
英語と中国語を同時に学ぶ! 潘吉Jenny告诉你とCCTV Growing up with Chineseで聞き取り書き取り

Introduction | Episodes |

988 女王的美丽与哀愁




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Jenny: Hello大家好,我是Jenny。你正在收听要开言英语带来的《潘吉Jenny告诉你》。
Adam: Hey guys this is Adam.
Jenny: 好,那我们今天的节目呢,有关于英女王伊丽莎白*1二世,呃最近刚刚过世不久。
Adam: That’s right. So today we are talking about the passing of Queen Elizabeth II.
Jenny: 哎呢其实我们今天节目是,呃九月十九号周一发布也恰巧是,伊丽莎白二世的葬礼啊。我想今天可能全球有很多的朋友,都会来观看这一个葬礼。因为英女王真的虽然是英国或者说英联邦国家的元首吧。但在全世界,不像大家都听听过她,都知道她。
Adam: Right. Probably one of the most famous people on the planet.
Jenny: 好,那当然我们今天的节目就会教大家很多跟英女王跟英国王室,呃王室家族有关的英语。然后呢,我们也会说说,其实,虽然她是女王而且是英国历史上这个在位最久的君王。但她的一生也不是都一帆风顺的。除了美丽、除了风光,也有很多的心碎和哀愁。
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Adam: Right, enough that they could fill what five seasons of that drama called The Crown,
Jenny: 啊,没错就是Netflix上面,我觉得品质非常高的一部音乐剧。叫王为一期在中国也有很多的粉丝。如果没有看过的话,我想最近也因为英女王,因为查尔斯*2要变成国王,也是个好时间可以去看一下。
Adam: Exactly. OK Jenny we’ve got a lot to talk about today where should we begin?
Jenny: 呃,我觉得我们还是从英女王伊丽莎白二世她这个称谓她这个title讲起吧。中文我们说“伊丽莎白二世”因为在她之前有一个非常有名,而且历史上也非常传奇的“伊丽莎白一世”。
Adam: Right Queen Elizabeth I.
Jenny: 呃,而是大概五百多年前啊。呃那在英文里面,我们若看到书写通常她会写Queen Elizabeth,然后就是两个大写的”I”对吧。
Adam: Right but those are really “I”s; those are Roman numerals so that means “two.”
Jenny: 哎,对。就是罗马数字二的意思。但是念的时候呢,我们不念“Queen Elizabeth Two.”
Adam: Right. For royal names it’s always the first, the second, the third like Charles is now Charles the Third.
Jenny: The Third,对。然后这个the放在哪里也很重要啊。呃不能放在Queen Elizabeth的前面;要放在second的前面,Queen Elizabeth the Second。
Adam: Exactly.
Jenny: 嗯。但是呢,如果你不叫她的名字Elizabeth,你光叫女王,这个时候前面可以加the。
Adam: Oh yeah, “the Queen” that’s fine, like “oh, look the Queen.”
Jenny: Or the Queen has passed away at the age of ninety-six.
Adam: Oh, man. What a statement.
Jenny: 嗯, and the Queen’s funeral is taking place today.
Jenny: 好,那因为九十六岁一个非常灿烂*3的人生啊。这也是伊丽莎白二世成为英国历史上在位最久的君王。不只是queen,她也超过任何kings。
Adam: Yes that’s right. So we can say that she had the longest “reign” of any British “monarch.”
Jenny: 嗯。刚刚这句话里面呢,有两个很关键的词。哦,你可能有点陌生没听过,第一个听起来有点像下雨那个雨。
Adam: That’s right the longest rain it just rained for days. No, this reign is r-e-i-g-n. And it really means rule or control.
Jenny: Yeah,呃,它这个意思就是统治啊。但是通常呢,它是就是和royal family联系在一起的。对吧,就是政党啊政客啊那些,一般不用reign。一般是 the royal family or the queen, the king 她的 reign lasted for how many years.
Adam: Exactly. Now speaking of king or queen, I didn’t say the word king or queen a moment ago, I said “monarch.”
Jenny: 噢,对,monarch:m-o-n-a-r-c-h。呃,这个和king或者queen有什么区别呢?
Adam: Well, a king could be a monarch, a queen could be a monarch; the monarch is just the ruler. And it doesn’t really matter if the ruler is a man or a woman although of course we know that in British history, most of them were dudes.
Jenny: 对所以monarch呢它不限男女啊。然后但是它很重要一个monarch是royal family对吧,它是王室。
Adam: Yes the monarch always comes from an aristocratic family, a blue-blooded*4 family.
Jenny: 嗯,嗯,是。诶既然伊丽莎白二世是英国历史上在位最久的君王,她在为到底多久呢?
Adam: Well, she was on the throne for seventy years.
Jenny: Yeah, from nineteen fifty-two to obviously this year, twenty twenty-two. 所以刚刚Adam说的这个she was “on the throne”,这个throne可能你知道啊,因为看过Game of Thrones
Adam: Rights right right so this is the seat where the monarch sits.
Jenny: 哎对,呃它是这个王位、王座这像Adam说是这个seat,但是这里它是represent它也代表了这个power对吧,它的position。
Adam: Exactly so a moment ago we, we use the word “crown,” crown can represent that position, “throne” can represent that position, it’s a very symbolic position, isn’t it.
Jenny: 是,是。那,呃其实我和Adam都非常爱看Netflix的那一部《The Crown》啊。然后呢,看那部是,它一开始的时候,伊丽莎白还是一个小女神。然后其是,她要从她爸爸讲起。Because the whole reason she became the Queen,就是她爸爸变成了一个比较accidental或者自己也不太愿意比较reluctant*5一个king,对吧。
Adam: Right exactly because her uncle, who was supposed to be the king, really didn’t want to be king.
Jenny: 我小时候,我大概十岁的时候就看过美国的一部电视剧那个时候在中国放哈,叫《爱情与王位》。讲的就是,这个呃温莎*6公爵怎么为了Wallis Simpson,美国的辛普森夫人,他就放弃他的这个throne,放弃王位,说我不要当国王。
Adam: Rights right, he did it all for a woman all for love.
Jenny: Yeah, so he was the uncle of Queen Elizabeth.
Adam: That’s right. And when he abdicated*7 the throne, which is a very fancy formal word for give up his brother, Elizabeth’s father, became the king.
Jenny: 诶对,刚刚Adam说abdicated这个词啊,基本上就是在这个王位而且特别放弃王位的时候会用。我们平常人我们用不到这个词。It’s too high class for us.
Adam: Ah that’s right you wouldn’t say like “I abdicated donuts, because I’m trying to lose weight.”
Jenny: 对对对。Anyway it’s a very royal word, right? 那然后呢,就有了伊丽莎白最终继承王位。哎,刚刚我们说王位是这个的throne,所以继承王位可以用因为inherit就是继承嘛,对吧。是可以说inherit the throne吗。
Adam: Absolutely absolutely. One other word we always use when talking about the monarchy, is that it is hereditary*8. And if you are paying attention, “inherit” and “hereditary” are pretty much the same thing.
Jenny: 嗯,继承制的啊。比如说现在Charles,他inherited the throne from Queen Elizabeth the Second. 然后呢他就呃接下来会加冕登基,成为英国都国王。那我们最后再讲一个very very royal term加冕,这个怎么说。
Adam: This would be the “coronation.”
Jenny: Coronation. 然后被加冕也可以作动词用是吧。
Adam: Yes but usually it is a passive verb. Because the State or the Government is coronating the King.
Jenny: 呃,我刚刚说一个是教大家最后一个非常royal的词,我突然还想到有两个呃very well worthwhile to learn说的这个陛下,女王陛下、国王陛下。
Adam: Right exactly because if you met the Queen, or now the King, you can’t just say “hey Queen,” “hey King,”
Jenny: Or “you,”
Adam: “Hey you,”
Jenny: 对吧,不能直接说you你,对。为何怎么说呢,怎么称呼他们。
Adam: Well in the past, we would have said “Her Majesty,” and now we will be saying ”His Majesty, Charles the Third.“
Jenny: 呃,这根据性别啊,Her Majesty女王陛下、His Majesty国王陛下。然后,你直接,如果你有这个呃honour to meet them的话,你可以说Your Majesty,是吧。
Adam: Yes, exactly. “Your Majesty is looking splendid today.”
Jenny: 好的。那,我们在学完很多的王室相关的词以后啊,呃我们现在来看看英女王她非常漫长灿烂的一生啊。有一些非常重要的日期,与谢非常重要的年份一些里程碑。
Adam: OK yes, so the Queen’s timeline and some important milestones.
Jenny: Milestones,对。呃当然the birth of the Queen,非常的重要啊。但我们要我往后面开来开一点了。她什么时候结婚的?
Adam: Well, she was married just after World War two nineteen forty-seven.
Jenny: 哎其实我印象非常深刻看《The Crown》就是,呃,女王在刚刚那个时候还不是女王啊,对吧。她刚刚和呃Prince Philip结婚的时候。她们还要为了我们这个装修的预算,装修的budget,还要发愁。Because even though they‘re you know the prince for their the future queen, and queen‘s consort*9, 但是每年还是有怎么一部分的钱是给你的。然后你要装修的话,你可能超出预算,她们就是前往哪里来,所以,in some ways,就是也有我们老百姓的一些烦恼哈。
Adam: Exactly exactly, actually Jenny there is a phrase I really wanted to say today, maybe now would be a good time to say,
Jenny: What is it?
Adam: Heavy is the head that wears the crown.
Jenny: 哦,就是这个王冠非常重,不是人人都能带的哈。
Adam: Right now I know you’re saying that they had everyday problems like everyday people but imagine having those problems while also needed to balance so much responsibility.
Jenny: Oh yeah especially when you start to have kids.
Adam: Um-hum. OK so nineteen forty-eight, she gave birth to the current King Charles of course he was not born King Charles he was born Charles, but then a couple years later, Charles became a prince when his mom became a queen.
Jenny: 噢对,加冕登基了。刚刚说的这个 coronation so when was that?
Adam: That was in nineteen fifty-three. Now I want to give you guys just one other date that is important for me when I’m looking at these days. My father was born in nineteen forty-nine, and my mother was born in nineteen fifty. So basically they‘re babies when this is happening.
Jenny: 嗯,是。其实那个时候Queen Elizabeth自己都很年轻啊,when she became the Queen.
Adam: Yeah, when she was twenty-seven.
Jenny: Come on, she was still in her twenties 真的还很年轻啊, 对.
Adam: Yeah, what were you doing at twenty-seven, Jenny?
Jenny: Not the queen.
Adam: Not being the queen, not reigning,
Jenny: Not being the queen, 对对对.
Jenny: 好,那我们接下来要skip ahead of a few decades一直倒快尽到九十年代。因为九十年代开始好像 the British royal family really started to face a lot of pressure from the public.
Adam: Yes, exactly. They were not super popular during that time, and there was one year I think it was nineteen ninety-two that the Queen always described as a “horrible year.”
Jenny: 这非常倒霉的一年。I watched yeah, I watched many clips of her speeches, 然后这个她是有做一个speech好像是in, in the parliament,她自己说这一年真的是一个annus horribilis*10还是,是拉丁语*11是吧,就是说horrible year啊。
Adam: Horrible year, exactly. Yeah, because Elizabeth had four kids, and that year, three of them got divorced.
Jenny: 呃,对对对。而且在这个之前the royal family好像就是,不太能divorce的对吧。你看XX,为什么她叔叔当时因为要marry一个divorced woman都要abdicated放弃王位。但是时代不同嘛。所以,这种divorce离婚也在royal family发生,而且一个很大的变化旧时的media,特别英国的这个狗仔*12paparazzi was everywhere。然后就是她们一点点的事情都会被拿出来放大放得很大。
Adam: Yes, yes exactly.
Jenny: 除了有她孩子啊,婚姻这个人感情生活上的很多问题和挑战呢,祸不单行*13。然后她们的城堡,还有一个很大的火灾,火灾了以后就得要修复,呢就要花很多钱啊。但当时又遇到英国经济很萧条*14
Adam: Right exactly there was a pretty bad recession going on then, and people, people weren’t all that thrilled about the idea of having to pay to fix an old rich lady‘s castle.
Jenny: 对。Even until today, right? So much of you know the question over the future of the British royal family其实都是和前有关就是tax payers到底有没有义务要,养。讲一个家族。所以 yeah so it’s a constant problem. 然后最后在九二年的时候呢the Queen时候她还说。大家不要吵了,我来付个人所得税
Adam: Yeah that’s right. She volunteered to pay income taxes. That was really interesting about all of this is the Queen’s wealth comes from land. So the Queen doesn’t really have a lot of income. You know what I mean? She has lots of horses and castles,
Jenny: And diamonds.
Adam: And diamonds, but not a lot of income. So I’m not sure what the Queen‘s income taxes actually look like.
Jenny: Yeah I wonder who were, who does uh did her taxes.
Adam: Ah, maybe one of her dogs?
Jenny: 哦,她的狗狗我们等一下说,因为还好她的人生当中有狗给给了她很多的安慰和快乐啊。
Jenny: 特别是其实九十年代,对,女王来说整个royal family都呃很很艰难吧,很有挑战,尤其是当呃Princess Diana。戴安娜王妃,对过世以后。哎Adam我觉得你对Princess Diana整个过世啊,这些应该也很有记忆吧。Because I remember it being a very big part of my, you know media consumption因为那个时候我在新加坡读书,让每天电视里都是戴妃*15。然后,对,就是大家那么喜欢她。她那么年轻又过世了。
Adam: Yes, that’s right. So I do you remember that time as well and you’re right. Every channel was talking about her; she was after all the people’s princess, that’s what the media called her. And yeah, the royal family just faced so much criticism over the way she was treated,
Jenny: And also how they were responeded to her passing, right? 对因为那个时候,我还记得因为后来看了电影《The Queen》吗。就是,那个the person who made The Crown, first made The Queen那个电影电影也非常好。对其实里面有Tony Blair为什么呢,就是布莱尔*16宁说英国首相PM prime minister就跟英女王说,他说:你一定要出去罚一个眼了。虽然历史上王室,是说我们的感情,不能太外露。呃因为,作为英国的王室要一直给人一个非常stable的感觉。你不能太高兴也不能太悲伤,对吧。所以that’s how they’ve traditionally handled themselves,但是到九十年代末,时代在变。人的期待也在变,媒体也在变。所以当时就是好多人不开心就是说,噢,戴妃死了,虽然查尔斯离婚了,但她还是you know两个prince的妈妈对不对而且你们当时,好像就是说对她也不好。为什么the Queen你你不出来说说你这个时候是什么感觉。我们很需要你的安慰,对。
Adam: That’s right. So we know your whole job is to not show emotions Your Majesty, but maybe, maybe this is the time to change convention just a little bit.
Jenny: Yeah, so actually uh if you 其实大家在网上还是能找到啊, the Queen she made uh an unprecedented*17 speech on TV. An unprecedented就是以前历史上没有过的,就是过世一个queen或king不会出来专门做一个speech而全比较emotional这个speech。
Adam: Right I’m not sure I remember the speech exactly, but I remember that she made a speech. And I remember that it was a big deal, in any case, yes the nineties were pretty bad for the royal family for the Queen, but the two thousands didn’t really get any better.
Jenny: 对,比如你看Prince Andrew的这个丑闻。然后但,我觉得最high profile的还是Prince Harry and Meghan是吧,真的是they did a lot of uh就是royal family这个要进入一个damage control。
Adam: Right right you think they would have learned their lesson with Diana. But don’t forget, before Meghan Markle appeared in Harry’s life, Harry was this huge party boy who was just drunk all over the world and having a good time, so he was always popular, but the newspapers were always sharing really bad stories about him.
Jenny: 嗯,反正就是当一个royal family member很不容易啦。大家对你用很多的期待。然后maybe sometimes,yeah这个太严格。就after all they’re people。But they are special people, 是吧.
Adam: Right right ah I maybe I should have saved that heavy is the head that wears the crown for this part, darn.
Jenny: Ah, it was still good to learn. 呃,但是还好在那么多的这一个呃艰难和挑战之中,女王有她最好最忠实的朋友们。这些朋友们不是人,而是动物。
Adam: That’s right, so I already mentioned it before her dogs.
Jenny: 诶而且她最最钟情的,从小时候就最喜欢的事,呃一种狗狗,是一个品种。
Adam: Yes that’s right. The breed is called the corgi.
Jenny: 柯基犬*18啊,真的是非常的可爱。可能也是因为女王了这个呃犬类这种类,后来也变得特别特别受欢迎。
Adam: Yeah for sure. I never really remembered seeing these dogs much as a kid, but now I see them everywhere.
Jenny: 嗯,嗯。呃那,对于普通人来说啊,可能可以拥有一只小corgi柯基犬,但是女王的另一个好朋友就比较难拥有它很大,而且很贵。
Adam: That’s right her horses.
Jenny: Again watching The Crown, 其实《The Crown》没也不断地就是讲她和妈。她和她的呃,爱只犬的关系是吧。她很多时候自己的难过自己的这个孤独,却是她都会选择取其吗。
Adam: Rights. Get on your horse and go for a ride.
Jenny: 对。好,那我们今天节目的最后呢,呃最好的方式,还是以女王自己说的话哈。来, pay tribute to*19 her life.
Adam: Umm. So before I always used to love doing my impression of the Queen, I’m sure Jenny has heard it more times than, she really ever wanted,
Jenny: Yes we all did, we all did.
Adam: We all did, so I should probably be a little bit more respectful. Today, so I will say with my voice, I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service. And the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong.
Jenny: 对其实这段话,呃她这个speech,呃应该是她二十多岁的时候做的啊,最近也流传得非常广。据说,用呃什么最好的关键词来总结女王的一生,you know with such a long life and especially when you are the Queen of such a great nation,还是it’s a mixed bag,有好有坏。但是,一直看到的一个关键词就是“责任”,作为女王作为,王室的责任感。
Adam: That’s right. So we north Americans would say duty[dúːti], but of course in Windsor Castle or wherever the Queen was, they would always say duty[djúːti].
Jenny: 啊,British英国发音duty[djúːti]。然而这个词,对,也是不断会再《The Crown》那部电视当中电视剧的里面出现的。就是她们不断地说,我们作为英国的往事最重要的,我们对自己的要求是,我们要,坚守自己的责任。安慰 duty to the people.
Adam: Right right. I’d read you almost think like the writer of that show had a pretty easy job, because every other word was duty.
Jenny: Duty, 对.
Adam: ”Your Majesty, duty.“ ”Duty?“ ”Yes Your Majesty, duty.“
Jenny: 好,那我们今天的节目就到这里。呃今天真的是这个王室英语的干货很多啊。那个因为最近我们也常常受到大家的这个request让我们做强一只节目,希望大家喜欢,有很多的收获。OK, thank you for listening, we’ll see you next time.
Adam: Now all right bye for now guys.


末筆になりましたが、Rest in peace, Your Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

*1:伊丽莎白/Yī lì shā bái/ 【人名】エリザベス | Elizabeth

*2:查尔斯/Chá ěr sī/ 【人名】チャールズ | Charles

*3:灿烂/càn làn/ 輝かしい

*4:blue-blooded 貴族出身の

*5:reluctant 不承不承の

*6:温莎/Wēn shā/ ウィンザー | Windsor

*7:abdicate (地位を)放棄する

*8:hereditary 世襲

*9:consort (王の)配偶者

*10:annus horribilis 【ラテン語】酷い年

*11:拉丁语/Lā dīng yǔ/ ラテン語

*12:狗仔/gǒu zǎi/ パパラッチ | paparazzi【イタリア語】

*13:祸不单行/huò bù dān xíng/ 【成語】禍いは単独ではやって来ない

*14:萧条/xiāo tiáo/ 停滞して

*15:戴妃/Dài fēi/ ダイアナ元妃

*16:布莱尔/Bù lái 'ěr/ 【人名】ブレア | Blair

*17:unprecedented 前代未聞の

*18:柯基犬/kē jī quǎn/ コーギー犬

*19:pay tribute to 敬意を表する