
英語と中国語を同時に学ぶ! 潘吉Jenny告诉你とCCTV Growing up with Chineseで聞き取り書き取り

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883 一写英语邮件就发愁?这几个tips来解救你了!




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Jenny: Hello大家好,我是Jenny。你正在收听要开言英语带来的潘吉Jenny告诉你。
Adam: Hey guys this is Adam also known as the real fifth Beatle at Hotmail dot com,
Jenny: 什么? 什么乱七八糟的。
Adam: That was my high school email address.
Jenny: Wow. 那么听众可以尝试写邮件给你现在还用这个hotmail.com email。
Adam: It still exists, but I haven’t used it in a long time; I don’t remember the password.
Jenny: Does Hotmail still exist? I don’t ...
Jenny: 但是我想我们很多人的我跟Adam这个年纪的人第一个邮箱的,地址都是hotmail,是不是。
Adam: Right, right.
Jenny: 好,anyway我们讲邮件邮箱,就是因为我们今天要跟大家说一下这个长盛不衰*1非常澄清有用的话题就是“英语如何写邮件”。
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Adam: Right. So today we’ve got all kinds of email tips as well as email etiquette.
Jenny: 呃etiquette。这个词的意思是礼仪,对不对。
Adam: It’s the polite and formal rules.
Jenny: 对。所以我们今天跟大家分享的这些英语邮件写作技巧呢。我觉得都是在职场啊,然后或者你给什么大学的教授,或者我们一些朋友是海外移民要给自己孩子的老师校长写邮件。他们都是比较formal的。这是比较正式然后非常polite的一些邮件技巧对吧。如果你是跟很熟的朋友写邮件,或者特别熟的同事,其实也不用那么正式。
Adam: Right, right right right.
Jenny: 好。那我们今天,干货*2很多呃内容很多let’s get started.
Adam: All right so where should we start?
Jenny: 呃我们,写X邮件或者收到一封邮件的时候,最先当然收件人是谁啊。Who are you sending this to? 但是接下来,你的主题邮件的subject line是什么。
Adam: Rights right. And often the email software will remind you if you forget to put a subject line. “Are you sure? You don’t want to subject line?” If it’s to a really close friend it often doesn’t matter, because maybe like I texted you earlier and said “hey, I’m gonna send this by email,” but usually when we’re sending something we want to have a subject line. Why am I sending you this email, why should you open.
Jenny: 好。那我们写英语的这个邮件subject lines时候要注意什么呢?
Adam: Mostly just be clear, be concise. Can I just apply this to anything that you are ever going to write.
Jenny: 说得很好。但是我觉得对于邮件主题就更重要啊,因为你这个邮件的主题如果不能告诉对方,你为什么要写这个邮件。Then maybe they won’t even read it, right? 就有很多的situation特别我们有一些听众他是可能做销售的。他的这个工作经常要写很多,我们说什么cold emails,叫我们说cold call*3。对方不知道你是谁,这个去跟邮件主题真的就特别重要。所以to add on to what Adam just said就是你的主题要清晰,然后要简洁啊concise,我觉得另外还有很重要的一点就是要很purposeful,目的很明确。
Adam: Right don’t just be like “hey, how’s it go it?”
Jenny: 对,注视你的这个邮件主题要让对方一看就知道说“噢,运这个你想干嘛”,对不对。然后我觉得还有一个特别现在这个手机办公时代很重要的tip,就是你的主题短一点。这样呢,人家在手机上这个谈出跳出的时候,他就能够看到你邮件完整的主题。
Adam: Right right. Our screens are getting smaller and smaller, so you want to ideally be able to fit your subject line onto a screen onto a mobile phone screen, actually that’s not too difficult, because a lot of subject lines it’s a sentence. You don’t have to say like you know subject, verb, object. A lot of the times you’re just saying you know like “annual report.”
Jenny: 对,对。有的时候那个邮件,它前面会写important的缩写IMPT。
Adam: Oh. That, um, sometimes makes me think that this is spam, haha.
Jenny: 对我觉这个要慎用。特别对方不认识你说你前面IMPT对确实ignore。但我发现有的时候工作邮件因为很多嘛,so I do tend to always read the ones that have IMPT first, 对.
Jenny: 好。那,看完这个subject line以后呢,我们现在看看这个邮件的内容。首先,先称呼对方吗how to address that person. 我们经常会收到这样的问题说,“啊,能不能写dear,能不能写hi,hello”。
Adam: Sure, sure. As a teacher this is the one I’ve definitely encountered the most, so personally usually what I always right ninety percent of the time is “hi someone’s name.”
Jenny: 啊比如hi, Jenny,
Adam: Hi Jenny.
Jenny: Hi Spencer,
Adam: Hi Spencer.
Jenny: 好。我觉得hi呢,虽然听起来是比较casual啊。但是在most这些,我们说的工作场景学习场景里面是OK的。那除非就说对方是比你senior很多,是吧。资历*4比你高很多或者你真的很需要show respect尊重呢,hello比hi稍微正式一点,对吗。
Adam: Yes, yes.
Jenny: 然后,what about dear亲爱的?
Adam: Dear is fine. Um just remember that dear always needs to be followed by a name. So it’s really strange to just hear “dear” by itself.
Jenny: 其实不管是写邮件,还是日常口语的,这个沟通当中,英语都比较少。单单用dear。
Adam: Right.
Jenny: 通常是dear plus the name, right?
Adam: Right right like my grandma called me dear. So it’s weird to have some stranger just saying “hello dear.”
Jenny: 哎我给大家举个例子啊,比如给我孩子的学校老师,啊,甚至校长写邮件的时候,I always use dear, Miss什么。Dear Mr. 什么。那么你要注意你如果用了先生女士或者小姐,后面应该跟他的姓,他的last name, surname。比如Adam叫Adam Richards, so don’t write “dear Mr. Adam.” 如果你起只用他的first name,名字的话呢,就是dear Adam就可以了。
Adam: Dear Adam teacher.
Jenny: 不要那样。那如果你要用这种尊称的话呢,你要用他的姓dear Mr. Richards. Right?
Adam: Now I’m even thinking about those situations where you’re emailing a boss. And you don’t have to include “dear.” Like their title is really enough: professor, so and so director Smith.
Jenny: 对,你这个点很好就是如果他有一个title对不对一个指称的话,你直接用那个指称就行了。
Jenny: 好, let’s move on to our next tip which is the first main sentence in your email. 很重要邮件的opening line第一句话。
Adam: Can I have some money.
Jenny: 太直接。诶,但其实直接也不错。因为我们看邮件we want to save the reader’s time right? So get to the point.
Adam: Get to the point it’s always a balance. You want to get to the point but you also want to show some kind of etiquette here so you know really common one is I hope you’re doing well, I hope everything is well, or this one might be a bit stranger grammatically, but I hope this email finds you well.
Jenny: 对。其实刚刚Adam举的这几个well的例子啊,都是特别好的邮件的ice breaker。很短的一句话但是呢是显示了你非常的有礼貌啊。那我想说你最重要的那个opening line,其实就和前面subject line的tips很像。就是要clear, concise and purposeful. 比如我们学英语写作的时候都会说你要把who what why这些要讲清楚,对不对。你为什么写这个邮件? 你是谁? 你想要什么? 对。
Adam: Right, right. So, all of these are going to depend on your relationship with the person who’s reading the email,
Jenny: 这是真的是很看你和对方的关系哈。要不要写至写。那总之*5呢,try to get to the point as fast as you can这个很重要啊。我有的时候也会用的是I’m writing to怎么怎么样。
Adam: Yes.
Jenny: 帮对方focus说你的purpose你写邮件的目的是什么。
Adam: Right right. And keep that in mind that we do you use that i-n-g verb in there; I’m writing to tell you, I’m writing to inform you, I’m writing to ask you.
Jenny: Yeah, 哎是个写邮件会写信的时候这个时态都是用现在进行形啊。
Adam: Right.
Jenny: 好。Adam接下来你想给什么tip呢?
Adam: Well, I am thinking about my grandma now because of that dear line earlier. And my grandma you know she never sent me an email. She sent me a lot of letters. And they were always written out in beautiful hand writing and they were pages and pages and pages and pages long.
Jenny: But because she was your grandmother, 是吧.
Adam: It was great. It was wonderful. But grandma never studied or never understood that sometimes bullet points can be very very effective.
Jenny: 嗯。就是用那个ji号点啊,符号。特别是我们今天说的这个邮件基本上是professional like work emails,那这个你就不用给对方写企业,这么长na吗? 因为efficiency很重要啊效率,那在读内容的时候,当别人用不了bullet points帮你把重点列出来而且quantify量化的时候 I always appreciate that.
Adam: Yeah yeah so grandma you know you could have simplified this a lot. “Your cousin had a baby,” “your other cousin is going to school.”
Jenny: 不是吧,她是你的grandma。所以她给你是亲密呀。但是你在这个职场上面,我们就需要you want to save the readers time, right? And you also want to make sure that your most important message gets delivered. 所以这个时候用bullet points取highlights最重要的内容。而且特别是你要对方做什么。我觉得这很重要,对吗。而且,其实用bullet points完全不会rude。在这个workplace email, this is actually very appreciated.
Adam: Yeah, absolutely absolutely. Another thing that is very much appreciated I would say almost required is “keep it short.”
Jenny: 特别我觉得现在邮件的功能也不太一样啊。因为我们有很多不一样的这个办公软件对不对office tools and apps,所以很多真的很长串的内容,就可能是其他的比如放在一个文档里面。你的邮件交介绍一下这个context。介绍一下具体要干嘛。多的内容不要放在email body里面。
Adam: Right it can be in the this attachment.
Jenny: 就是在附件里面。
Adam: Rights right. So I do remember reading once that the most effective emails are somewhere between seventy five and a hundred words,
Jenny: So that’s like two to three paragraph,
Adam: Yeah those are good those are good sized paragraph.
Jenny: 对我以前也读过Bloomberg说它就说你不要超过五小节。If it’s like five paragraphs, read it again and cut something down.
Adam: Right, right right right right.
Jenny: 我刚刚正好讲到附件嘛,那我们要怎么跟对方说“请你看附件”。
Adam: Yeah, good question. So usually at the end, we say something like attached you will find dot dot dot.
Adam: Or you could also say I have attached dot dot dot please take a look, but in terms of email language we do often say attached you will find.
Jenny: 把attached放在前面,对不对。
Adam: Right right and then add an ed, to the end. So yeah attached you will find a spreadsheet, attached you will find anything.
Jenny: OK great tip. 好,那接下来我们要给大家的这件建议呢非常非常重要就是:
Jenny: Sounds like you’re screaming, 对不对.
Jenny: 好那刚刚Adam说的是我们要避免用什么东西啊?
Adam: All caps.
Jenny: OK. 那这里的caps就是大写字母capital letters。
Adam: Right. So I think for a lot of you guys this one is easy to follow because a lot of you guys hate capital letters anyway. You told me. It can be very difficult to read when all of the letters are capitals and that is true for native speakers too.
Jenny: 但是有的时候真的会收到邮件这里面,用好多好多的大写。然后,你觉得发生了什么事情。
Adam: It’s even an English student why they wouldn’t understand this very early on, but nobody wants it.
Jenny: 全部大写的正在Adam说的他的那个语气口气就是让人觉得“哦,你很愤怒或者就是叫在大声的教育呀”。
Adam: Yeah, yeah yeah yeah. So just avoid it.
Jenny: 嗯,是。On a related note我的一个tip就是也不要用太多的感叹号。
Adam: Oh yes, exclamation marks.
Jenny: 对这个合用all caps差不多的effect。或者取把所有的东西都标黑bold,是吧。
Adam: Yeah, yeah that’s true. So all of those things: all caps, exclamation marks, and bolding things,
Jenny: Bolding 粗体, 对.
Adam: They can be useful. But NEVER do it for the entire body.
Jenny: 对不要太多。据我觉得你如果要用这些highlight一些内容是可以的。但是 I don’t think they should exceed like ten percent of your email.
Adam: And one exclamation, yeah. I mean so the all caps again makes me think someone is angry. Too many exclamation marks make somebody sound kind of too excited, like it’s a little kid!!! We’re going to the park!!!
Jenny: 还有,那邮件里面用表情符号emoji。我觉得也是avoid because we’re talking about work emails.
Adam: We’re talking about work emails, you know, work has changed a lot,
Jenny: 诶,是。因为比如我们和同事发信息的时候之中短信。其实是挺常用emoji的,比如你要别人帮一个忙,做一个什么是对吧,经常会发一个heart或者flower之类的。但是就我觉短信时OK but don’t use it in email.
Adam: Yeah, agree, I agree.
Jenny: 什么smily face啊什么不要用在邮件里面啊。
Jenny: 好。那我们今天呢,最后还剩下两个tip很重要的要跟大家分享。我说second last你说最后一个X好。My tip is 你写邮件之前,先把自己的目标这个goal,我们要想清楚。然后你整风的邮件应该就是围绕着你的目标展开的。从们最先说的主题subject line,到你比如说你要什么信息放bullet points,然后很重要的就是 of course you want them to reply, right? 或者你需要他为你做一个什么事,所以你这个call to action。
Jenny: 很简单的例子。如果是有deadline的东西,please, could you give me this by the end of the week 或者by this state就这个很重要,就不要模棱两可*6模模糊糊。
Adam: Rights right now you could also imagine the person writing this email is trying to meet with the potential clients. So we you know please contact me at your earliest possible convenience.
Jenny: 而且这个时候呢,你给一些比较具体的targets比较好。比如说:这周、下半周、会上半周,上午有时间吗? 如果是很vague的很模棱两可的内容,do you have any time to chat? 其实对方就that’s not a call to action, 对吧。但如果你比较具体的说哎你在后半周上午有没有时间。Tends to get better responses?
Adam: Right can we find time this week.
Jenny: Exactly. To do a fifteen minute call. You let other person know it’s not going to take a ton of their time, right?
Jenny: 好的。那我们今天最后要给大家的一个tip我觉得也非常的appropriate就是怎么来end your email。
Adam: Right. So we’ve been crushing it so far we’ve written the best email,
Jenny: Yeah.
Adam: But but now we’re at the end, and we can’t just you know let it (boom).
Jenny: Don’t mess up!
Adam: Can mess up now! This is where it counts. So this is where we want to use words like “sincerely” is the oldest one in the book but people still use it.
Jenny: 对,我觉得大家可以存几个进入几个常用的email we shall sign off*7,对吧。就是最后都写完了,比如中文我们此致敬礼*8the equivalent of that. 然后再写你的名字哈。
Adam: Right right. So again sincerely Adam. Another common one is “regards.”
Jenny: Or warm regards.
Adam: Or even best regards.
Jenny: Best regards, 对. Regards就是复数不是regard,对吧。而且这些email sign off呢,你都是后面加逗号然后换一行再写自己的名字。
Adam: That’s right.
Jenny: What about best wishes? 你觉是个是不是比较客气比较formal的。
Adam: I think this one’s fine, one’s fine and of course best wishes is kind of a bridge because you can use this with your friends and family too. Whereas like with my family I wouldn’t say ”regards, best regards, grandma.“
Jenny: 对比较熟的比如朋友或者家人会用什么best。
Adam: Well actually that’s a good point that I was going to say best wishes, best regards but you can say best.
Jenny: Best就可以,对。
Adam: Just best by itself. Even actually I would go as far as to say in many different situations just write best. Best comma Adam.
Jenny: 好, because we all want the best for each other, right?
Adam: Right.
Jenny: OK. That’s from us today, we hope you found this email tips pretty useful,
Adam: Right we should probably give a call to action here right?
Jenny: Exactly so we want you guys to write us emails.
Adam: Do you have five minutes to write us a mini email in the comment section.
Jenny: 噢,这个建议比较好。
Adam: Some time this week.
Jenny: 就用我们今天告诉你的这些tips。Well maybe we’ll select the best one 我们下次做节目的时候 we will announce it.
Adam: Will make a best email or trophy.
Jenny: How about 写得最好的人 you write them a personal email.
Adam: Sure.
Jenny: 好吧。你给他们发一。
Adam: Dear best emailer. I know you’re smart. Smart be please.
Jenny: 好,感谢大家的收听,我们下次再见。
Adam: All right bye guys.

*1:长盛不衰/cháng shèng bù shuāi/ ずっと衰えないさま

*2:干货/gān huò/ 乾物。転じて、実のある話

*3:cold call 売り込み電話

*4:资历/zī lì/ 資格と経歴

*5:总之/zǒng zhī/ 要するに

*6:模棱两可/mó léng liǎng kě/ つかみどころがない

*7:sign off 締めくくる

*8:此致敬礼/cǐ zhì jìng lǐ/ 日本語でいう「敬具」のようなもの…らしい