alley 〜の気に入る

*16:tick チェックマークを入れる【英】

*17:tick all the boxes for 〜の期待に全て適う