
英語と中国語を同時に学ぶ! 潘吉Jenny告诉你とCCTV Growing up with Chineseで聞き取り書き取り

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932 北京冬奥,为你骄傲!




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Jenny: Hello大家好,我是Jenny。你正在收听要开言英语带来的潘吉Jenny告诉你。
Adam: Hey guys, this is Adam.
Jenny: 哎呀那我们真是太幸运了。一边还在庆祝咱们的中国年一边我们能看在北京如火如荼*1正在进行的冬奥会。
Adam: Yeah, everything’s coming up China right now: Spring Festival, Olympics,
Jenny: 对。所以今天我们的节目呢,当然就要聚焦北京的冬奥会,因为这次我们中国军团Team China表现,特别的出色在一些,you know pretty new events for us on the snow, snowboarding, freeskiing上面我们有很好的表现,然后有谷爱凌、有苏翊鸣这样的teenagers。
Adam: Rights, right. So all eyes are on China, all eyes are on Beijing, for the two thousand twenty two winter Olympics.
Jenny: 对。所以今天呢,我们会教大家关于奥运会最相关的一些英语。很多这些冰雪项目要怎么说,然后呢说说我们这些,非常棒的运动员,还有很可爱的冰墩墩。
Adam: Ha ha ha he is pretty cute.
Jenny: Yeah so where should we start?
Adam: Well, why not start in Beijing, Jenny.
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Jenny: 对,那这个北京冬奥会啊。So we can call it the Beijing winter Olympics,对吗。
Adam: That’s right, that’s right.
Jenny: 但就是要注意啊,这个Olympics,我们一定后面要加s,它讲奥运会的时候都是以复数形式出现的。
Adam: Yes, it should be “the Olympic Games,” but most people just say “the Olympics.”
Jenny: 对,其实我们去年才刚看了,因为与疫情延期的东京奥运会。然后呢,马上今年咱们又能看,北京冬奥会。那么在疫情期间要办差那么大的体育盛事。真的基本上只有中国才能如此高质量的举办好。
Adam: Yes that’s right. This is something that really only China can pull off*2.
Jenny: 哎对所以刚刚那句话特别地使用啊,only China can pull it off. Only you can pull it off. 就是这件事:只有你有能力能办成。
Adam: That’s right, that’s right. Now Jenny, I know you love the Olympics you eat and breathe*3 the Olympics.
Jenny: 噢真的。你说我eat and breathe是吧。它是我的食物是我的空气。Yeah, I’ve been watching all the games. And of course因为我们在加拿大有时差啊,所以那种时差真的对我来说时间不友好的我会第二天早上起来看回放。So我可以叫自己是一个Olympics junkie,是吧。
Adam: Yes, yes, you certainly are an Olympics junkie.
Jenny: 对,junkie就是你对件事情非常上瘾啊。然后我们这里是对奥运会上瘾。And really I love watching everything. Because I think the great joy of the Olympics is exposes you to a lot of events you really would like normally wouldn’t watch, 至于看到很多日常看不太高的项目。
Adam: Right, right. And the Olympics has been really great lately at introducing a lot of new events, so that’s something we can get, get to a little bit later.
Jenny: 啊没错。呃当然作为中国人呢,对我们来说最激动的还是,为中国的运动员为Team China加油
Adam: Go Team China, go.
Jenny: 对go Team China。所以中国这个军团啊,这种体育代表团,我们一般都可以Team China, right. 那加拿大的话就是Team Canada.
Adam: That’s right go Team Canada, oh, wait, can I say that here?
Jenny: 可以啊。
Adam: Go, go team, go team everyone.
Jenny: Go team everyone.
Jenny: 好,那我想大家当然等不及要听的就是刚刚在freestyle ski big air当中拿到金牌的谷爱凌。诶其实Adam我们两个去年晚知识做过以及谷爱凌的节目。
Adam: Yeah that’s right and you also dropped*4 a reference to that show recently, and I did see some comments where some users really wanted to listen to that show. So it’s pretty clear that 谷爱凌 has a lot of fans.
Jenny: 对,因为她在冬奥会之前,她在自己的这些项目freestyle skiing自由式滑雪的各个项目上面,she has being very dominant. 就赢了很多很多的competitions。So there’s a lot of hope going into this Olympics on her winning gold medals, 所以我觉得最了不起的就是她这么大的压力底下,and in the first event she competed in,还不是她的这个main event。还是她比较没有那么好的一个项目她就拿了金牌。So let her last jump she needed a super high score like above ninety three and she scored ninety four, and she couldn’t believe it.
Adam: Wow, pretty cool.
Jenny: 诶,英文是不是可以用黄瓜来形容,其实很很冷静很酷的这种。
Adam: Yes that is a very cool food obviously, we can say cool as a cucumber*5. So somebody who keeps calm, keeps cool under pressure.
Jenny: Yeah so that’s how she took her first gold in freestyle ski big air. 那等一下我们会跟大家一一地来讲这些冬季项目的名称啊,那谷爱凌的这个项目呢freestyle ski第一个拿金牌的大跳台英文叫big air
Jenny: 好,那除了谷爱凌以外, Adam do you know there is another teenager who took silver all men’s snowboarding slopestyle.
Adam: Slopestyle, well, cool. So many cool words today and yeah very cool guy you course you’re talking about 苏翊鸣, right?
Jenny: 对,真的一鸣惊人*6。And did you know he was a 他四五岁的时候还演过一个电影。配在那个智取威虎山里面演了小栓子。
Adam: Wow, OK. I, I gotta make friends with this guy.
Jenny: Yeah, you look at these teenagers, 这是XXX的,你还不到二十岁 and you’ve achieved everything that we can’t even dream of, and you know even twenty.
Adam: Oh yeah, ”youth is wasted on the young,” Jenny.
Jenny: 对然后真的就是看这些中国的年轻人怎么cool as a cucumber。然后展示我们中国人非常自信的一面,非常酷的一面and winning gold and silver it’s, it’s amazing yeah.
Adam: It is. Absolutely.
Jenny: 好呢当然还有咱们中国队在传统的优势项目短道速滑上面也已经拿了就录节目的这一天劫持来也已经拿了两块金牌。
Adam: That’s right. So China also took gold in short track speed skating.
Jenny: 好。那,讲完了我们中国这几天真金度赢的这些项目以后呢,另外让国人非常fancy的就是奥运会的吉祥物:冰墩墩。
Adam: That’s right the mascot.
Jenny: 噢所以吉祥物不叫lucky thing是吧。吉祥 lucky, lucky thing.
Adam: It’s funny because really that’s what I’m mascot is, I’ve never really thought about it like that before but right every big sports team has a mascot, every university has a mascot, and of course the Olympic Games often has a mascot.
Jenny: 怎么拼啊?
Adam: M-a-s-c-o-t.
Jenny: 啊,OK。So the mascot, for the Beijing winter Olympics, 是一个很可爱很Q版*7的大熊猫。
Adam: That’s right, panda. Who would have guessed that China would have gone with panda for the mascot.
Jenny: 诶,但是这次这个冰墩墩,它是就是非常kind of metaverse, kind of 形上, 是吧,很元宇宙的这种。
Adam: Right right right avatar like an avatar like future panda.
Jenny: 对就是感觉比较不一样吗。冰墩墩,哎,它的官方英语名字我觉这个拼写也很有意思哈。
Adam: Yeah it is interesting. So it is actually spelled b-i-n-g, no surprise there, but then we have d-w-e-n.
Jenny: 嗯,所以它没有用拼音“墩”的那个d-u-n对吧。
Adam: That’s right because honestly if it was spelled using a 拼音 spelling, for a lot of English native speakers and people from other countries would probably read it as “done-done.”
Jenny: Yeah they wouldn’t really get the pronunciation. Whereas 这个 d-w, 在英文里面就有这样的一个呃拼写和发音,所以外国人看到这个就会读dūn-dūn,就读对了。
Adam: Or at least maybe a little bit closer.
Jenny: 呃但是冰墩墩很难买,yeah, he’s too viral. 太红了。
Jenny: 好。那讲了那么多之后呢well, before we focus on这些冰雪项目的名称啊,I think we need to talk a little bit about the opening ceremony, 还是要讲一讲开幕式。
Adam: Greats OK, yeah. Pretty impressive, actually to be honest with you Jenny, it made me feel a little old.
Jenny: 为什么?
Adam: Because I remember watching the two thousand eight Beijing summer Olympics. And I thought it was just like yesterday.
Jenny: 啊但已经过了十四年了一转眼*8啊。
Adam: Ugh.
Jenny: Although you know both shows were directed by the same director, 张艺谋, 非常著名的电影master。
Adam: Rights, right right right. Yeah you can definitely see the similarities between the two ceremonies.
Jenny: There are also very different. 因为张艺谋就说这一次希望从北京零八年那个展示,我中国我到,这次要展示我们,我们大家we’re in this together like humanity is all the same.
Adam: Right right, we’re all snowflakes, right? We’re all different and yet we’re all the same.
Jenny: 没错。而且整个这次的开幕式是一个比较简洁,you know?
Adam: Very minimal. Minimal stage.
Jenny: 对因为现在就又吁请,然后各种各样包括对于the environment大家环保的理念。为什么,最后没有点一个很大的那个奥运圣火。最后就是那个小火炬。
Adam: Right. That’s a good point we’re in a different environment today a lot more people care about the environment, so it’s good that that is reflected in shows like this.
Jenny: Yeah, so there wasn’t a lighting up the big Olympics flame, it was a micro flame是一个微火。然后,张艺谋就说了因为这时想要去传达这种低碳环保的理念嘛。不要烧熊熊的*9大火。
Adam: Right, right right right.
Jenny: Yeah and I really loved how they used the Chinese culture, Chinese elements, both in the opening ceremony, and the venue designs. 开幕式你没看到最前面那个count down就是把我们的二十四节气访的里面。
Adam: Right the twenty four solar terms.
Jenny: 对然后就是苏翊鸣那个呃项目啊snowboarding, slopestyle它里面很多的雪。就是curved长城的那个样子。然后,还有一个就是中国古典民宅的roof。So they kind of have to jump and ride on the roof, so it was like crouching tiger, hidden dragon, it was so cool.
Adam: I was gonna say snowboarding with Chinese characteristics.
Jenny: 对。那现在我们赶快就来聚焦到这一次的比赛上面哈。讲到比赛的话,Adam,我要用哪个英文词来说,你有没有看冬奥会的比赛,你有没有看谷爱凌的比赛?
Adam: OK that is a really good question. So the word I would suggest using is “event.”
Jenny: Event.
Adam: Right. So it’s the “downhill skiing event,” it’s the “cross country skiing event.”
Jenny: 就像咱们中国人说这个项目,冬奥会有很多项目你有没有看这个项目。
Adam: Right now most importantly we don’t say “game.” When we’re talking about the Olympics, we talk about the Olympic Games, but when we’re actually talking about the different competitions we use the word “event.”
Jenny: 对但我觉得就是呃要看具体内一个语境context,总值刚刚Adam说的三个词都会用到。不管是events还是games还是competitions说啊冬奥会竞争很激烈说的competition is fierce.
Adam: Rights right. Well, one handy thing to remember is that we never will say “this game” when we’re talking about the Olympics it’s always “welcome to our V’s Olympic Games,“
Jenny: 对因为它有很多的项目有很多的比赛。
Adam: Umm, right.
Jenny: 哎,那运动员呢,这些参赛的运动员?
Adam: Well, we can call them Olympic athletes they‘re the athletes at the Olympics, but we also have a special word we can call them.
Jenny: Which is?
Adam: Olympian.
Jenny: 啊,对。参加奥运会的运动员啊。他们就是the Olympians。And it’s an honor. 世界上有多少人真的能做到to be an Olympian, right?
Adam: Yes, exactly. If there was an Olympic Games for sitting down and talking into microphones, maybe you and I would have a shot but not in this world.
Jenny: 好。那,今天我们节目的最后呢,还是教大家怎么用英语来说这些冰上和雪上的冬奥项目。Well, why don’t we start with the ice 看些冰上项目。我非常喜欢看了就是花样滑冰
Adam: Oh OK, figure skating.
Jenny: So figure skating啊,滑冰是skating。那么figure呢讲的就是一个人的形体一个动作。所以它也很形象吗。That’s what 花样滑冰 is, right? Showcasing your figure.
Adam: Right, right. And of course they also make lots of shapes with their movements.
Jenny: 嗯,没错。那除了有men’s and women’s figure skating competition, 还有双人的。这个双人滑滑英语可以怎么说呢?
Adam: Pair. We always use the word “pair” here.
Jenny: 嗯,对这个容易理解啊。
Jenny: 好,那除了花滑以外呢,如果你是喜欢速度与激情地fascing、furious你可以去看。速滑,特别短道速滑。
Adam: Right so here, we can say speed skating.
Jenny: 对。那中国特别优势的项目是短道速滑。对我们要在前面加上,
Adam: You can add short track. So it’s short track speed skating.
Jenny: 嗯。那接下来这个项目加拿大很优势的冰球
Adam: Yeah, hockey.
Jenny: Hockey. 所以冰球,有些人也会说ice hockey but when you’re at the winter Olympics, everyone knows this is on ice. So you just say hockey 就可以了.
Adam: Rights right and most importantly we do not call it “hockey ball.”
Jenny: 嗯,嗯,是。Hockey啊。
Jenny: 那另外一个冰上项目呢,呃现在中国也有挺多人爱看的是冰壶。哎这个英语有点意思。中文我们用壶,因为 it looks like a teapot.
Adam: Right the the thing that they use. So this is called curling, something that Canadians are also very good at,
Jenny: Curling does c-u-r-l-i-n-g.
Adam: Right like curling up into a ball. I don’t know what it means. I have no idea what curling means. I wish that this was just called kettling or teapotting.
Jenny: 这个词对我很熟悉要我每天电准帮准头发I curl my hair every day. But I don’t know why this is also the name for 冰壶, curling. 诶,那那个壶英文叫什么呢? What do you call this thing?
Adam: I think it’s called the “stone.”
Jenny: 呃,一个一个石头curling stone。总之curling是一个中文和英文不太对应的项目。Lots of new vocab.
Jenny: 好。那最后要看的这两个项目呢,中文咱们都用雪橇来表达。比如圣诞老人和台的雪橇,无舵雪橇有舵雪橇
Adam: Oh OK, so speaking of new vocabulary here’s one to throw in there: luge.
Jenny: L-u-g-e luge. 这个是无舵雪橇。就是人要躺在里面的。
Adam: Right you’re just lying down and going really fast down a tube.
Jenny: 嗯,那有舵雪橇我觉得这个词我们可能相对更熟悉一点儿?
Adam: Well this one actually has two words, Jenny. I pretty sure the official one they’re going with this time is the bobsleigh, like Santa’s sleigh you’re mentioning earlier, but in North America we always say “bobsled.”
Jenny: 啊,OK。但官方的叫法是sleigh bobsleigh。只是不是一个叫Bob的人发明的。
Adam: Yeah go to sleigh. Go to go down to the pub.
Jenny: 为什么? 我一直在想为什么会有Bob在这个词里面。
Jenny: OK. 呃,那说完这些冰上大项以后呢,我们来看看雪上的一些大项目。那首先来看滑雪。
Adam: Right this is one word that I know many of our listeners know, but they might not know how to say; it’s skiing.
Jenny: S-k-i. Ski.
Adam: So s-k-i-i-n-g. what is a silly word “skiing.”
Jenny: 对,就比如说,你会滑雪吗? 可以叫 can you ski? Do you ski? Or I ski, I love skiing, 对吧.
Adam: You really sold that Jenny I can tell you love skiing.
Jenny: Oh well I did take some lessons, so I’m not good at it at all but有学过一点点。
Jenny: 好那奥运会呢有很多的skiing events比如有高山滑雪
Adam: Right alpine skiing.
Jenny: 啊alpine会the Alps其实就是阿尔卑斯山。但是呢,这个词也变成了形容词就是形容之中很高的山。
Adam: Right alpine. And many people often call this downhill skiing too, but officially alpine.
Jenny: 嗯。那另外呢,有越野滑雪比较平一点。
Adam: So this one would be cross country skiing.
Jenny: 啊对,country有国家的意思又土地的意思啊cross country越野。哎另外还有一个很好看的叫跳台滑雪
Adam: Oh woo, ski jumping.
Jenny: Yeah that’s what they do basically they where does skies, 诶,ski这个词还有就是呃呢两块雪板行也叫ski。And then they basically just jump and see who goes the furthest 跳得最远.
Adam: They go straight downhill onto a ramp, and then from that ramp maybe they make some poses or something but generally speaking, yeah, you want to see who can go the farthest.
Jenny: 对真的像在非想一样that‘s amazing.
Jenny: 好呢接下来呢,我们来看看这次谷爱凌参加的三个项目都是自由式滑雪。
Adam: OK. So one word many of you guys might be familiar with is freestyle.
Jenny: 嗯,自由式哈。诶rap是不是也有说freestyle、freestyling就是即兴说唱*10
Adam: Can you give us a sample of your freestyle*11?
Jenny: 你应该找Spencer。
Jenny: 好,那这一个freestyle skiing里面其实也有不同的events。但我们今天呢就来学学谷爱凌的这三个项目,第一个是已经拿金牌的大跳台。
Adam: OK so big air.
Jenny: 我觉得这些you know freestyle skiing, snowboarding, they’re such cool sports and they have such cool names.
Adam: Right right obviously this sport was not named by some professor at Cambridge.
Jenny: Two hundred years ago.
Adam: Right, right.
Jenny: 也很有道理。这种比赛的命名其实,它也反映了参加这项运动是什么样的人,对吧。他们的年龄、他们的爱好啊。So you’ve got big air,然后还有这个U型场地技巧
Adam: OK, so this one is half pipe.
Jenny: 啊,对。所以在英语里面不会用到U这个字母。It’s not called the U something. 它叫half pipe。P-i-p-e是一个大管子但它是半个管儿。Half pipe.
Adam: And I was always surprised why why you guys didn’t go with that like that seems like a pretty good translation,
Jenny: 但是就不酷啊,U型实情听起来比半管控酷等好不好,
Adam: All right fair enough, fair enough.
Jenny: 好那另外呢,还有一个坡面障碍技巧
Adam: OK, slopestyle.
Jenny: Yeah, slope就是要里有坡度的。几个坡对吧slopestyle。
Jenny: 好,那其实刚刚的这些events啊,我们也可以把它套用到snowboarding单板滑雪,苏翊鸣他的也是会参加大跳台,然后他已经在slopestyle上面took home silver。就是学的这一套词呢你freestyle skiing和snowboarding都可以用。
Adam: Right, right.
Jenny: 好,那咱们今天的节目就到这儿。So the winter Olympics is still under way and the competition the events they’re really amazing to watch. 不知道大家有没有在追看冬奥会,然后,肯定有位咱们的中国健儿加油哈。在北京的朋友们,你们是否感受到很浓的奥运气息,都欢迎大家在留言里告诉我们。
Adam: That’s right OK guys thank you so much for listening enjoy the Olympic Games.
Jenny: 没错。Go Team China. And we’ll see you next time 下次再见.
Adam: All right bye guys.

*1:如火如荼/rú huǒ rú tú/ 【成語】勢いが盛んな

*2:pull off うまくやりきる

*3:eat and breathe 〜のことばかり考えている

*4:drop それとなく言う

*5:cool as a cucumber とっても冷静な

*6:一鸣惊人/yī míng jīng rén/ 【成語】ひとたび始めると目覚ましい成果をあげる

*7:Q版/Q bǎn/ ちびキャラ

*8:一转眼/yī zhuǎn yǎn/ あっという間

*9:熊熊的/xióng xióng de/ 激しい

*10:说唱/shuō chàng/ ラップ

*11:freestyle 即興のラップ