
英語と中国語を同時に学ぶ! 潘吉Jenny告诉你とCCTV Growing up with Chineseで聞き取り書き取り

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952 鸡蛋怎么做最好吃?




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Jenny: Hello大家好,我是Jenny。你正在收听要开言英语带来的潘吉Jenny告诉你。
Adam: Hello egg lovers, this is Adam.
Jenny: 对。呃我们真的生活当中好多人爱吃鸡蛋啊。上一次我们做了Easter eggs是一个呃菜单的节目。留言专区就有很多朋友说,“哎,你们赶快教教我们这个鸡蛋不同的做法英语怎么说?” 所以今天呢,我们的show就是要教大家这个很有营养的鸡蛋怎么做最好吃。
Adam: That’s right we’re going to talk about our favorite ways to cook eggs the best way to cook an egg maybe.
Jenny: 嗯,但是见仁见智*1哈。诶不过呢,我是觉得鸡蛋啊,就最近吃是大家特别关心的话题。诶希望上海的朋友,哎,我爸爸妈妈也还在上海啊这个吃的问题,能越来越好越来越缓解吧,也希望你家里至少有一些鸡蛋,可以来做煎鸡蛋呀、煮鸡蛋啊,或者最好吃的番茄炒蛋。
Adam: Oh… Jenny, Jenny. Now you’re speaking my language.
Jenny: 诶,那咱们就先从番茄炒蛋开始吧。
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Adam: OK. So this is a very very simple dish that is not all that simple to translate, is it?
Jenny: 哎对,因为中文不管咱们说,“番茄炒蛋”还是“西红柿炒鸡蛋”啊,我们都是把这个番茄放在前面,从来不会把蛋放在前面。但是英语里面,well Adam, I actually want to ask you 是说, 因为 I’ve heard both “tomato and eggs” and “eggs and tomato.”
Adam: Yes I think people who say “tomato and eggs“ are trying to be more faithful to the Chinese order, but yeah, I always hear people say “eggs and tomato” as well. So, I think the most important thing; just don’t say “tomatoes” and eggs.
Jenny: 哦,所以这个单数复数的问题就是用英语表达番茄炒蛋不管你把eggs还是tomato放在前面都OK,但很重要的就是tomato就不加复数,对吧。鸡蛋通常我们会加复数。
Adam: Right because tomatoes when we count tomatoes, those are the actual things like “this is one tomato, two tomatoes, three tomatoes, four tomatoes.” But when we chop, or cut up the tomatoes and add it to a dish, it’s just “tomato.”
Jenny: 哦,OK。好,对因为你们来切了么你也搞不清它里面几个,是单数还复数。
Adam: Right, right right right.
Jenny: 哎,那,番茄炒蛋啊,这个真的是我觉是一个果菜, you know I think this is the most Chinese egg dish?
Adam: Yeah it’s pretty darn good.
Jenny: 对,对。那,中文而且我们会很清楚的告诉你它是怎么做的,它是炒出来的它不是煎的它也不是煮或者蒸的。那么“炒”英语要怎么说呢?
Adam: OK so this actually comes up in some translations for 番茄炒蛋: scrambled eggs and tomato.
Jenny: 噢,scrambled这个就是大家到国外那种什么你叫吃早餐,它那个鸡蛋他都会问你说:诶你要他scrambled还是别的做法。所以scramble就是给它酱倒一倒炒一炒,scramble就是这个动作对吧。
Adam: Yes, exactly but for us scrambled egg usually means we’re adding lots of butter and milk.
Jenny: 对,你们应该加酱油这里什么错误,butter and milk有什么好吃……
Jenny: 没有,但是我想问你啊,炒不是还是stir fry也是炒吗?
Adam: Stir fry… yes. Stir fry is, is a newer idea in the Western world, it has not been around for very long, scrambling an egg I think has been around for thousands of years.
Jenny: 嗯,对,其实我就觉得scramble是合egg,就当你说炒鸡蛋的时候不管是咱们中国的番茄炒蛋还是外国人的太加butter and milk那个炒蛋。Scramble就是合egg这个词搭配的,对吧。但是你要说我喜欢炒蔬菜啊炒肉片啊什么那个你用stir fry。Stir fry是一个更准确的动词。
Adam: That’s right.
Jenny: 嗯。哎,那讲呢这个番茄炒蛋啊,我觉得每个人都会有自己不同的做法,我们其实前两年还做过专门以及节目。因为有些人喜欢,啊什么先炒鸡蛋还是先炒番茄,然后呢consistency,有些人喜欢水一点的,有些人喜欢稠一点黏一点的。啊然后呢,some people like it sweeter, some people like it less sweet, but anyway我觉得这个番茄炒蛋就不管你怎么做。不管你是把它放在白米饭上面配饭,或者配面对吧就像北方那种打卤面*2。都很好。
Adam: It’s hard to go wrong.
Jenny: 啊对所以英文就说,无坑零坑的这种你不会出错的 you simply can’t go wrong with tomato and eggs.
Adam: That’s right. You, you can’t even go wrong with how you say it, really.
Jenny: 好。那,说完了这个番茄炒蛋呢,接下来的这种蛋,你是不是也是到了中国菜,哇一个大发现天啊。我XX以前就吃白煮蛋太无聊了。我早应。茶叶蛋 where have you been in my life?
Adam: Right where have you been all my life exactly yes, this was a great, great discovery in the in the history in the story of Adam,
Jenny: 好。茶叶蛋,也是我们再熟悉不过的 and it’s a very popular breakfast item. 那这个英文要怎么讲呢?
Adam: So here we just need to say “tea egg.” You don’t need to say tea “leaf” egg, it’s usually just tea egg.
Jenny: 嗯,tea egg。那,“茶叶蛋”它就像刚刚说的呢基本上就是个白煮蛋,但是,它特别就特别在那一锅,这个,茹一huo汁,里面有上有茶叶啊,然后还有很多很多的香料。
Adam: Right. So we use all kinds of seasoning all kinds of spices, and you let the egg marinate in that seasoning.
Jenny: 嗯,对。Marinate就是有点那种盐,对吧。这是你要办很多为了让它入味将泡浸去。比如说你做肉啊,barbecue啊,还是你你怎么弄的你要marinate而且很多时候marinate overnight过夜。
Adam: Rights right exactly.
Jenny: 嗯,好。那煎讲到这个茶叶蛋tea eggs。它是一个升级版的白煮蛋。那我们还是要回到basics白煮蛋英文怎么讲。
Adam: Well, the most general idea is “the boiled egg.” But of course, people have different preferences. Some people like to boil it for a very long time and that means the yolk*3, the yellow part, is very hard; and some people like that to be very very soft.
Jenny: 嗯,好。所以最主要的呢,你需要boil这个egg对吧。要去煮它。但是呢,就有的朋友喜欢这个蛋黄,呃硬一点儿,有的朋友能喜欢它溏心蛋*4软一点啊。所以因为我们可以讲hard boiled eggs就里面这个蛋黄。它就是,呃完全是凝结凝固起来的。刚刚蛋黄也是怎么说啊?
Adam: Yolk.
Jenny: Yolk, y-o-l-k. 就不是yellow对吧。The yellow, egg yellow.
Adam: That’s right.
Jenny: Yellow, egg yellow.
Adam: It’s not a crazy question though Jenny because we do say the “egg white,” it’s the egg white and the egg yolk.
Jenny: 对啊,英文真的很不,很不logical。蛋白,蛋白你们是说egg white。
Adam: Yeah that’s right, that’s right. Sorry guys.
Jenny: 好,那如果你不想吃这个煮的那么透的啊你可以就做soft boiled eggs。里面那个蛋黄呢,会稍微*5一点对吧。呃,这个蛋黄稀一点儿,或者就是比较有内容黏黏稠稠的感觉英文可以怎么讲它。
Adam: OK uh.
Jenny: 你不喜欢是吗?
Adam: I don’t like runny eggs.
Jenny: 啊,runny。Runny r-u-n-n-y. 这是用跑步to run但是这里形容词说的就是这种比较稀的东西。
Adam: It’s like a river runs. River runs through it.
Jenny: 哦,就像是液体在流淌。你不喜欢你的蛋流淌的话, you need to hard boil it.
Adam: Exactly, exactly.
Jenny: 哎,其实根据boiled eggs还有很像啊,就是另外一个词叫poached*6 eggs
Adam: That’s right. I actually don’t know the difference between poached eggs and steamed eggs. I think they’re pretty similar in their preparation style.
Jenny: 没有。Steamed eggs是那种,哎呀,就是小baby他不吃奶然后可以吃solid的时候,就是会先吃鸡蛋羹。或者叫蒸蛋啊depending on where you’re from你可能叫法不一样。但是你说那个poached eggs是水波蛋。就是你讲么steamed eggs你会把那个蛋先打一蛋液,这个egg yolk和egg white你要先打么然在加点水在去steam在去蒸,可是poached eggs你不会去打它you don’t beat*7 it right, 就英文讲beat,你就直接指示poach水波蛋。
Adam: Ahh OK, all right, geez, you learn something every day.
Jenny: 诶不是西餐那个brunch很呃很受欢迎的eggs benedict本尼迪水波蛋吗。就是上面还有个酱,有个奶奶的那种荷兰酱Hollandaise sauce。So that’s a poached eggs, right.
Adam: Ah OK, yeah my dad always made poached eggs. And I always remember there would be water in the pan, I guess that’s what I’m thinking steaming versus poaching here.
Jenny: 哦,对啊。哎呀你看你,你对于蛋太不了解了。你还有很多新的蛋的做法可以尝试。
Jenny: 好。哎,那Adam你喜不喜欢吃荷包蛋啊?
Adam: So again, I actually do not like runny eggs. And the one way that you can make sure your eggs are not runny is to fry them.
Jenny: 没有。但是荷包蛋如果煎一面的话,那个蛋黄还是runny还是拒绝了很热型的呀。
Adam: Nope, I just fry the fry the heck out of that egg.
Jenny: 呃好,那这里我就要问你了。因为荷包蛋啊煎鸡蛋啊,最general的term就是刚刚Adam说的fried eggs。但是如果你喜欢吃,它不是两面煎单面煎的这个英语可以讲?
Adam: Well this is a cool phrase: sunny-side up.
Jenny: Right this one is very ah very graphics很形象因为就像一个太阳吗。
Adam: Right, exactly.
Jenny: 好,但是如果你像Adam你要你是喜欢这个它两面煎的英语可以讲?
Adam: Over easy*8.
Jenny: Over easy. 就over你要把它flop over对不对两面煎。
Adam: That’s right.
Jenny: 好。So we’ve covered a lot of different ways to cook can eat an egg. 哎还有一个在国外,非常popular的做法。呃特别吃早餐或者brunch早午餐。就是一个那个中文应该怎么讲? 蛋饼? 蛋, I haven’t found the perfect translation for this, yeah.
Adam: Yeah I know that’s not gonna not not gonna fly today: omelet, the omelet.
Jenny: OK, an omelet. 呃,这个怎么拼呢?
Adam: Well there are lots of ways to spell this. Generally in America it’s pretty simple, so it will be o-m-e-l-e-t. In Canada we like to be a little more fancy and add more letters.
Jenny: 呃在加拿大这是o-m-e-l-e-t-t-e对吧。
Adam: That’s right.
Jenny: 好那不管那种拼法总指一个omelet呢,就是,诶,我查字典啊剑桥告诉我这个东西是:煎鸡蛋、煎蛋饼、摊鸡蛋,none of way...!
Jenny: 我觉得我们中国人听到这三个。我们脑子里想的东西都不是omelet。我们想的煎蛋饼就是,就是天津的煎饼果子。山东的煎饼果子。
Adam: Right, right right right yeah exactly. So no, different thing all together this is a wonderful invention if if it actually was French people that invented this, then we must say, “thanks guys,” because the yeah the omelet is fantastic.
Jenny: Omelet就是它首先you beat the eggs, right? 就是你要把蛋黄、蛋白打在一起。然后呢,里面会加各种各样的东西。呃蔬菜了,或者什么bacon了,各种各样的,right? It has a lot of stuff in it.
Adam: It does yeah it does. So I I get where these translations are coming from, but it’s not really our role it’s just kind of folded over. And that’s where the parts of making the omelet comes from is. You know, you can anybody can cook that egg. But when you actually go to fold the egg over onto all of the delicious ingredients you put inside, that’s where a lot of problems can happen.
Jenny: 啊对,所以Adam刚刚讲的是重点就是这个omelet,它通常出来的形状是一个长方形的就有点像一条贝子。Right? It looks like the 贝子。
Jenny: 因为,你,通常我们使用个圆的锅么或者日本人那种也向omelet,日本人就专门有一个长方形的锅。所以,XX有个还是有技巧的,因为你要在一个圆锅子里面对吧,就像你说要fold折一下。然后呢,把那些ingredients都包裹在里面。有的因为里面还有cheese它会用这种流行的bào zhāng的。So yeah this one is pretty good, I must say.
Adam: Exactly exactly.
Jenny: 好,哎我觉得像送留言里面还要朋友问我们说这是那种“蛋花汤”英文怎么说?
Adam: Ah, yes “egg drop soup.”
Jenny: 诶,不是egg flower soup吗? 蛋花。
Adam: Yeah, I guess it could be.
Jenny: 哦没有但我觉得egg drop soup也挺好的。因为它是就告诉你这个是怎么做的。你做蛋花汤就是要把它drop的那个锅里对吧。
Adam: Rights, yeah. So some people you know they’re a little bit more practical in their translations, other people are a little bit more poetic.
Jenny: Poetic, yeah yeah.
Jenny: 好。那我们今天节目的最后呢,要告诉大家两个就是留言专区有很多朋友问我们说:啊这个咸鸭蛋怎么说,然后呢,皮蛋怎么说? Because they’re both very very Chinese. 非常好吃的蛋的料理方法。
Adam: Oh yeah, OK that appetite that I had before when we were talking about the 番茄炒蛋, I think it just disappeared.
Jenny: 这两个很好吃啊。但可能就是我们英文说的acquired taste*9。因为对most Western,西方朋友来说他不习惯这种味道是吧。
Adam: Well over here we have a type of egg called the pickled egg. And I love pickles all kinds of pickles. Put any vegetable you want into a pickle and I’m very very happy. But just the idea of a pickled egg or a salted egg, I don’t know what it is about it. Just, I think I need to have more of an open mind.
Jenny: 而对国外其实也有就比较像我们咸,咸鸭蛋的,但它是用鸡蛋做它叫pickled eggs。就是把一个hard boiled egg放在那种酸酸的就是酱菜的水里对吧。所以是 I’ve never bought those. 因为我觉得肯定不会有咸鸭蛋好吃。能配重吗? Maybe not.
Adam: Maybe not.
Jenny: Probably not.
Jenny: So咸蛋,你们直接就说salted对吧,salted eggs
Adam: Right. Most importantly we don’t want to say “salty” because usually when we say salty, we’re complaining. Like “the soup is too salty.” “This is too salty.” “Salted” just means salt has been added.
Jenny: Yeah it’s a way of cooking.
Adam: Right. Or preserving.
Jenny: Right, right.
Jenny: 好。最后:皮蛋。
Adam: Is that the century egg? The famous century egg?
Jenny: Whoever came up with this translation? 我也不知道谁呀感谢他呢还是,因为我觉得你看到century一个世纪世纪蛋。You either think “wow, this is the coolest thing ever.“ Or you think ”oh this is ah...”
Jenny: 这是会有很两极化的那个翻译。
Adam: An egg that has been sitting around for a hundred years mmhm that’s... That’s the other,
Jenny: 呃但是皮蛋还有别的叫法。这是,我看过有hundred-year egg或者thousand-year egg。Just same idea but 就是 long time.
Adam: Even better yeah. That’s like they discovered this egg that Caesar left behind in Rome, would you like to try it?
Jenny: 你们就是乱翻译我们的中国菜好吧。会那个菜。
Jenny: 其实,皮蛋多么好吃,Adam你不是爱吃饺子吗? 其实北方很多饺子管它就是饺子也可以配皮蛋呀?
Adam: You know I think I probably have eaten it in something before I’m almost sure of that. Yeah, it’s just my, it’s just my mind my closed mind.
Jenny: 你不是还爱吃豆腐吗? 有一个凉菜呀? 皮蛋豆腐也很好吃啊。
Adam: OK Jenny will I gonna crack open Uber Eats over here and see what Toronto’s Chinatown can give me.
Jenny: 对,我觉得你可以从凉皮现在转到皮蛋豆腐夏天晚也是很凉爽的吃了。
Jenny: 好。那我们今天的节目就到这儿。不知道大家最喜欢吃的这个蛋的做法是什么啊。
Adam: Yeah, let us know. And what kind of 番茄炒蛋 do you like? Do you like super sweet, do you like it little bit salty, have with rice, do you have it with noodles?
Jenny: 嗯,对,还有你番茄炒蛋里面会不会放番茄酱ketchup。因为我真的我以前大学有个室友还是里面放番茄酱。
Adam: I could see that as being problematic for some people,
Jenny: Cheating.
Adam: Yeah yeah yeah OK, let us know your thoughts on that too.
Jenny: 好。那我们今天的节目就到这儿。感谢大家的收听我们下次再见。
Adam: Now all right bye guys.


*1:见仁见智/jiàn rén jiàn zhì/ 人により見解が異なる

*2:打卤面/dǎ lǔ miàn/ 番茄炒蛋かけ麺

*3:yolk (卵の)黄身

*4:溏心蛋/táng xīn dàn/ 半熟卵

*5:稀/xī/ 粘り気が少ない

*6:poach (卵を)茹でる

*7:beat 泡立てる

*8:over easy 両面焼きで半熟の

*9:acquired taste だんだん好きになる味