
英語と中国語を同時に学ぶ! 潘吉Jenny告诉你とCCTV Growing up with Chineseで聞き取り書き取り

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1030 用ChatGPT做的这集节目你还满意吗?

OpenAIが世に放った対話型AI ChatGPTにより現生人類界隈に衝撃が走っています。個人的にも使ってみようかなと思っていたところ、なんと潘吉Jenny告诉你に先を越されてしまいました。




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Jenny: Hello大家好,我是Jenny。你正在收听有应该说ChatGPT带来的潘吉Jenny告诉你嘛。
Adam: Yes totally this show is brought to you by ChatGPT.
Jenny: 没有没有,没有得到,没有得到OpenAI的赞助啦,我们还是开言英语。但是呢,最近这个ChatGPT啊,在全球范围内,yeah everyone is talking about it, 我看美国的这个新闻头条中国的新闻头条,天天都在讲这个新一代的革新,完全会革新技术好像革新我们人类生活的这个智能机器人,是吧。聊天机器人。
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Adam: Absolutely. So we’re talking revolutionary developments in AI technology here, and of course that means that some of the headlines are saying “this is fantastic,” “this is going to change everything for the better,” and other headlines are saying “oh my gosh, this is terrible.”
Jenny: Well, with any new technology there’s because it’s so new, so there are a lot of uncertainties. 而且,基本上所有的事情都有正反两面嘛,是不是。It could be used for positive or negative purposes,
Adam: Absolutely. So one that very positive use, in my opinion, is something I read the other day that millions of men were using ChatGPT to write love letters to their significant others on Valentine’s Day.
Jenny: 噢,这种millions of men肯定我觉得,“哇,二零二三年情人节有救星了。有人帮我X机器人X写情书”。对我也看到那条新闻好像是美国一个什么网站就surveil了,调查了很多男性说百分之三十的男性愿意使用ChatGPT。Like, really? The rest seventy percent must be lying. 这不应该是a hundred percent希望他写吗。只有百分之三十 come on, I don’t believe it.
Adam: Exactly, exactly, yeah it’s crazy. Everybody is using this thing.
Jenny: 好那这个ChatGPT出来以后呢,其实我们开言的同学大家也讲了很多就是how can we use this to make better content, 是吧。然后Adam就是做我们团队第一个吃螃蟹的人*1,他就事先测试玩了一下,然后就让ChatGPT给我们想了一个今天节目,我们应该说什么。而且还让它给咱们做了个大纲,so, for the first time today, we didn’t have to write an outline.
Adam: That’s right. Thanks ChatGPT.
Jenny: 没有没有。其实,我觉得等一下我们可以跟他分享这个过程啦。How it works 你还是要来写东西的不然的话,you’re not gonna get very good answers, right? Very good responses.
Adam: Possibly. I mean it is pretty smart, you can put in some pretty silly questions, and you might still get a pretty good answer, but with a lot of things, it does take a little bit of precision.
Jenny: 对对对,就是你要去训练他嘛。你要train这个模型,对吧。
Adam: Exactly.
Jenny: OK. 那,我们今天的节目如果好的话呢,都是我俩的魅力。如果不好的话呢,就是ChatGPT没给我们好的创意。不要怪我。I sound it so mean. 没有 I think it’s going to be a fun show today 啊. 但是呢还是 let’s go back to the basics. What is ChatGPT, in very simple terms?
Adam: OK so this is the official explanation from OpenAI, we probably should say for the record Jenny that we are not affiliated, we are not related to OpenAI, it’s too bad that we’re not.
Jenny: 我们很有那个先见之明是吧。以后有个公司叫OpenAI会特别厉害。然后我们叫OpenLanguage。I didn’t even think about that. Anyway, 就是现在这个AI界可能非常领先的一家公司哈。What is their official explanation of ChatGPT?
Adam: OK. They say that ChatGPT interacts in a conversational way. The dialog format makes it possible for ChatGPT to answer follow up questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests.
Jenny: 对所以它就是好像比之前的这种AI的聊天机器人。那个叫chatbot是吧,b-o-t。
Adam: That’s right.
Jenny: 就是比以前几代的技术,有一个特别大的breakthrough突破就是你可以跟它有follow up conversation而且它会就像前面说的,它会挑战你不太正确的一些什么prompts啊,或者它会承认自己的错误,我前面讲的不对,讲的不好我还可以做得更好。
Adam: Exactly and of course rejecting these inappropriate requests. Basically saying like “hey man, you shouldn’t be asking a question like that.”
Jenny: 对所以就是在这个人工智能啊,它的智能方面是跨了一大步是吧。
Adam: You got it.
Jenny: 嗯,好。那,诶? 这个GPT in ChatGPT,是什么词的缩写啊?
Adam: OK so a lot of people have been asking this question. GPT stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer.
Jenny: 变形金刚Transformer
Jenny: 我们老百姓non-tech people non-AI people不懂啦。我也是Google来的哈“生成式预训练transformer模型” which means nothing to me but you know if you want to know what GPT stands for there you go.
Adam: Right. The only word I really understand there is “generative,” which is related to “generate.”
Jenny: 啊对,那你这里也要prompt它呀。就我觉得讲到AI讲到这种技术很重要的就是,你问它就是你给它的提示质量怎么样。
Adam: Yes, that’s right.
Jenny: 所以讲到这个技术的时候你也会常常听到这个词啊prompt,提示。那它既是一个动词也是一个名词。
Adam: Yes, that’s right.
Jenny: Yeah because you need to prompt or give it prompts, for it to interact with you.
Adam: Right and so a lot of people over the past couple months have got pretty good at prompting ChatGPT. In fact, I was reading a statistic about Google search trends the other day, and one of their biggest trends recently has been “prompt engineering.”
Jenny: 你是想事业转型是吧。示学 prompting engineering.
Adam: Well when ChatGPT takes our jobs Jenny, I’m going to have to eat.
Jenny: No no I think enough explaining ChatGPT. 我们赶快切到重点。这个ChatGPT到底怎么帮我们做了今天的节目。
Adam: Well, like Jenny said before I was playing around with it. So basically what I did was just prompted it with a lot of our past shows and then asked “what shows should we make next?”
Jenny: 对然后我觉得很神奇的就是Adam给我发了一个list。然后这个列表里面全是中文。然后说,诶,这个这是ChatGPT写给你的中文哈。而且它那个中文是特别的好,就很自然不像不像是机器翻译出来的。
Adam: Right so when I was prompting it, it was actually bilingual. I was surprised when it all came back one hundred percent in Chinese. It actually took a while. I know a lot of people are using ChatGPT, so there have been a lot of delays or service outages, but I just remember it but I just remember staring at the screen and waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, and then suddenly this list of ten things in Chinese popped up.
Jenny: OK. 好。那,你怎么问它的呢,你是给它什么样的提示?
Adam: Well like I just said I just put in some of our recent shows, and then asked “what should we do next?”
Jenny: 然后它很智能的就是top ten。十大列表,everyone’s favorite。
Adam: I think I probably put in ten, give me ten, I’m just used to doing that now “give me ten example sentences for the word prompt“ or ”give me ten things that I should say to Jenny to make her happy.”
Jenny: Oh, thank you. Well, and now this is what we got a pretty good top ten. 就ChatGPT觉得,呃,就是你们之后可以做这十个topic。这十个主题。应该你们的听众会喜欢。基于你们之前做的这些,是吧。
Adam: You got it.
Jenny: 好,那我们来看看吧。你觉得这个从一到十有顺序的区别吗? 是第一个是最好的? 还是有无所谓。
Adam: I personally like the tenth one. So when I sent Jenny this message I said you know we’ve done a lot of these ideas but the tenth one, number ten on this list, is actually something that I would like to do. But I don’t think there was any real meaning, any significance to the order.
Jenny: 呃,OK那,你这个你你认为最好的topic。现在说还是等一下。
Adam: Oh Jenny I don’t know. Maybe, maybe we should ask ChatGPT what to do.
Jenny: 好了好了,无所谓你自己选吧。
Adam: Save the best for last, save the best for last.
Jenny: OK. Well let’s run through this list then. 这一个我觉得ChatGPT给我们的topic。It’s a good topic, but it’s very general.
Adam: Right. ① The best methods for learning American culture.
Jenny: “如何学习美国文化的最佳方法”。其实,你如果想让它更具体一点,对不对。Give you specific ideas 你可以further prompt你可以再问它。
Adam: Yes, absolutely. So you could say “hey ChatGPT, maybe that first one is a bit too general, could you make it a little more specific because other titles on this list are fairly specific?”
Jenny: 对。所以因为我自己也有就是玩这个也有是吧,还跟我的孩子一起啊。我的感觉就是 it’s like opening a Pandora’s box. 因为它给了你一个答案以后诶,yeah like “could you be more specific?” or “why did you say that?” 或者什么你就一步一步这样下去。
Adam: You say Pandora’s box. But it could also be going down a rabbit hole*2.
Jenny: Rabbit hole,对。其实,我们现在都觉得Internet互联网是这样了。你看一个东西读一篇文章看一个短视频,然后,诶,它又给你推一个或者上面有个什么链接你也要一点,对吧。就英语说的掉到兔子洞里。哇,然后一看表已经过去五个小时了。
Adam: Crazy, right?
Jenny: Yeah, yeah.
Jenny: OK,刚刚那个不错,虽然有一点general啊。What are some other suggestions?
Adam: OK, the next one is a bit more specific, ② ten common phrases American people love to use.
Jenny: 哦,“十个美国人最喜欢说的语路”。它就还挺有意思还知道语路这个词。And I think for any content people? Like top ten, top five lists are always good,
Adam: Absolutely, absolutely.
Jenny: Yeah. Well, the next one I really like, 跟吃有关.
Adam: Right. ③ Common terminology, that’s a pretty fancy word, used in American restaurants.
Jenny: 噢,对。ChatGPT写出来的中文是“美国餐馆中,常用的数语解释”。你觉得美国餐馆当中有什么常用的terminology?
Adam: Well that’s pretty much half of our classic lesson catalog right there, isn’t it?
Jenny: Oh stake, pizza, a lot of ordering related stuff. right?
Adam: “Can I get the bill?” “Can I get a water?”
Jenny: OK, moving away from food and restaurants, 我们接下来有一个关于职场英语的页?
Adam: Right. So this thing is pretty smart, right? It knows OK everyday speech, culture, restaurants, workplace. So this one is ④ ten classic expressions you need to know for workplace English.
Jenny: Oh, wow. It’s certainly replacing a lot of bloggers jobs. 是吧? 写博文的人都是写这样的标题。现在chatbot都可以做哈。哎呀,那我们怎么办呀。What will happen to our jobs?
Adam: Well we can ask ChatGPT that as well as show a lot of people.
Jenny: What shall we do? You’re so good. 我们怎么办你帮我们想想出路。
Adam: I will happily retire. ”ChatGPT, where should I retire?“
Jenny: 对,你已经实现财务自由了哈。
Jenny: 好,那接下来的第五个。我现在就对他刮目相看啊。这几个such good diverse mix of topics,我看了都很激动。The next one is about holiday.
Adam: Yes, right. So in terms of the mix, it is a great mix, this one is actually a little bit funny to me, ⑤ ranking of the most popular American holidays. How many do you know?
Jenny: 它这到底啥意思啊。它要rank美国最,什么最受欢迎的节日。然后其中这些节日你知道的拿几个,
Adam: How many do you know? Yeah, yeah so if I were to further prompt ChatGPT I would probably say, “hey, number five it’s funny but it might not be the best idea.”
Jenny: 我觉得它是个interesting idea。我就是 I’m not sure if I’m understanding it correctly. Anyway, I will yeah I will ask ChatGPT after the show.
Jenny: 好,那接下来的这一个呢,就是very language learning specific。
Adam: Right. ⑥ Five techniques for improving speaking and listening skills.
Jenny: 对,对。好,那接下来的这一个呢,I like it, because it’s quite specific?
Adam: ⑦ Common daily phrases used by American students.
Jenny: 对,你看它不是光used by Americans。因为美国人多种多样嘛。诶? 学生常用的。
Adam: Right. So this is probably going to be stuff like “uh... I don’t want to do my homework mom, whatever.“
Jenny: 有可能。Well, you can ask ChatGPT after the show.
Adam: You know I’m going to.
Jenny: “School sucks,” 是吧.
Adam: Ugh.
Jenny: 好的。那,接下来一个又和吃相关了。But this time it’s fast food.
Adam: Right so this is of course one of America’s contributions to the world, American fast food culture. ChatGPT calls this show ⑧ how much do you know about American fast food culture?
Jenny: 对,我觉得它就是特别impressive的一点吧。然后ChatGPT给出的中文是,”美国的快餐文化你了解多少“。问好。就觉得它真的很智能 because it’s a good title like we can just use that title verbatim改的不用改就能用。
Adam: Well that’s the best part about ChatGPT for now right everything that I put into it, I do check, I want to check in Google for example to see if this sentence or this title was used on a different website and it just stole it from the website. I don’t want to steal anything. But every single time, it just comes up with these things by itself, it’s generative.
Jenny: 嗯。它还会给你shopping的建议。
Adam: It did give a shopping, shopping lesson as well. ⑨ Ten tips for shopping in America navigating supermarkets and malls.
Jenny: “如何在美国购物,广超市和购物中心的十个小秘诀”。Come on, this thing is amazing. 而且我现在很喜欢它 because I think it sounds like me. 因为我们的节目标题都是我起的。所以我想你在提示它的时候就是把这个标题弄进去所以它的风格。就是它也一脉相承*3是吧,consistent with the prompts。
Adam: Oh man, did we just accidentally create a Jenny bot?
Jenny: 小Jenny。
Jenny: 对,因为你就是Adam的语言组织方式跟我不一样。所以我们如果把Adam的titles you came up with prompt use those to prompt 那你得到的这些标题又会不太一样我觉得。语言风格上面哈。
Adam: Absolutely well actually to be honest guys. The English titles that we have here were also given by ChatGPT. “Hey, can you please translate those into English?” And most of them were pretty good, I did change a few words, but like Jenny said before a lot of these things do actually sound like they are real headlines from real websites.
Jenny: 嗯,好。我们刚刚已经说了九个哈ChatGPT的节目建议。第十个也是Adam前面说的他觉得最好最棒最quality的一个。
Adam: Right. Now I don’t think I changed this one I’m pretty sure this is the translation that it gave. Awesome quotes from American classic movies.
Jenny: 诶,我觉得 this has some room for improvement. “Top ten awesome quotes,”
Adam: Yeah, yeah, we need a number here,
Jenny: All time favorite quotes之类的是吧。
Adam: Yep, that’s right. But this topic I love.
Jenny: Oh yeah, let’s do these ten for the next ten shows, 好吧?
Adam: Ahh, some of them are pretty good Jenny I do think we could further prompt it a bit and see what it comes up with.
Jenny: 对。其实最近好多跟ChatGPT相关的这个讨论啊,都在说它对于工作的影响。就是哪一些的工作会被取代啊,然后, you know how, how do we actually view this thing? How do we use it? 那,so far我自己用了一个感觉就是 it’s, it’s actually like making me, think more, you know, 就是我要去prompt它提示它,它给我的东西。然后会觉得这个蛮好。那个可以变得更好。所以其实我觉得它还挺对挺帮我refine,you know, 帮我来提升思维的。
Adam: Absolutely, absolutely.
Jenny: 好那我们今天的节目就快要结束了。诶最后我想问一下Adam,你对ChatGPT有什么看法? 就特别是你觉得自己的工作会不会被它威胁到。
Adam: Yeah I think it's really great, I think it's really interesting, I do not feel threatened in the slightest bit by it, not yet anyway. This is ChatGPT version three. Maybe, by the time version six or seven rolls around, I might feel a bit more threatened.
Jenny: 对因为ChatGPT还没有Adam的魅力哈。So hold on to your charm and charisma. That's how we got over the bot. OK但我觉得ChatGPT比我们的那个谦虚很多了。I’m sure it’s a lot more humble than us.
Jenny: 然后呢,不知道大家有没有尝试用一用这个ChatGPT啊,然后你是如何使用它? And I also am interested to know: are you using it to learn English? If so, how? 对,怎么用它帮你学英语是非常好的可以给大家带推荐和分享。
Adam: Absolutely. OK guys thank you so much for listening, and we’ll see you next time.
Jenny: 下次再见。



*1:第一个吃螃蟹的人 初めてカニを食べた人、ファーストペンギン

*2:go down a rabbit hole 本筋から逸れる、非日常的な体験をする(『不思議の国のアリス』より)

*3:一脉相承/yī mài xiānɡ chénɡ/ 【成語】一見ちがっていても共通するところがある