
英語と中国語を同時に学ぶ! 潘吉Jenny告诉你とCCTV Growing up with Chineseで聞き取り書き取り

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888 中国奥运军团太完美!Perfect Team China!




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Jenny: Hello大家好,我是Jenny。今天开言英语要跟你一起为中国健儿加油
Adam: Hey, you can do it!
Jenny: Yeah go go go China!
Adam: Go China.
Jenny: 好,那我们今天的节目呢,当然就要说说现在举世瞩目*2的东京奥运会。虽然我们上周出了以及这个sports idiom体育俚语*3的节目啊,也讲到了一些奥运会。但是我们的听众们说“can you guys please just do a whole show about the Olympics.”
Adam: Yeah, we don’t want to hear any more idioms.
Jenny: 对。因为只有每四年一再解释自因为COVID five years,对不对等了五年才终于赢到了奥运会,so of course we’re gonna dedicate an entire show to the Olympics.
Adam: I’m still an English teacher though at heart*4, so I’m gonna try and put as many sports idioms into this as possible,
Jenny: 对啊,奥运会除了,我们为运动员加油喝彩看他们精彩的表现以外,其实还是有很多精彩的语言点可以来学习的啊。
Jenny: 好,那我们就先从“奥运会”,这个词来说起。
Adam: OK so probably you guys have seen this word many times in your lives that of course is “the Olympics.”
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Jenny: The Olympics.
Adam: Or “the Olympic Games.”
Jenny: 对。所以奥运会呢,用刚刚Adam给的两个说法都可以。但是大家要注意啊,我们最后都是以“s”,复数结尾的。
Adam: Right, exactly. But just be careful it’s not the “Olympics Games,” it’s either “the Olympics” or “the Olympic Games.”
Jenny: 对。因为the Olympics,我们就把这个Olympic作为名词使用了嘛,后面就加s。但上面the Olympic Games,我们是奥林匹克把它做形容词使用。那为什么是复数呢?
Adam: Because there are many games.
Jenny: 对,因为奥运会有很多很多不同的项目,对吧。所以英语里面我们用复数就是we’re talking about all the different sports all the different events that happened during this two-week period.
Adam: Right. And usually we take the city name and then just say the Olympics. So, like we’re in Vancouver ten years ago they had the Vancouver Olympics.
Jenny: Or the Beijing Olympics.
Adam: Right.
Jenny: 现在我们这个summer Olympics在东京, so we call it the Tokyo Olympics.
Adam: The Tokyo Olympics.
Jenny: 嗯。好的,那,我们刚刚说的这些城市当然它们就是主办城市啊,然后这个东道主国家。那“东道主”这个概念我们要怎么说呢?
Adam: We use the word “host.”
Jenny: Oh, just like,
Adam: Just like us.
Jenny: 主任。
Adam: Yeah.
Jenny: 噢或者我们主播也是当hosts,
Adam: Right, yeah yeah yeah.
Jenny: Yeah.
Adam: So yeah, if you come to my home, I am the host.
Jenny: Yeah, so you know Japan is the host country and Tokyo is the host city.
Adam: That’s right.
Jenny: 好。那刚刚也说了这个the Olympics呢,usually it happens every four years.
Jenny: 所以我们说一个事情的频率的时候啊,每四年一次,我们就可以说it happens every four years.
Adam: Right, every number and then period of time. “Every six months.”
Jenny: Tokyo games have been delayed by COVID, has been pushed back for a year, 对吧.
Adam: Right.
Jenny: 延迟了一年啊。而且难their stadiums it has no fans.
Adam: All right the fans have been banned.
Jenny: Fan banned.
Adam: Fan banned.
Jenny: 禁止观众啊。但是还是有一些fans,就是各个国家的,you know the teammates and the fans, I guess participants of that country, and they’re still cheering for the athletes.
Adam: The entourage.
Jenny: 啊这个我们可以说entourage
Adam: Yeah, all the people at all around,
Jenny: In the group.
Adam: In the group.
Jenny: 好,那既然说到运动员the athletes, who are the focus of the Olympic Games. 我们就来看看运动员呢这个概念哈。所以刚才说的这个词athletes是既包括女生,又包括男生,对不对。
Adam: Yeah, that’s right.
Jenny: So athletes, 那我们讲到他们的运动能力呀,他们的实力的时候,也经常会用build their athletic capability.
Adam: Right or ability, athletic ability.
Jenny: 对。那, different athletes represent different countries. 所以我们这个代表什么什么国家啊,就用represent的意思。
Jenny: 那我前面还给Adam看了我们中国这一次,中国奥运代表团的制服,it looks so cool.
Adam: It does look pretty cool. When I saw the picture of the Chinese uniforms, I thought like “oh wow, those are cool.”
Jenny: 对。因为通常这个uniform是我们说的track suits,对吧。就是这种运动衫,至少以前啊,都是比较baggy,比较松松地,maybe not very stylish,
Adam: Right.
Jenny: It has so many Chinese elements, 有很多中国元素比如the collar,
Adam: Yeah the collar was really cool yeah.
Jenny: A Chinese collar and also like the button, like the 旗袍 button.
Adam: Rights right.
Jenny: 这一次的奥运会我觉得另外还有很多国家元素的是口罩。
Adam: Yeah, the COVID Olympics, so there are going to be masks.
Jenny: 好,那说到国家呢,当然大家很关心的就是奖牌排行榜medals, right?
Adam: Right right that’s the most important thing.
Jenny: 那我们怎么说这个排行榜啊。
Adam: Oh there’s a lot of different ways, one word we use a lot is “tally*5.”
Jenny: 啊, t-a-l-l-y.
Adam: Right tally that sounds very British.
Jenny: So the “medal tally”就是奖牌榜。
Adam: That is the current, here the other word we can say is ranking or standing.
Jenny: Standing, yeah yeah yeah.
Adam: Now tally is also a verb here which means to count.
Jenny: 啊,对。
Adam: So you “tally things up.”
Jenny: “Tally all the medals.”
Adam: “Tally all the medals who has the most.”
Jenny: 好。那medals就是奖牌,那我们怎么说金银铜牌呢?
Adam: Oh, this would be the gold, the silver or the bronze.
Jenny: The bronze,啊。
Jenny: 哎,你知道这一次的奖牌they are made from recycled electronics. 很酷,是那个废弃的手机呀,什么电子产品。然后它是给它recycle循环,然后再生,然后把它制作成奖牌。
Adam: Wow.
Jenny: Yeah. It’s so cool.
Adam: It’s very environmentally friendly.
Jenny: 是的。好,那,对于所有的中国人,特别像我们这种身在海外的华人啊。看到自己中国的运动员们athletes they do so well, they give it their all*6, and especially if they win a medal, 然你会看到国旗,特别金牌还听到国歌的时候,这个时候 you’re just so tremendously proud of China and these athletes.
Adam: Right.
Jenny: You know you just feel so tremendously proud of your country and proud of these athletes who worked so hard their entire life.
Adam: Rights right well I don’t want to give it too much of a plug*7 here for Canada but one of the reasons I love Canada, is there are so many people from so many other countries cheering for those countries.
Jenny: 啊,是是是。
Adam: And it’s great. Everyone is totally OK with that.
Jenny: 好。那我刚刚说的这个升国旗奏国歌啊。国旗是?
Adam: The national flag.
Jenny: 那么国歌呢?
Adam: The national anthem.
Jenny: Yeah,所以我觉得国歌是很特别大,我们不能就call it a “national song”。它有一个特殊的词叫“anthem”。
Adam: Anthem that’s right.
Jenny: 好,那我们今天节目的后半段呢,我们就来主要看看这些奥运的项目。首先这些项目英语里面we just call them events, right? Or sports.
Adam: In the Olympic context, yes, but you could also say “program.” Like the figure skating program.
Jenny: Yeah yeah.
Jenny: 好,那怎么说一个国家的优势项目呢?
Adam: OK. Great set of words we can use here, the related idea is to be “dominant.”
Jenny: 嗯, yeah. Dominant就是占有统治地位的,对不对。
Adam: Right, right. So a verb that we could use is “dominate.”
Jenny: Yeah. For example China dominates in diving, table tennis, weightlifting, shooting, wow so many.
Adam: Yeah, I wanted to say what they don’t dominate and it might save time.
Jenny: 所以这个dominate我们后面跟着介词是in对吧。In this 项目.
Adam: Usually. I mean you could say they dominate figure skating or they dominate whatever but yeah it sounds better to add the “in.”
Jenny: 或者,优势项目,很厉害得我们用今年网络很红的viral说法就是,中国在这个项目上面是YYDS*8
Adam: Yeah.
Jenny: 我其实是在奥运会之前不知道YYDS是什么意思。
Adam: Wow they all know what it is. You didn’t know.
Jenny: I didn’t, I’m old OK, I’m old. 然后我一看到上面,看中国运动员拿金牌的这些精彩的短视频然后配置字幕都是”噢,谁谁是YYDS,中国YYDS”,所以我去搜一下YYDS的意思,啊“永远滴神”缩写。然后again it comes from gaming, right? Video games. 英语里没有什么对应呢?
Adam: We have a similar idea anyway of which is G. O. A. T.
Jenny: Goat. 羊吗?
Adam: Right but here it means the “Greatest Of All Time.”
Jenny: Yeah. 所以,你来看到很多国外的社交媒体而诺那位很厉害的运动员他可能就是GOAT,对不对。XXX GOAT在这节项目。
Adam: I just like the animal a lot. 🐐
Jenny: Anyway they’re very incredible, right? Terrific magnificent performances啊。
Jenny: 好,那我们就来看具体的一些项目吧。中国一位很年轻的、零零后的射击运动员杨倩。所以第一枚这个东京奥运会的金牌是射击。射击英语我们可以怎么说呢?
Adam: Shooting.
Jenny: Shooting. 啊所以就是to shoot。
Adam: To shoot it. Yeah a lot of these the names of these sports are really just the bla bla bla ing the verb.
Jenny: 然后ing就变成动名词,是吧。
Jenny: 我们搜了一下这个杨倩啊Wikipedia,还有射击也会看到sports shooting。比如在美国这个shooting是一个问题,对吧。
Adam: It’s a problem.
Jenny: 所以当我们讲到这个体育比赛的射击的时候,英语也可以把它变得更具体一点sports shooting,竞技的这个射击哈。当然像气步枪啊什么,我觉得很少在体育比赛没用gun,它会很具体比如十米气步枪air rifle。
Adam: Air rifle.
Jenny: Ten meter air rifle啊。讲到气步枪,这次有一个新的项目就是团体赛一男一女。
Adam: Are yeah mixed, the mixed team.
Jenny: The mixed team event, right? Mixed就是混合的一男一女啊。比如table tennis,double也是mixed,对吧有混双啊。
Jenny: 好,那接下来中国还有一个very dominant的项目是举重
Adam: OK this is our colleague Spencer’s cup tea*9. Weightlifting.
Jenny: Weightlifting啊。我必须说一下我给加拿大点赞的就是他的转播broadcast特别好。所有的项目都会转。而且加拿大的解说也非常好用中国运动员加油手”wow, tremendous lifting,”然后,
Adam: Great job, China!
Jenny: Tremendous terrific lifting. 然后,我还记得我们中国是第三块金牌是击剑。击剑也是我们虽然没有那么dominant但也是不错的。
Adam: OK yeah I’m trying to imagine all my Chinese friends with a sword fencing,
Jenny: And fencing啊。虽然剑是sword,但是这个大的项目是叫fencing击剑。
Jenny: 好。那接下来看一个中国真的是very very dominant的项目就是跳水
Adam: Oh I was gonna make a joke here about driving.
Jenny: No,
Jenny: I know I’m not good at driving we’re not talking about my bad driving.
Adam: It’s close though driving and driving very close.
Jenny: Diving.
Adam: Diving.
Jenny: 啊。所以to dive就是潜水啊。跳水潜水的意思。
Adam: Jump into the water.
Jenny: Yeah. So这个项目我们叫diving。那,diving也分跳板和跳台。
Adam: Yes, so we have springboard,
Jenny: Board是快板。所以spring是那个弹簧,springboard就是跳板。那么跳台呢?
Adam: That is the platform. So no spring.
Jenny: No spring,因为它是一个hard。是一个很硬的这个台啊,三米板十米台。然后跳水呢,我们是有分individual个人然后还有双人。但是,跳水里面的双人它不叫double。
Adam: Doubles. Yeah it’s synchronized.
Jenny: 因为很重要的就是你这个双人一定要同不。
Adam: Right.
Jenny: Which in English is synchronized.
Adam: Right. Actually a lot of water sports. Synchronized swimming*10, synchronized diving,
Jenny: 对synchronized swimming就是花样游泳。因为也要一个team非常synchronized,对不对。其实我们手机呀,并且经常你在phone你的手机在同步在synching data,是不是。
Adam: Sure, sure sure. And even at work, we use this word quite a bit. Right? You want to be “in sync” with other people.
Jenny: 哎,讲到另外一个要in sync的项目啊就是rowing。
Adam: Oh, yeah yeah yeah you know what that one guy who is just off by a little,
Jenny: 对,特别多人的对吧,双人的、四人的,这次中国女队很厉害啊,四人双桨,我们broke the world record。
Adam: Oh man, nice.
Jenny: Yeah so 赛艇就是rowing对吗。
Adam: Rowing right.
Jenny: Rowing就是说的这个你要去划,
Adam: Yeah yeah row row row your boat,
Jenny: Yeah exactly.
Jenny: 好。那接下来我们中国游泳队非常厉害张雨霏,二百米蝶泳 two hundred meter butterfly she won the gold, and then在女生的四乘二百米自由泳里面 she was part of the winning team, 我们不仅拿了金牌, we obliterated*11 the world record.
Adam: Wow, yeah. So “dominated” is not even enough.
Jenny: 这是把那个元世界纪录提高了,两秒多还是更多,it’s like a huge margin. 所以说obliterated就是完全destroyed the world record呀。So you know swimming obviously very big and very popular Olympic sport, 然后这个里面free style自由泳。butterfly蝶泳。另外一个大项目受欢迎的就是体操
Adam: Right. So this one I think of the Olympics, this is like the number one sport gymnastics.
Jenny: 啊所以体操就是gymnastics。
Adam: Right like this makes me think of ancient Greeks.
Jenny: 嗯,是。好,gymnastics。然后我们中国这次,男运动员anyway won silver in men’s all-around。所以全能我们就是all-around。
Adam: Right.
Jenny: 对,需要都很好啊。
Jenny: 好,那接下来再来看一下中国的,另外一个特别强势的项目就是乒乓球
Adam: Right. So the next two you hear I do not think of the Greeks, when I hear table tennis. Of course.
Jenny: 这是乒乓球,然后羽毛球中国也非常强。
Adam: Right, so badminton.
Jenny: Badminton.
Adam: But this one is kind of funny because it’s like the word moun[t]ain. I always say badmi[n]ton. So badmi[n]ton racket. But some people say badminton.
Jenny: Badminton. Anyway就是羽毛球。
Adam: Right.
Jenny: 好。那,我们最后再来看一个奥运大项就田径
Adam: OK track and field.
Jenny: 啊,所以这个是track “and” field。
Adam: Right, yeah.
Jenny: Track就是跑到,对不对。这些竟赛的项目啊,然后and field,field就是田,田赛。
Adam: Right here on the field you’re throwing things, you’re doing whatever you do on the field.
Jenny: 好。那,我们最后来看看怎么说运动员的状态啊。
Adam: Oh, OK, so usually in a lot of sports like weightlifting, gymnastics, we talk about the form.
Jenny: Form. 比如这个运动员,状态非常好。
Adam: Yeah, in good form,
Jenny: Or in top form,
Adam: Top form, condition is also a pretty good word,
Jenny: Yeah.
Adam: In the other word, I would use a lot with form is “fine.” Just because it has that F that fine form.
Jenny: OK, OK.
Adam: And I often use it to talk about when I was made a mistake “oh I have was not in fine form.”
Jenny: 好。那,其实perform和状态相关的呢,就是状态好的运动员会一直成绩很好的。通常他们就是这个大热门,对不对。Everyone predicts they’re gonna win, they’re going to take the gold, XX热门,我们可以怎么形容呢?
Adam: We usually say about those people they are the favorites*12 or they are favorit”ed” to win.
Jenny: Yeah. As I was watching the uh 四乘二百米自由泳的那个转播啊,那个直播解说员在介绍澳洲队的手说:the Australians they are the massive favorites. 最最大的热门最后they took bronze. 铜牌而已啊。
Adam: OK.
Jenny: 在那场比赛里面,四乘二自由泳的我们中国就是黑马绝对的大黑马。
Adam: Right, right. So you could say dark horse that’s fine. We usually use the different animal, a dog,
Jenny: 啊 the underdog*13, right?
Jenny: 啊,对,黑马好像在英语里确实用underdog比dark horse更多一点啊。
Adam: Yeah dark horse is kind of more like mysterious uh figure. Whereas in a competition, there is the favorite and then the underdog.
Jenny: And you know it’s the best when the underdog stage a huge shock or huge upsets.
Adam: Well yeah if you bet on the underdog.
Jenny: 爆冷*14是吧。所以爆冷我们可以用to stage an upset*15 or to uh stage a shock来形容是吗。
Adam: So it’s you could put the two together but in my mind you stage something as you plan something. It just happened. It is then you just won. But it’s not like you’re xxx “OK guys they’re always planning to win.”
Jenny: 好总是upset or shocked就是爆冷这个意思啊。
Jenny: 好那我们今天节目的最后呢,我们来看一下一些新的而在这次东京奥运会上加入奥运大家庭的项目。So skateboarding。滑板
Adam: Yeah.
Adam: Don’t think about the Greeks when I think about skateboarding.
Jenny: 我也看了skateboarding最后男生女生都是日本赢了。OK so besides skateboarding what are some other new additions to the Olympics.
Adam: OK another one it was surfing.
Jenny: 冲浪
Adam: Basically skateboarding on the water.
Jenny: On the water. 每一次吗, you know they introduced some new games that the host country is good at, right? Japan is good at both skateboarding and surfing,
Adam: And lots of waves,
Jenny: And karate, 空手道.
Adam: I actually I saw that word on the screen, it’s a little bit far away from my eyes, I thought it was karaoke,
Adam: Yeah, I think that’s awesome all go do the uh, you know the karaoke competition for Canada.
Jenny: It’s karate, 空手道啊.
Jenny: 然后棒球baseball
Adam: Japanese like baseball, right?
Jenny: Yeah they’re pretty good at baseball. 然后最后一个you know because they’re trying to get more and young people to watch the Olympics, so young people they’re into extreme sports.
Adam: Right.
Jenny: 一些极限运动很刺激的比如攀岩
Adam: Right, sports climbing.
Jenny: 攀岩就是climbing啊。
Jenny: 好的,那我们今天的节目就到这儿。奥运会马上就要结束了。真的是you know all these athletes they work so hard and you know their coaches their families这么多的人behind them。我一直觉得我们这些观众,对我们来说就是一个it’s such a huge blessing to be able to see them perform, yeah it’s wonderful. 好,那也感谢所有奥运健儿们,为我们带来这么精彩的你们的表现。So happy watching the Olympics, we’ll see you next time, 下次再见.
Adam: All right bye guys.

*1:尾声/wěi shēng/ 終曲

*2:举世瞩目/jǔ shì zhǔ mù/ 世界の注目を集める

*3:俚语/lǐyǔ/ スラング

*4:at heart 心の底では

*5:tally 勘定

*6:give one’s all 全力を尽くす

*7:plug 推薦の言葉

*8:YYDS 永遠の神

*9:cup tea 得意なこと

*10:artistic swimmingに改名されました

*11:obliterate 撃滅する

*12:favorite 本命、優勝候補

*13:underdog 問題外、勝ち目のなさそうな人

*14:爆冷/bào lěng/ 番狂わせ

*15:stage an upset 番狂わせを演じる