
英語と中国語を同時に学ぶ! 潘吉Jenny告诉你とCCTV Growing up with Chineseで聞き取り書き取り

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733 关于科比,绝不止凌晨四点的洛杉矶......

2020年1月27日午前3時ごろ(日本時間)、アメリカのカリフォルニア州ロサンゼルス近郊において元NBA選手のKobe Bryantが事故死しました。潘吉Jenny告诉你でもそれを取り上げています。

ご存知のかたも多いと思いますが、Kobeの名は日本の神戸に由来します。本サイトにとっては、Growing up with Chineseの主人公・小明がKobe(科比)のファンという設定だったのでした。(2020年2月5日配信)*1*2




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Jenny: 嗨大家好,我是Jenny。你正在收听有开言英语带来的潘吉Jenny告诉你。
Adam: Hey guys this is Adam.
Jenny: 好呢我们今天的节目可能做得有一点*3,但是还是想特别做节目来纪念一下这一位,呃对于中国球迷来说,特别亲切对于全世界球迷来说也是大家都非常爱戴的英雄。
Adam: Um that’s right today we are talking about the tragic passing of Kobe Bryant.
Jenny: 科比啊。I just, I still can’t believe that he’s gone.
Adam: Twenty twenty, not off to a great start*4.
Jenny: 对对对。但是可能生活就是将有很多的,意外有很多的accidents、有很多的tragedies,但是还好他来到过这个事件。给我们奉献过这么精彩的篮球啊。
Jenny: 那我们今天的节目呢,呃其实又用了一个不太一样的角度吧,我们想跟大家分享一些非常有意思的科比的逸事,and decent things you might not know about Kobe Bryant.
Adam: I certainly did not know most of them.
Jenny: 对,当然我们都知道他是一个basketball legend,对吧。But he was not only great on court, his off court life也非常的精彩。球场之外的人生啊也是非常值得来跟大家分享的。
Jenny: 好。那,why don’t we just start with his name?
Adam: Oh, OK. I always thought he was named after the steak, the beef.
Jenny: 因为Kobe k-o-b-e也是日本一个地方“神户”。
Adam: Right.
Jenny: 他的名字对吧こうべ,こうべビーフ
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Adam: OK so yeah, most Americans would just say koh-bee,
Jenny: Koh-bee.
Adam: Like goby*5.
Jenny: 对。诶,所以网上其实有很多的故事说he was named after the beef,说他爸爸妈妈很喜欢吃重牛肉,所以就讲给他起了一个名字叫Kobe,后来他爸爸妈妈出来澄清说no no no, we actually named him after a steak house.
Adam: Right, which was named after the beef. So,
Jenny: 也是有关系的。
Adam: Indirectly named after the beef. You know, he was named after a steak house in Philadelphia, in Philly, where he came from his place of birth.
Jenny: 啊对,因为他是在费城*6Philadelphia或者Philly是一个小明出身的然后呢他爸爸妈妈很喜欢那儿的一个牛排馆叫做Kobe。
Jenny: And that’s where he got his name. And he made this name very famous even more famous than the beef.
Adam: Agreed.
Jenny: 是吧。好。另外一件事did you guys know that Kobe actually he kind of grew up in Italy.
Adam: Yeah I did not know this either. He apparently lived there for eight years as a child and he spoke fluent Italian.
Jenny: 所以他的意大利语非常的流利。然后他还用意大利语,全程接受过一些,呃意大利媒体的采访。好那为什么他会在意大利长大呢就是很多朋友也知道他爸爸以前就是一个NBA的球员。然后爱在NBA退役以后就到,意大利到欧洲去打过球。So he brought his family there, and Kobe also said that his best childhood memories were from Italy.
Jenny: 最开心的童年记忆。
Adam: Eating all the pasta.
Jenny: 嗯,对他说很快乐啊。好那接下来啊,其实除了being a basketball legend, Kobe was multi talented.
Adam: Sure sure like a lot of these NBA players, they’re really into music. And a lot of them will record music and even more specifically a lot of them will record singles.
Jenny: Singles什么就是一个单曲吗 like one song?
Adam: It’s one song.
Jenny: 噢,所以科比他以前还录过一首单曲,但是就没有发?
Adam: He never released it.
Jenny: OK. 呃对我们公众来说挺遗憾呢,但对他来说不遗憾没有问题because he met his wife while recording the single.
Adam: That’s pretty cool.
Jenny: 对。这他和他的太太Vanessa知识伦他太太当时…时…在拍个NBA还是什么anyway they met each other back then and she was only seventeen or eighteen and he was twenty-one他们都很年轻。
Adam: Oh, OK.
Jenny: 是是是。讲到他的太太我觉得呃这次真的太伤心了因为她的二女儿and the one who really like him 而且非常爱的篮球的“Gigi” Gianna also passed away in this helicopter tragedy啊。然后Kobe有四个女儿。
Adam: Um.
Jenny: 前两个都是teenagers最小的was born last year.
Adam: Wow.
Jenny: 对。好呢接下来这一条这个是well I didn’t know that he had some problems with his parents.
Adam: Well it’s about this lady, his wife, right? He didn’t speak to his parents for two years because they didn’t approve of his marriage.
Jenny: 哎所以没想到其实NBA你看这么,这么有性格的球星啊和爸爸妈妈其实大家也是平常人普通人也会遇到这些same family issues。
Adam: Sure, yeah exactly exactly.
Jenny: 就是,他父母当时就不太同意他这个婚是说你们太年轻了啊。然后但他们还是结了婚,然后当时科比和父母就无关系有点长。但最后都有一个好的解决啊。Because after the birth of their first daughter they patched things up.
Adam: It’s funny how that is usually the catalyst for patching things up.
Jenny: A new generation...
Adam: Right there’s you know new generation and it really does, um...
Jenny: It brings everyone together,
Adam: Brings people together exactly.
Jenny: 是是。好那接下来我们还是回到科比这个他的体育精神啊。He was very supremely talented 但, he was born to play basketball but he also worked harder than anyone else.
Adam: Right right exactly now the name of his workout is kind of interesting to me because it’s a number that has a bit of a history in Western culture.
Jenny: What number is that?
Adam: Six six six.
Jenny: 六六六。这个我们中国说六六大顺现在我们就一些祝福卫生六六六。但是在这个西方文化当中,
Adam: It’s the devil.
Jenny: 噢,魔鬼的单号。
Adam: It’s a bad number.
Jenny: 但我觉得他这个六六六是怎么一回事呢?
Adam: Well, he’s training for six days a week, six hours a day, six months out of the year.
Jenny: 啊,就是一周训练六天,每天训练六小时,然后一年将要不间断的六个月。而且这个是什么他不打篮球的时候,非赛季时候的workout。
Adam: Right the off season workout plan program.
Jenny: 据大家在休息的时候他在跟这些XX,是吧。
Jenny: 好,那除了being a very accomplished basketball player, 他后来退休以后after his retirement he still remained in the public eye and has been doing a lot of great things. 比如说他的投资啊也很成功, he had an investment company, 而且他这个投资公司呢还投资了一家在中国的教育机构。
Adam: VIPKid.
Jenny: 嗯,是帮助小朋友学英语啊。其实speaking of kids, uh he really dedicated his life especially his post basketball life to helping children, underprivileged*7 children. 比如说他退役以后做了一个animated short film。一个短的动画片,然后还赢了奥斯卡*8,是吧。
Adam: Oh yeah, he got the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film and the movie was called “Dear Basketball.”
Jenny: Yeah I still remember我们在科比退役的时候跟大家分享了他的那封信叫《Dear Basketball》。然后那期节目就好多朋友听了以后都流泪感动因为他确实就是我们说我们很多人的青春,然后是我们的一个精神偶像啊。而且呢, at the time of his passing, 他还在跟一个作家一起写一本儿童的书。He was actually working on the children’s book.
Adam: Right but not just for any children. For underprivileged children.
Jenny: Underprivileged就是人家庭情况不太好的孩子啊。他想鼓励他们。但是他呃过世了以后呢,和他一起写这本书的作者就说不会发布那本书了,因为这是我和科比一起写的现在没有科比了,这个书就也没有意义了。
Adam: Right, right right.
Jenny: 好。那我们今天节目最后as sad as he is passing is, 那我觉得他真的是留给我们很多,呃至至这个inspiration给我们那么多的鼓励和支持啊,所以最后我们就分享几句科比的inspirational quotes.
Adam: OK let’s start with a really good one this one is probably the most inspiring for me, as someone who is not necessarily of a basketball fan, but you don’t need to be a basketball fan to really get this quote: I don’t want to be the next Michael Jordan, I only want to be Kobe Bryant.
Jenny: Sure and he did it.
Adam: Yeah. For sure.
Jenny: 这是自己、就是科比,对吧。
Jenny: 好呢接下来我选的这一句呢就是you know we saw Kobe as this坚不可摧不可击败he is like a god right invincible但是,他其实也一路遇到很多的挑战。
Adam: Right right so he said that everything negative – pressure, challenges – is all an opportunity for me to rise.
Jenny: 所以厉害的人遇到这些困境的时候啊,就把他看成一个让自己rise,让自己更好的一个机会。
Adam: Right.
Jenny: 嗯。好那接下来的这一句跟上一句有点相当我觉得还是想放上分享啊,就前面说到他虽然是一个运动与是一个篮球天才,但是他的那种努力他那种付出真的是,以前奥尼尔*9和他关系不太好的后来奥尼尔就说他确实比我努力很多。
Adam: Yeah, he wasn’t, well we could say he was born great, but of anyone that we can say who is born great. Great things come from hard work and perseverance.
Jenny: And no excuses,
Adam: No excuses. Right?
Jenny: 对。这句话就是科比说的他说你如果if you want to achieve great things,那你一定需要you put in hard work。还有,perseverance。
Adam: And persevere right, yeah yeah yeah.
Jenny: Perseverance就是坚持的意思。
Adam: We we get this question a lot what’s the difference between persevere and persist, there’s really no difference they both mean keep going, don’t stop.
Jenny: 对,只坚持然后要有毅力啊。
Jenny: 好,那我们今天节目最后要分享的这一段话呢,我觉得在这个时候可能就爱非常bittersweet。
Adam: It’s, it is but it does link in with that keep going idea we just talked about. Have a good time. Life is too short to get bogged down and be discouraged. You have to keep moving. You have to keep going. Put one foot in front of the other, smile and just keep on rolling.
Jenny: 我觉得这也是我们想记的科比的那个样子。You know, 就 have a good time 他说人生非常的短。然后你就是每天要keep moving keep going 一只脚放在另一支前面往前走。然后很重要的smile。
Adam: Yeah, yeah.
Jenny: 微笑。
Adam: Sure. Sure, sure sure. So I mean actually there’s so many action points we can take out of this one phrase, right?
Jenny: 对对对。
Adam: Even if you find it really difficult to smile at other people, just keep putting one foot in front of the other; that is a big, that is a big part of it, and then after while if you can smile more, do it.
Jenny: And just keep on rolling.
Adam: Keep on rolling is the biggest thing.
Jenny: Keep on rolling是什么意思啊?
Adam: Going, just keep on going. Well, it’s like we think of us as stones. We are stones that roll.
Jenny: Like a rolling stone, 像石头往前过啊。
Jenny: 好,那我们今天的节目就到这儿。确实这个二零二零年的啊一开年我们就面对了很多的挑战。但是,科比来到这个世界给我们展现了,这么伟大的篮球这么精彩的篮球呃在过去。他二十年的这个职业生涯啊。然后我觉personally for me was虽然也不是一个huge basketball fan,但是我想到他就是谈脸上那个微笑。Keep going. Keep on rolling.
Adam: Having a good time.
Jenny: So thank you Kobe. 那我想我们的听众也有很多都是科比的球迷啊,希望在留言里面分享自己的科比记忆。
Jenny: 好,今天的节目就到这儿。我们下次再见。
Adam: All right bye guys.


*1:洛杉矶/Luò shān jī/ ロサンゼルス | Los Angeles


*3:凄/qī/ 悲しい

*4:be off to a great start 幸先よく始まる

*5:goby ハゼ

*6:费城/Fèi chéng/ フィラデルフィア | Philadelphia

*7:underprivileged 恵まれない

*8:奥斯卡/Ào sī kǎ/ (アカデミー賞の)オスカー | Oscar

*9:奥尼尔/Ào ní ěr/ シャキール・オニール | Shaquille O’Neal