
英語と中国語を同時に学ぶ! 潘吉Jenny告诉你とCCTV Growing up with Chineseで聞き取り書き取り

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1006 世界杯看球英语指南

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今天的节目,我们聊聊卡塔尔世界杯!四年一次的足球盛事,即使平时不怎么看球的人,都会倾倒于各国球员精湛的球技和热烈的气氛。Go, go, go! Olé, Olé, Olé!

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Jenny: Hello大家好,我是Jenny。今天开言英语要带你一起看世界杯。
Adam: Hey World Cup fans, this is Adam.
Jenny: 啊,那这个世界杯呢我们已经是第二次说了。所以呢,我们节目已经做了至少八年,long time。
Adam: Yes.
Jenny: 嗯,对对对。那四年一次的世界杯呢我觉得对于很多平时可能就不是那么爱看球的人来说,then you become a World Cup fan. 都会看一下世界杯。
Adam: Exactly, it’s a great time to jump on the World Cup bandwagon.
Jenny: 嗯,是是是。好,那我们今天呢会说到很多跟世界杯,特别是跟这一*1卡塔尔*2世界杯相关的英语。所以千万不要错过。
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Jenny: 好 we have a lot of great stuff to cover, let’s get started with 最基本的就是世界杯的英语说法.
Adam: OK, so I’ve already said it a few times today, but it is the World Cup.
Jenny: 诶,所以我们前面会加the是吧。Like “I’m watching the World Cup.” “Do you watch the World Cup?”
Adam: Yes, but be careful guys because often we use World Cup as an adjective. For example, a World Cup match. So in that case, we don’t really need to use “the.”
Jenny: OK所以就会说,I’m watching some World Cup matches, I’m watching this World Cup match, 这样吗。
Adam: Exactly, exactly. Now if my memory serves, four years ago another question we had to answer a lot was “Jenny, Adam, what’s the difference between football and soccer?”
Jenny: 对我觉得这个很永远的会有很多人问啊。这两个单词都是足球的意思。那有什么区别呢?
Adam: Well there is no difference; it’s all about geography. Europeans say football and North Americans generally say soccer.
Jenny: 我觉得是除了北美以外the rest of the world我们说football。因为这对我们来说很形象嘛。你使用,用脚来踢的啊,但是因为在美国或者在北美就是football更多是指美式橄榄球。所以为了区别开来,就会用soccer这个词哈。然后它的拼法呢是s-o-c-c-e-r。但是这个时候你是XX的音不是saucer是soccer。
Adam: That’s right, soccer.
Jenny: 嗯。好,那前面讲到这个世界杯的球迷哈。或者球迷,那这个时候呢我们要用到的英语很简单就是粉丝。但是,我们要注意复数和单数。
Adam: Yes, exactly. So, I don’t know how many times Jenny I have heard people say “I am a fans.” But that doesn’t really make a lot of sense, we don’t usually use “a” one and plural nouns together, for example, “I am a boys,”
Jenny: 对,所以这个时候呢,你叫说“I am a fan”,比如,“I am a football fan“,”I am a World Cup fan”。但是如果说到我们都很爱看球 then you know we are football fans.
Adam: Absolutely.
Jenny: 好。So Adam, do you watch the World Cup?
Adam: Oh it’s a little bit late for me Jenny, the time difference isn’t super convenient. But what about you?
Jenny: Oh I am definitely watching it. 因为我的儿子 my older son he is a huge soccer fan. 他平时就很爱看英超*3啊那些联赛。And you know a few months leading up to the world cup, 他就,he has been studying it. 所以等一下呢他还一定要跟我说,他知道我们两个录节目。他说“mommy你一定要告诉大家我的预测”。So he wants to share his predictions.
Adam: Oh that’s awesome. Yeah, why are you even recording this with me? You should be recording it with him.
Jenny: 我有想过啦。但他不愿意上节目。所以我只能含记录。Yeah, so I am definitely watching it, 也可以说I am following it对吧。就是我一直在追我了解它的情况。
Adam: Yes, exactly because it’s not just about matches, right? There is so much that goes on around the World Cup.
Jenny: 嗯,是是是。好,诶,另外一个动词我们会用的就是catch对吧。“Oh did you catch that game?” “Did you catch the Saudi-Argentina game?” 是个大冷门*4
Adam: Right that was a good game to catch, right?
Jenny: 嗯,对。好,那接下来我们讲讲这个卡塔尔世界杯哈。卡塔尔我觉得它的英文和中文还挺像的。Qatar. 卡塔尔。就是把那个声调稍微变一变就OK了。
Adam: Right now of course I am not an expert on Arabic, but I know that we as North Americans do not pronounce this accurately at all, however we do say Qatar.
Jenny: Qatar. 然后英国人,因为你在国外看球基本上那个commentator啊。解说的都是英国的。就因为在英国足球非常受欢迎嘛。然后我就觉得如果听美国人解说,嗯,不带劲儿我一定要转成那个British accent。And they say it differently 对吧.
Adam: Yeah, it sounds a little bit more like cat, like kata.
Jenny: OK kata, 对. 反正whatever is easier for you to say就都可以啊。
Jenny: 好,那卡塔尔呢,因为这是一个oil rich country哈。所以讲到什么Saudi Arabia、Qatar、U.A.E.我们都可以用oil rich来形容这些国家。它们很有钱因为它们有石油。
Adam: Absolutely, absolutely.
Jenny: And that’s why this World Cup is the most expensive World Cup ever. 然后说它的这个budget预算就现在花掉的钱已经超过前三届combined加在一起。
Adam: Wow nice, yeah.
Jenny: 真的很豪啦真的,诶,中文我们说这个很豪气啊。英文可以怎么说?
Adam: I don’t know Jenny, they just got a lot of money.
Jenny: Or they just throw money on the World Cup.
Adam: Yes, exactly.
Jenny: 好。那,讲到这个看球啊,因为在亚洲嘛。所以对亚洲,特别是小组赛阶段比赛很多,所以还是有一些非常友好的时间。So can we say like friendly match times? 可以这样说吗?
Adam: Well you can. Of course you probably want to be specific about friendly to where. So for example, China friendly time, or maybe a London friendly time,
Jenny: 啊,是是是。好那如果要你那种大半夜起来熬夜看的可以说it’s the matches at an unfriendly time. 北京unfriendly time.
Adam: Yes exactly, exactly.
Jenny: 好。那这个熬夜看球啊,我们可以说to stay up是吧。So I stayed up all night to watch the World Cup.
Adam: Right you can just say stayed up. Or like Jenny says, you can say stayed up all night, or just stayed up late. I need to stay up late to watch the match.
Jenny: Yeah, yeah. So right now during this group stage, 有很多比赛是晚上,就北京时间晚上六点九点。但是也有那种半夜十二点的。So it gets a little bit late if you want to watch it live.
Adam: OK and of course people want to watch these things live, right?
Jenny: 对对对。那这个live呢我觉得看现场啊,现场直播,我们也可以说说,因为就经常会有朋友问我们。这个应该念live[liv]还是live[láiv]。
Adam: Right exactly. But there are a few little tips we can give you very quickly, remember guys, usually the word live is going to come after a subject like “we live in Qatar.”
Jenny: 嗯,对因为它是一个动词。就是live的发音,意思是居住。那如果它变成一个形容词或者副词,比如说一场现场直播的比赛,或者我现在是在看现场,这个时候就是live。
Adam: Exactly, exactly. So you’re always going to see little patterns like that. Watch something live, a live game, live music.
Jenny: Right, right. And now因为很多大家都是在手机上面看嘛。所以you’re streaming it live,对吧。
Adam: Exactly. You’re never going to see stream it live[liv].
Jenny: 嗯,嗯。好讲到世界杯,为什么有那么多人平时you might not be huge football fans, but you’re a World Cup fan, 就是因为球队水平真的都特别高,而且你看到所有的大明星,they’re playing against each other. 比如说,Lino Messi and Christian Ronaldo。
Adam: Oh, right, yes. And for both of them, it’s their last World Cup, right?
Jenny: Yeah, very possibly, given their age 啊. 而且呢,作为两位现在就是这个时代可能最伟大的球员。None of them has won the World Cup trophy yet for their country.
Adam: Well maybe there’s still time, guys.
Jenny: 嗯对。诶,那他们两个踢的位置都是那进球的嘛。前锋这个英语怎么说呢?
Adam: Striker.
Jenny: 啊,strike就是有那种attack的意思攻击哈。So in soccer or in football, you call them strikers.
Adam: Strikers. Or we should probably put on a bit of a British accent here shouldn’t we Jenny, striker[stráikə].
Jenny: 啊,OK。好那另外世界被大家讲的很多的就是这种分组是吧。The group draw啊,分组抽签。然后呢经常会讲什么死亡之组。
Adam: Yeah the group of death.
Jenny: 嗯,是是是。Adam你知道,今年哪一个小组是很多人公认的group of death吗。
Adam: I have no idea.
Jenny: Yeah I googled it for our show, 然后我很很惊讶的发现it’s group B. 就是England、Iran、USA、Wales,因为假一看好像除了England,没有特别强的队。但是说group B还是,他们的average ranking是最高的。Did not know that?
Jenny: 好。那现在我们来讲讲哈每一届的这个世界杯呢,都会有一些冷门。而且今年的冷门还出现的挺早的就是阿根廷*5的第一场比赛小组赛,结果就被沙特*6打败了。
Adam: What an upset, right?
Jenny: 啊,不是“cold door”吗?
Adam: “Man, that door was so cold.”
Jenny: No no no guys, 在体育比赛里面的这种冷门哈。应该叫做upset。就好像你很upset会哭对吧。因为如果有一个冷门的时候很多的球迷都会很upset怎么会这样。Especially if you are an Argentinian fan.
Adam: Right right exactly.
Jenny: 嗯,那这个时候呢,upset不是一个形容词,它是一个名词。基本上搭配的形式就是「someone staged 什么一个 upset」对吧。比如“Saudi staged a huge upset against Argentina.”
Adam: Right, or there was an upset.
Jenny: 嗯,对。但那场比赛就还挺有争议的。Pretty controversial with, um, 因为,阿根廷其实进了三个球但两个都被判越位*7
Adam: Oh yes, a couple offside calls there.
Jenny: Oh OK, 所以越位叫做offside。就是o-f-f然后side是吧。
Adam: Yes, exactly. So we can call that an offside or an offside call.
Jenny: 啊对,因为裁判they make calls。他怎么判,他怎么吹。
Adam: Exactly, exactly.
Jenny: 嗯。好,那因为沙特的这个because of this upset,很多人说它是不是本届的大黑马呢。黑马是,是black horse吗?
Adam: So in English we wouldn’t say black horse, we would say dark horse.
Jenny: Oh dark horse. 或者另外一个就是用狗来比喻。
Adam: Right the underdog. Doesn’t matter what color this dog is.
Jenny: 但是它是under它不是over, not the overdog.
Adam: Right right. Nobody is paying attention to the underdog. So when the underdog stages an upset or when the underdog comes from behind and wins everybody is really amazed.
Jenny: 嗯,所以这两个词都能用啊。Dark horse or an underdog.
Jenny: 好。那,说完了黑马、冷门呢,let’s talk about就是那些大热门的球队吧。
Adam: OK the favorites.
Jenny: OK所以热门的球队我们可以用favorites来形容哈。就是很多人都很喜欢这些球队。或者他这里更多的意思就是都觉得他们会赢。
Adam: Right, they are favored to win.
Jenny: To win, 嗯. 所以如果你看那种英语的解说,不断的你会听到这种词。Oh, they are the big favorite, oh the heavy favorite this year. They are favored to win 哈. 那指的呢,就是最有希望的一些球队。OK,这里我要分享一下我儿子的预测。His predictions.
Adam: OK too bad he couldn’t be here to share them himself, but maybe next time.
Jenny: 我问他我说你这靠谱吗。因为妈妈节目还是,虽然咱们也不是什么超级大网红哈。但还有一些还是有些人听。他说他这个是研究了很久的。他看了很多很多的资料。我说好吧,那我然后我自己也去做了一些research。So, 我儿子预测哈四大最有希望的球队:
Jenny: 葡萄牙
Adam: Portugal.
Jenny: 巴西
Adam: Brazil.
Jenny: 法国。
Adam: France.
Jenny: 阿根廷。
Adam: Argentina.
Jenny: 都不,在第一场比赛之前,大家都觉得阿根廷还挺有希望的。但现在可能要改一改啊。
Jenny: 好,那刚刚这些国家的发音我们在以前的节目有做过哈。上一次世界杯的节目,所以大家只要搜世界杯,不管在你听的什么平台都可以学到。
Jenny: 好不知不觉就聊了那么多那节目的最后跟大家分享一下,这个足球比分英语要怎么说?
Adam: OK, so here we’re talking about the score. What’s the score, Jenny?
Jenny: 嗯,比如说什么二比一。或者像英格兰的词六比二这种。这个要怎么表达呢?
Adam: So usually it’s going to be a number, to, that word is not a number, that is t-o, and then another number.
Jenny: 啊,所以二比一就是two to one。
Adam: Exactly so team Jenny beat team Adam two to one.
Jenny: 比如Saudi beat Argentina two to one.
Adam: Exactly.
Jenny: 嗯,好。但是,讲到足球的比分啊,有一个特别的就是零的时候,比如零比零,或者一比零,这时候,我们不太会用zero是吧。是会用另外一个词。
Adam: Right we often use the word “nil.”
Jenny: 怎么拼呢?
Adam: n-i-l.
Jenny: For example 你怎么说零比零?
Adam: Well, when we’re talking about football, we can just say “nil-nil.”
Jenny: 啊对,因为出现零个比分的时候呢,好像经常就会省略刚刚那个to哈t-o,比如nil-nil,或者one-nil。一比零。
Adam: Right, exactly. And to be honest guys, you actually can omit “to”, the word to, from scores, you can say that team Jenny beat team Adam two-one, that’s also OK. Just the “to” helps, helps us to be a little bit more clear.
Jenny: 嗯。诶,那比如像那种nil-nil零比零,就是这种平局,英语怎么说呢?
Adam: A tie.
Jenny: 噢。就是领带的那个t-i-e哈。
Adam: Yes yes, it’s the same spelling, but a little bit different,
Jenny: Different meaning.
Adam: Exactly. So with tie, we can always just say, “they tied at” whatever the number is.
Jenny: 嗯,也可以做动词用。另外还会听到的一个词是it’s a draw. 特别like British,they英国人用draw更多d-r-a-w。Again这里不是画画的意思而是平局平手。
Adam: Right, exactly. Nobody was the winner.
Jenny: 嗯。好,那诶,进球。进了一个球,这个时候英语要怎么讲?
Adam: That’s a gooooal!
Jenny: 噢,g-o-a-l哈,a goal。
Adam: Yes, exactly.
Jenny: 嗯。然后还经常会听到比如说Messi scored a goal for Argentina. 就是to score a goal。或者scored three goals. A hat trick之类。
Adam: Yeah, that’s a good point. So before when we were talking about score, that was a noun, but here we’re talking about a verb. “Score a goal.”
Jenny: 好。那我们今天的节目就到这儿。大家有没有看世界杯呢? Do you watch it? Do you follow it? And who do you support?
Adam: Right. Who do you cheer for? Who do you root for*8?
Jenny: Yes. 请大家到留言专区跟我们来分享。好,感谢大家收听今天的节目。Enjoy the World Cup and we’ll see you next time.
Adam: Alright guys, bye for now.

*1:届/jiè/ イベントの量詞

*2:卡塔尔/Kǎ tǎ ěr/ カタール | Qatar

*3:英超/Yīng chāo/ プレミアリーグ

*4:冷门/lěng mén/ 番狂わせ

*5:阿根廷/Ā gēn tíng/ アルゼンチン

*6:沙特/Shā tè/ サウジアラビア

*7:越位/yuè wèi/ オフサイド

*8:root for 応援する