
英語と中国語を同時に学ぶ! 潘吉Jenny告诉你とCCTV Growing up with Chineseで聞き取り書き取り

Introduction | Episodes |

79 Shanghai trip-the Bund 1 上海出游-外滩1



  1. Charlotte MacInnisに渡った台本では「茜茜Qiànqiàn」が「西西Xīxī」になっていて、
  2. そのまま収録されてしまい、
  3. 後から音声だけ修正した


大家好 hi everybody, 欢迎收看成长汉语. This is Growing up with Chinese thanks for joining us.

Well, the moment 小明 and Mike and all of us really have been waiting for, has finally arrived, it’s time to explore 上海. Now our skit today is too long to fit into one episode, so we’ll be continuing on with it next show, so don’t forget to tune in. Now let’s check in with our two buddies and see just how their 上海 exploration is going.

小明:麦克,你怎么了? 我们这是在上海啊。

堂妹:没事儿,您放心吧,包在我身上。我们吃完早饭就出发! 快吃,快吃!

兰兰:那当然! 你们看,这条街就是中国原来的“华尔街”,现在也有很多的银行和证券交易所呢。

Well 上海 looks like fun doesn’t it. Let’s take a look at some of our dialogue’s key sentences before we move on.

小明哥, 你这个大懒虫, 都九点多了, 还在睡懒觉. 小明 you lazy bones*1 it’s already past nine and you’re still sleeping. 大懒虫 means big lazy bug or in other words, lazy bones. 睡觉 we know means sleep and 懒 means lazy just like in 懒虫. So 睡懒觉 is how you say sleep in.


这是麦克第一次来上海, 你爸妈上班前可给你留了任务, 让你带着麦克和小明好好儿逛逛上海. This is Mike’s first time in 上海, before your mom and dad left for work, they left you an assignment. They wanted you to take Mike and 小明 out to get a good look around 上海. 任务 means task or assignment and 留 is the verb to leave. 给你留了任务. Left an assignment for you.

没事儿, 您放心吧, 包在我身上. 我们吃完早饭就出发. No problem, don’t you worry, leave it to me, once you’re done eating, we’ll set out. 包在我身上 or 包在 someone’s 身上 is a set saying that means “leave it to me” or “I’ll take care of it.” 出发 is to depart or set out.

堂妹:没事儿,您放心吧,包在我身上。我们吃完早饭就出发! 快吃,快吃!

这条街就是中国原来的“华尔街”,现在也有很多的银行和证券交易所呢. This street used to be China’s Wall Street, even now there are still a lot of banks and the stock exchange. Now 街 means street and 华尔街 is the proper term for New York’s Wall Street. Indeed, historically the Bund was the financial center of 上海 and still is to a great degree. 银行 is how you say bank and 证券 means stock. 交易所 is an exchange. So 证券交易所 is how you say stock exchange in Chinese.

兰兰:那当然! 你们看,这条街就是中国原来的“华尔街”,现在也有很多的银行和证券交易所呢

All right everyone let’s take a look at today’s vocabulary and our pinyin highlight.

And first off let’s look at our vocabulary specifics.

  • 介意 often used in the negative, 介意 means take offense*2, mind. jiè yì
  • 明信片 postcard. míng xìn piàn
  • 任务 assignment, mission, task, job. rèn wù
  • 逛 stroll, roam*3, ramble*4. guàng
  • 建筑 construct, architecture. jiàn zhù

All right we’re looking at 银行 or bank for today’s pinyin highlight.

Now 银 actually means silver, which is pretty cool, and it’s spelled y-i-n yin second tone, so our tone marker goes above the i, yín.

And 行 is h-a-n-g hang. And it also is a second tone, so our marker goes above the a. yín háng, bank.


Ah 上海 where to begin. Well it’s a city full of mystique*5 and splendor*6 and we will be seeing more of it in that in the next few shows.

Now part of what makes 上海 such an interesting and diverse city is its history. Now starting in the early nineteenth century 上海 became one of the main hubs in east Asia let alone China, for international trade. And as a result, people from all over the world came to 上海 to set up shop. And not too long after 上海 came to be considered the financial capital of the Far East.

Now, all of this is important to know because it factors into 上海’s literal makeup: its architecture.

Now you can see from looking at the Bund, that a lot of the architecture isn’t traditional Chinese but a plentiful collection of early twentieth century architecture. Now 上海 has the world’s largest collection of art deco buildings. And the Peace Hotel located nearby the Bund is one such building.

Now if you walk around 浦西 and not just the Bund, you can see all of these international influences in architecture. And one of my favorite things about walking around 上海 particularly 浦西 is the mix of Chinese and foreign influences. You might see a building that could be out of France and right next to it there’s a little Chinese temple.

There are many guide books that have walking tours that you can take throughout 浦西’s specifically for viewing all of the various architectural structures. Now even if you aren’t typically a person who enjoys architecture, going on one of these walking tours can be a lot of fun and very educational.


OK it’s time to take a look at our three language points of the day. And to begin with we have a pattern: 哪儿都好...就是.

Now 哪儿都好...就是 is a tactful expression. It’s like saying it’s all good but or everything’s lovely however. 小明 said to his cousin today 我这个表妹哪儿都好, 就是嘴太厉害了. My cousin is great it’s just that she has a fierce tongue.

  • 小明,我做的菜怎么样?/嗯,哪儿都好,就是有点儿咸了。
  • 兰兰,你看我穿这件衣服怎么样?/嗯,哪儿都好,就是太时髦了。

OK we’ve got another pattern to look at: something 不说, 还 something else. Now what comes after 还 supplements whatever was said in the first clause or what came before 不说. 小明’s cousin 茜茜*7 said 那儿风景优美不说, 还有很多地标性建筑呢. The scenery is beautiful not to mention there are many architectural landmarks there as well. Now you could also say 她这个人漂亮不说, 还非常聪明. She is not only beautiful, she is also extremely smart.

  • 小明,你怎么了?/唉,别提了。我摔了一跤不说把钱包丢了。
  • 这家网店真不错。东西便宜不说能送货。/哪家店啊?

怪不得. 怪不得 is used as an adverb in today’s dialogue and means “no wonder” or “so that’s why” or “that explains why.” Mike said today 怪不得大家第一次来上海都要先到外滩看看, 这里真是美不可言. No wonder everyone who comes to 上海 for the first time has to come see the Bund first. This place is too beautiful for words. Now you could also say 怪不得今天这么冷, 原来是下雪了. No wonder it’s so cold today. It’s snowed.

  • 你知道吗? 我是在上海长大的。/噢,怪不得你会说上海话呢。
  • 天气预报说今天有40度。/怪不得这么热呢。

All right everyone it’s word game time. Now for those of you who haven’t played the game before, this is how it works. I’ll be giving you a jumble of characters and it’s up to you to put them in a proper sentence order. Now it’s really not all that difficult, and I’ll give you an example before I’ll give you today’s homework. So, here we go.

All right, our screen will look something like this and it’s up to you to figure out the right sentence order. We have 汉, 学, 我, 跟 and 语. So, this is how it should look. 跟 我 学 汉 语. 跟我学汉语. Learn Chinese with me. All right, so that’s a simple one. Here is a difficult one. This is what you’re going to be working on today. All right you have all of these characters.

Now, the English meaning of this sentence is “as long as you have patience, there aren’t any problems you can’t solve.” OK? “As long as you have patience, there aren’t any problems you can’t solve.” So good luck and I’ll give you the answer next time.

All right I think we’ve essentially run out of time, but we’ll be continuing today’s skit next time. So make sure to join us then.

Now remember you can all send in any questions you might have or comments to us through our website and while you are there you can always watch any of our episodes you might have missed. 好了, 大家, 加油, good luck with your studies, I’ll see you next time. 再见.

ドラマパート中の間奏は、CCTVが同時期に放送していた別シリーズTravel in Chinese 旅游汉语と同じだったりします。


*1:lazy bones 怠け者

*2:take offense ムッとする

*3:roam うろつく

*4:ramble ぶらつく

*5:mystique 神秘的な雰囲気

*6:splendor 壮観
