
英語と中国語を同時に学ぶ! 潘吉Jenny告诉你とCCTV Growing up with Chineseで聞き取り書き取り

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870 袁隆平、吴孟超院士留给我们的宝贵“遗产”

やや旧聞になりますが、中国の医師 呉孟超と、農学者 袁隆平がともに2021年5月22日に没しました。潘吉Jenny告诉你でもその二人を、主に袁隆平の功績について取り上げています。袁隆平は生涯をコメの品種改良に捧げ、人々を飢えから救ったといいます。(2021年5月28日配信)




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Jenny: 大家好,我是Jenny。你正在收听有开言英语带来的潘吉Jenny告诉你。
Adam: Hey guys this is Adam.
Jenny: 那今天的节目呢,我们要来缅怀*1和纪念中国最近过世的两位科学界的,而且对我们社会生活影响非常非常大的两位泰斗。
Adam: That’s right we are talking about a pair of Titans, Chinese Titans of science,
Jenny: Yeah and they recently both passed away, 肝胆外科专家吴孟超、杂交水稻之父袁隆平。在上个礼拜的时候因为他们都是其都非常高寿九十多岁过世啊,朋友圈好多好多大家就发相关的在纪念他们的东西。
Adam: Rights right and our comments section too.
Jenny: 我们其实很多听众用户就说希望我们做一期节目啊。So here we are today. 那今天我们的节目呢,有一点像一个精读课吧。因为我们摘取了一些非常好的主要是讲袁隆平先生的一些成就,然后他的贡献的这个文章。然后我们会从中挑选一些非常金华的词和用法给大家来做一些诠释。
Jenny: 但是呢,我注意到Adam在形容吴孟超和袁隆平,两位老先生的时候,你用到了一个英语词叫做?
Adam: Titan.
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Jenny: Titan. T-i-t-a-n是吧。
Adam: Yes, like Titanic.
Jenny: 那个船?
Adam: Really big ship. Now we don’t need to think about it as it’s a really big ship because the word as much older than the ship, it just means a really really really big, really important part or things.
Jenny: 没错。所以就是中文泰斗。我们中文说科学界的泰斗。So you can say they were Titans of science.
Adam: Right. Now of course you could also say Titan of business, Titan of English teaching podcasts?
Jenny: 噢,就Titan of后面那个领域,是吧。
Jenny: 好的。嗯,而且这两位,老先生呢,他们也都是中科院*2的院士。这个词Adam也kind of looked up查了一下,
Adam: Still looking at it yeah I’m still looking at it now I have to think about it.
Jenny: 院士。
Adam: Academician.
Adam: Academic. Academic is the word we use all the time.
Jenny: 对我觉得这个很有中国的这个特色context。因为我们讲到院士时,我们有一个机构中国最高的这个Chinese Academy of Science:中科院。然后我们最贡献最大的人最prestigious的这个title就是「院士」。英语里面academician这个词可能跳出这个范畴就不太看到是吧。
Adam: I mean you’ll see it, but like I say, words like academy in the Chinese Academy of Sciences or academic are words that we would use all the time. This one out of us to look up the pronunciation couple of time,
Jenny: 所以我就说这个是非常specific to中科院院士的头衔*3
Adam: Yes.
Jenny: Academician啊。我们只知道academy是学术。然后什么academic啊academia,这些都是差不多的意思吧。
Adam: Right.
Jenny: 好呢接下来我们先来看看,吴孟超先生。他是中国非常有名的一位肝胆外科的专家,而且是pioneer开创者。
Adam: OK. So I would say “leading expert.”
Jenny: Leading expert.
Adam: Right. So the leading dot dot dot experts.
Jenny: 表示了他在这个学界的地位,对吧。他是一个leading最顶尖的一个expert。你刚刚说liver就是肝,但是吴先生他是肝和胆。Different organs different parts. 但是的most proper academic words to describe肝胆科是:
Adam: Hepatobiliary*4.
Jenny: Ah. Once again这个也是日常生活中你可能不太会看的一个词。因为日常生活中我们说肝的话就是liver, right? Liver disease or liver operation要去做一个肝的手术。
Adam: You will see words that are similar to this like “bile*5.”
Jenny: Bile就是胆。或者我想到的是hepatitis*6
Adam: Hepatitis yeah yeah.
Jenny: 肝炎,对吧hepatitis A甲肝啊B啊C这样对吧。这个hepa就是肝相关的啊,hepatobiliary。
Adam: Wow nice, that’s better than me.
Jenny: Biliary就是jiǎo呢和胆bile相关的是吧。Hepatobiliary experts,嗯。
Jenny: 外科医生我们是说surgeon,对不对。
Adam: Right, right. So the the practice the activity is called “surgery” and the person who does surgery is a surgeon.
Jenny: 然后内科就是internal medicine, right。
Adam: Yes.
Jenny: 嗯。好而且吴先生他是well into his nineties he was still actively working and doing operations doing surgeries.
Adam: Wow, also that reminds me. We often say to perform.
Jenny: Oh, to perform,
Adam: Perform a surgery. Just like perform a show, perform a play, we perform, well, I don’t, but other people perform surgery.
Jenny: Surgery. OK所以做外科手术就是to perform a surgery。
Adam: Right.
Jenny: 好,那看完吴先生之后接下来我们来看看,杂交水稻之父袁隆平。And I know you told me that last week you saw this name so often但是你那个时候不知道袁隆平是谁。
Adam: Yeah, it because as a foreigner, you know you learn some Chinese characters. And you learn how to save them, and you learn what they mean by themselves. But then suddenly they’re put together in a way that you’ve never seen before. And you have to figure out the meaning very quick “oh it’s a person,” “oh, this person did this really important thing.”
Jenny: 是是。因为你上周在朋友圈看到你很多的朋友在发袁隆平,对吧。
Jenny: 好。Speaking of this really important thing that he did。杂交水稻。
Adam: So the key word here is “hybrid rice.”
Jenny: OK. Hybrid rice. 那,现在我们常看到hybrid我觉得是车,很多的车说时是吧。
Adam: Hybrid cars.
Jenny: 混合动力啊。油电混合。但是hybrid它的意思就是mix,是不是。
Adam: Yeah you’re putting two things together.
Jenny: OK. So in the context of Mr. Yuan’s work, it’s about rice.
Adam: OK. So before we were using words like “experts,” now we could change to a word like “father.”
Jenny: 因为他是开创者,对不对。He kind of gave birth father of hybrid rice.
Adam: Right.
Jenny: 其实讲到rice这个词我觉得很有意思,因为rice我们一般口语中就是米,或者饭、米饭。但是「水稻」是那个植物you know杂交水稻但英语里面we still use the same word “rice”.
Adam: Right now we did research on this, we did check. The word that I learned when I was a kid was paddy but I always thought that meant field.
Jenny: Yeah rice paddy就是稻田啊。Paddy不是是那个field。
Adam: Right right but when we put 水稻 into 百度翻译, it said paddy that was the first thing that came up.
Jenny: 嗯,其实水稻就是it’s the plant. 然后米,是上面的那个grain。
Adam: It’s weird because the word paddy was the first word there but it then it had a picture of the plants.
Jenny: Yeah yeah yeah.
Adam: You guys can check for yourselves.
Jenny: 我们想说的就是水稻在英文我们就是说rice就可以了。
Adam: Or if you really need to be specific rice plant.
Jenny: Rice plant.
Adam: The rice plant.
Jenny: Yeah yeah. Now Adam你知道,我们中国人对袁隆平对袁爷爷的感情那么深,就是因为中国是世界上人口最多的国家嘛,人口大国。但是怎么feed怎么多的人,对不对。
Adam: Right right it’s a lot of mouths to feed,
Jenny: 怎么解决我们能吃饱的这个问题。So he played a critical critical role in that.
Adam: Right well up until now we’ve just talked about his invention or his contribution is being hybrid rice, but what does that mean we’re mixing this were mixing that, well, the effect was that this rice became a “high yield crop.”
Jenny: 它是一个非常高产的作物。It really boosted the harvest.
Adam: Right right right right.
Jenny: 提高的农产量吗。
Adam: Right. So here is when we often use the word “yield,” harvest will always yield results just like your investments will yield a return.
Jenny: 所以high yield就是高产哈。Crop,crop就是plants,
Adam: it’s a plant for food.
Jenny: 农作物饶你可以吃的粮食。
Adam: Or or the cows can eat.
Adam: Some creatures eating this food.
Jenny: 我们做节目之前的准备的时候说“呃crop中文是是农作物吗”,Adam说“是庄稼*7”,我说“噢,你中文很好”。
Adam: I was born on a farm, so these words are really important to me.
Jenny: So high yield crop.
Jenny: 然后我们可以说his discovery has been credited with solving or alleviating*8 famine.
Adam: That’s right. So there’s a lot to unpack their famine is probably where we should start because that has the most to do with food. Famine means there is no food.
Jenny: “大饥荒”就会用famine,对不对。比如英国以前历史上什么的Great Potato Famine*9
Adam: Oh the Great Potato Famine, right. Or if you’re very very hungry you can say “I am famished*10.”
Jenny: 啊但这个词我们要看一下它的发音,因为它有一点像farming务农是不是跟做farm。但是它f-a-m-i-n-e。
Adam: Right famine.
Jenny: 那我们来看看这个比较难的词alleviate。
Adam: OK so alleviate basically means to make it better or make it less painful. So for example medicine will alleviate pain.
Jenny: Pain,对。所以我们讲到很多比如饥荒啊,还有贫穷poverty,常常会看到our goal our target is to alleviate or even eradicate*11,是吧。Eradicate就更彻底就彻底消除。
Adam: completely get rid of. Alleviate is usually the idea that we can’t really get rid of it all, but we can do our best to make it better.
Jenny: 是的是的。He was credited with 啊. 这个如果当你觉得一个人做了很大的贡献的时候,你要给他表彰,你要给他认可。就是you’re crediting them with something.
Adam: Right but we often use this in the passive. Some person has been credited with doing something or credited for his achievements, so generally speaking we could say you know Jenny and Adam credit so and so but usually it’s passive.
Jenny: 嗯,对被动出现比较多。因为通常你这个荣誉奖励是别人给你他才有意义吗,对不对。
Adam: Umm, right, right right.
Jenny: 所以我觉得就一位科学家,袁隆平真的他是我们的national hero。是一个我们中国的英雄。Because like we said he he managed to feed us, 就 feed the world’s most populous country.
Adam: Populous, yes. Yes when I think about populous, I definitely think about China.
Jenny: 嗯。所以这个populous就是从比如popular、population来的啊。
Adam: Right. So just means has a large population.
Jenny: 所以他是不是比较正式的一个词啊。因为比如说一个国家或者一个城市有很多人you’d say it has a large population.
Adam: Right.
Jenny: Or it has many people.
Adam: Right.
Jenny: 但是当你正式比如你在写论文呢,写文章或者我们看新闻报导的时候,就会看到,比如the world’s most populous country.
Adam: Right or even if you just want to use a pattern like this; the world’s most adjective country; you can’t say world’s most population country.
Jenny: 没错。你这里一定要一个形容词,对不对which populous is. It’s an adjective.
Jenny: 好的呢我们今天why don’t we finish our show with the quote from袁隆平。我们引用袁爷爷自己的一句话来总结他的一生,好不好。
Adam: OK the quote is “my lifetime pursuit is to ensure all people stay away from hunger.”
Jenny: 我的毕生*12追求就是要确保人们可以远离饥荒啊。我们先来看看追求这个词英语是。
Adam: Pursuit.
Jenny: Your pursuits. 然后它的动词是to pursue一个东西对不对to pursue a career in agriculture.
Adam: Right or science.
Jenny: Science. 那名词就是pursuit。So you can ask someone “what’s your pursuits,” “what’s your career pursuit?”
Adam: Right. I mean it is a fairly formal words you will you will see it and things like the pursuit of happiness the pursuit of something.
Jenny: 追求生啊。当我们这里说的是你一生你毕生的追求。
Adam: OK so lifetime pursuit.
Jenny: 所以lifetime在这里也有点像形容词是吧。
Adam: Yes.
Jenny: So someone’s lifetime pursuit 肯定就是对他最最重要的事情啊。
Jenny: And he talks about to insure all people stay away from hunger.
Adam: Right.
Jenny: 这让我想到的United Nations联合国在袁爷爷过世以后they credited him with alleviating famine for the populations of not just China but the wider world,
Adam: Africa,
Jenny: Africa, parts of Asia, 很多很多地方都是因为杂交水稻的breakthrough,我们现在有high yield crop。And manage to feed a lot more people.
Adam: Right and so that’s why so many people are grieving or mourning his passing.
Jenny: 对很悲伤啊在缅怀他。另外就是he was a very accessible guy because he was on the media doing interviews quite a lot. 然后你就感觉我刚说accessible是一个很亲近的人。That’s why people call him “grandpa Yuan.” 他真的就是让你感觉是grandpa那个…,
Adam: It is interesting to see in English media when people always talk about “he was so beloved by the people but he was called grandfather Yuan,” right? It’s just it’s very very formal very formal but didn’t really touches you.
Jenny: Yeah. 好, and do you like rice?
Adam: I do like rice.
Jenny: 你经常会吃米饭啊?
Adam: I eat my fair share of rice, yes.
Jenny: 现在於向我们绝大多数的人都不会为了下一顿有没有饭吃担忧。And we really need to credit 袁爷爷 you know solving that problem for us. Because not too long ago. That was something people have to worry.
Adam: Absolutely.
Jenny: 那我们今天的节目就到这儿。大家也可以在留言专区,来分享,你对这两位Chinese Titans of science的缅怀。
Jenny: OK, thank you for listening we’ll see you next time.
Adam: All right bye for now.

本編では触れられもしませんが、いま世界中の人が食べている小麦は、戦前に岩手県の試験場で稲塚権次郎(1897 - 1988)という人が開発し、戦後GHQが持ち帰った「小麦農林10号」の直系の品種です。さらに言うと氏はコメの品種改良も手がけ、のちに引き継がれ完成したのがご存知「コシヒカリ」です。



*1:缅怀/miǎn huái/ 追憶する


*3:头衔/tóu xián/ 肩書き

*4:hepatobiliary 肝胆道の

*5:bile 胆汁

*6:hepatitis 肝炎

*7:庄稼/zhuāng jià/ 農作物

*8:alleviate 緩和する


*10:famish 飢えさせる

*11:eradicate 根絶する

*12:毕生/bì shēng/ 生涯