
英語と中国語を同時に学ぶ! 潘吉Jenny告诉你とCCTV Growing up with Chineseで聞き取り書き取り

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84 Shanghai Science and Technology Museum 1 上海科技馆1

Hi everyone, 大家好, 欢迎收看今天的成长汉语. Thanks for joining us for today’s episode of Growing up with Chinese.

Now 小明 and Mike are continuing their exploration of 上海. And today brings them too, well, you all just have to wait and see. Now, our skit today is too long to fit into one episode, so just you all know, we’ll be continuing it next time. So let’s check in without ado right now and see what they are up to.

Mike:茜茜,你不是说今天要带我们去个特有意思的地方吗? 在哪儿啊?
小明:行啦,茜茜,我求求你了。你就别卖关子了! 天气这么热,怎么说也有三十五六度吧。我可是一步也不想走了。
小明:真的吗? 我早就听我们同学说上海科技馆可好玩儿了,有智能机器人、火箭模型,还有4D影院呢!
Mike:啊,太棒了! 茜茜。这儿离科技馆远不远? 我们快点儿走吧! 拜托拜托!

堂妹:你们俩最想看什么? 我给你们当导游。
堂妹:哎呀,好了,好了,你们各说各的,我该听谁的呀! 这样吧,咱们边走边看,最后去看4D电影。就这样了,出发。

小明:麦克,你快看这个大水龙头! 太神奇了。
Mike:是啊,怎么可能? 它怎么会悬在半空啊? 不可能……不可能。

Shanghai Science and Technology Museum is really cool. And Mike, 小明 and 茜茜 certainly looked like they were having a good time. OK let’s take a few minutes to look at some specifics from today’s clip.

你别净说风凉话. If you 净说, it means you speak about nothing but you only say. And 风凉话 is a fun expression. If you break it apart, its wind or 风 make cool or become cool, 凉 and 话 we know means speech. So 风凉话 is an expression that means irresponsible and sarcastic remarks.

Mike:茜茜,你不是说今天要带我们去个特有意思的地方吗? 在哪儿啊?
小明:行啦,茜茜,我求求你了。你就别卖关子了! 天气这么热,怎么说也有三十五六度吧。我可是一步也不想走了。

I love zebras. 斑马 is how you say zebra in Chinese. And yes, for those of you who are familiar with the expression zebra stripes in English, in other words a crosswalk for pedestrians, in Chinese you can also say zebra stripes to refer to a crosswalk 斑马线. Now 小明 used the expression 栩栩如生 to refer to the zebra they saw. This means lifelike or vivid. 栩栩 actually means lifelike or vivid on its own. And 如生 could be translated as just like it’s living. 栩栩如生.

堂妹:你们俩最想看什么? 我给你们当导游。
堂妹:哎呀,好了,好了,你们各说各的,我该听谁的呀! 这样吧,咱们边走边看,最后去看4D电影。就这样了,出发。

Now one of my favorite words in Chinese appears in our dialogue today. And that is 水龙头 or faucet tap. Now the reason why I like this word so much in Chinese is because of the picture it creates in my head. 水 we know means water, right? And 龙 means dragon, 头 means head. So if you let your imagination go, faucets do sort of resemble a dragon head, did they not? So anyway now you have a fun way to remember this vocabulary word 水龙头 faucet.

小明:麦克,你快看这个大水龙头! 太神奇了。
Mike:是啊,怎么可能? 它怎么会悬在半空啊? 不可能……不可能。

All right it’s vocabulary time let’s take a look at what we have lined up for today.

  • 卖关子 pose at climax in storytelling to keep the listeners in suspense, keep people guessing, be deliberately mystifying. mài guān zi
  • 标本 specimen, sample. biāo běn
  • 机器人 robot. jī qì rén
  • 悬 hang, suspend. xuán


Museums are always fun places to visit and the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum certainly deserves a trip. It’s located in 浦东 right near Century Park which is 上海’s largest park, which is actually also where worth to visit. Now the museum was opened to the public in December of two thousand one and has since been hosted to over ten million visitors.

Now as you might be able to imagine if you’ve ever been to a science and technology museum, this one offers a complete hands-on experience. There are IMAX theaters, tons of interactive exhibits, including one exhibit where you can actually walk inside a model of a human heart and brain, pretty cool huh?

Now there’s a simulated tropical rain forest complete with robotic beetles and bat cave for those of you who are interested in the environment.

And to top it all off*1, there is one exhibition you might not get to experience if you visit a science and technology museum in a different country. It’s the Chinese ancient science and technology gallery.

Now outside the museum, there’s a shopping center that sells all kinds of goodies including little models of helicopters that can actually fly. I have one, it’s a lot of fun.


It’s language point time everyone, so let us begin with something 少说也.

Now something 少说也 expresses a guess or something that you might infer. The 少 in this expression means 至少 or at least. So today 小明 said 天气这么热, 少说也有三十五六度. Today is so hot it’s got to be at least thirty-five or thirty-six degrees. Now he doesn’t know this for a fact, so 少说也 is used to relay that is a guess he’s inferring it.

You could also say 他少说也有三十岁. He’s got to be at least thirty. Or you could say 从上海去北京坐飞机少说也得两个小时. It takes at least two hours on the plane to get from 上海 to 北京. Shall we look at some more examples?

  • 哇,这只小猫太可爱了,很贵吧?/我猜少说也得一千块钱。
  • 兰兰,小明去上海多长时间了?/少说也有一个星期了吧。

OK next up we have a pattern: 没 something 没 something. Now, this is a pattern that typically uses specific verbs or nouns to create a specific pattern. So today 茜茜 said 你们俩的问题真是没完没了. The two of you have unending questions. So our set pattern here is 没完没了, which means without finish or unending. And it can carry with it a slight tone of annoyance. So for example I could say 他说起来没完没了, 大家听得都快睡觉了. When he starts talking there’s no end, everyone almost falls asleep listening to him.

  • 这雨下得没完没了的。/是啊,天气预报说明天还有雨。
  • 小明,你别没完没了地唱,让我也唱一首。/下首歌就是你的。

And finally we have another pattern: 各 something 各的. Now this pattern expresses that everyone does his or her own thing. So everyone acts independently. Now typically the verb that follows the first 各 is monosyllabic. So, 各做各的 you do your own thing. 各看各的 you look around on your own. 各说各的 is what we heard in today’s dialogue. Mike and 小明 were both speaking at the same time and 茜茜 responded to this hullabaloo*2 by saying 你们各说各的, 我该听谁的呀! You guys take turns speaking! Who should I be listening to?

  • 你们今天怎么各玩各的? 吵架了?/都是他的错。
  • 小明,咱们应该……从这边儿走。/不对,我觉得应该这么走。/那咱们各走各的,看看谁先到?

好了, 我们今天剩的时间不多了. We’ve just about run out of time for today, but I hope you all enjoyed seeing more of 上海.

Now, don’t forget to visit our website if you want to review anything or watch today’s episode again. And while you are there, please leave us some comments or send in any questions you might have, your feedback is very important to us. OK I will see you all next time. 大家, 加油, 下次见, bye for now.

*1:to top it all off 極めつけに

*2:hullabaloo 騒動